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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. Trump lies with such ease and conviction it's scary. He was coherent and didn't rant about low water flow or sharks vs electrocution but didn't answer direct questions even after being asked again for his answer. My opinion of him didn't change. Still a terrible person. Biden looked nearly dead. Wasn't very coherent and said many stats wrong. We need a new guy ASAP. Why would Biden want to run? Why would his wife not stop it?
  2. I wonder how many of you have heard evil Melania talking to her friend? I admit she was attractive and had that mysterious look. And that accent sounds good for a few minutes. Talk aboutva purely finiancial arrangement. All those times she rejected Trump's attempt to hold hands and her fake smiles turning into held back rage looks. No love in the creation of that anchor baby.
  3. I believe ww3 has begun. I dont think I would do well in the ruzzian occupied areas of Thailand. I follow this war to closely via telegram. Telegram has no censorship on the war and drone video footage. Some great strategic feeds. Russia is losing badly. This 3 day operation now has Putin sucking on Kim and taking it up the a from china. Fire another Javelin for me.
  4. My understanding of the concept is a fixed price for air, hotel, and tours. And the hotels and restaurants are legitimately owned by the host country expats. Maybe they use thai tour guides? Thai's must hate this but it seems legit to me. To compete they need to offer better packages. No sympathy from me.
  5. Ive had this on my line many times Very attractive, classy Korean pop star look. I think sometimes its just an AI bit teying to learn things. None asked for money or investments. Recently it happened on the next door app. Like a neighborhood app to post lost cats, and ask for advice on getting help around the house. When i asked what bottlef of canned refreshment was nearby and for a picture of them holding it upside down. They stop. One wven said of you think I'm an AI bot block me. I did report them
  6. Is that really bob smith in his avatar? Wow much better than I imagined!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Some type of testing on edibles so each package is 100mg. 10 mg portions.
  8. The strength of the early edibles I tried from the same vendor and presumably the same maker varied a lot. They were a chocolate bar type in a clear wrapper. Maybe 4cm x 12cm. Some visits they had some with different names indicating supposed strengths. I think it was a matter of the cook testing them and finding out how strong they were. IMHO it varied from real weak to OMG I should've taken a taxi rather than ride on the BTS. This was in Dec Jan of 22-23'. In Colorado the edibles strength really seems to be scientifically formulated and tested to be 10mg per labeled serving and 100 mg max per product. I think that was the law. Best was 2 carmel colored sugar cubes in mom's iced tea. Great foavor profile and effect. From the very beginning I figured the 2 big alcohol companies were going to want to control things. I couldn't believe they let so many stores open so close and street vendors and such. The smell of burning or growing pot is really a negative for my sensitive nose. In Colorado you can smell the indoor grow facilities in a car on the highway, with aircon on, going past at 140kmh. I do think they made a big mistake by not opening the flood gate without strict minimum age requirements like 18 or 20. With all the states, countries that had rolled out legalization why was Thailand so stupid not to cut and paste some legal verbage? Stupidity or just never wanting to admit some other entity other than "Thai" can do right?
  9. Im glad tourism income is 887 of 3400. Let them all suffer. Maybe they will appreciate tourists after 5 years of bad times. Its always about the money im Thailand and tourists dont like that. Corruption at every turn. Cops that no one expects to be cops.
  10. Might as well design it using modern SMPs. Those old pots fail.
  11. 64 and still happy. Did loose the 30% after the vasectomy. So no more over her head on the wall when I want to paint the dogs back. My rule is if it wasn't yesterday its a sex day today.
  12. How can any black people support trump or military is beyond me. Its tribalism is the only explanation.
  13. It's so sad that people, including my uneducated mom and dad support convicted felon, rapist, trump. And don't forget the 34 felonies are for election interference. This whole trump debacle just illustrates the failure of the US education system the last 40 years. Bamd that major media ownership should have never been let to consolidate so much
  14. Was stopped at a light with a T truck just ahead in next lane. Very ugly frim the rear quarter. The crosswalk lines refection on the side doors was quite wavy showing the panels are far from flat. Just an observation.
  15. This case is a document case. Guilty AF. Case closed. Jail time for sure. Next case! Lets go Brandon
  16. I do think it should be a law that spouses cant run for president. I don't think Lots of Americans even women are ready for a woman president. She really pissed my mom off by being called a deplorable. But that was an apt word fir almost half of Americans.
  17. March till end of May this year. Will be needing aircon soon probably.
  18. Why horrible? But surely more smarter than most men including these 2 posters
  19. He was a mercenary by age 22? Doesn't sound like a job yiu would tell anyone about. What a dick
  20. I do think if pot is used in youth it can cause you to redirect your focus on education and things to the detriment to oneself and society. Even more so of its illegal and you consider yourself a criminal and all police are enemies. In my youth under 16, I believe I was addicted to the weak crap of the 70s for over a year. I had to dump all my friends to be able to quit. Luckily for me I was able to break the habit and study harder the last 2 years of HS then on to college. It did take an extra 18 months to get my engineering degree from a top college. Didn't use it at all for 20 years, then occasionally but have never purchased any except in legal Colorado or Thailand. Use it now and again but it definitely lowers my progress towards my goals. I have a very busy life and business, garden, lots of hobbies, to much stuff always needing organizing or repair. It was nice last trip to Thailand, xmas 7 weeks, 2022/23. Ate lots of edibles in BKK and our travels. Wofe hates the smell of smoked bud. Bought and had 10g sent to the village for our 21 day stay. Had to relearn how to roll one. Some farang hobby grower sent it post. Was like 1000 baht. Pot not used by wife's family or many in the village but I am farang and can do what I want. I think it helped me see into village life. While my Thai is very poor I could communicate on a basic level and share or learn methods of fixing, repairing, or building things. Overall I think I am well liked by everyone in the village. Since i am a hands on guy in most all trades I could predict what tool or board the crew would be needing far in advance. I would gather and move tools or supplies to a location then 30 minutes later when the workers needed them they understood why i put them there. Bewilderment and thanks all in the looks i got.
  21. I was going to post this recent info and add that the hemp loophole is threatening alcohols growth. They are concentrating the thc from hemp and putting it in drinks. A very fast growth rate these past few years. 5mg and some 10 mg about 400 baht. Since all hemp peoducts are covered by this farm bill they can sell inamy states but not mine evidently as I tried to order some. https://www.bonappetit.com/story/best-thc-drinks
  22. I thought she was quite cute too. I just assumed she was of legal age. About 26 states in the US consider 16 legal consent age. Many 17 and some 18. The sex trafficking post is in the wrong thread.
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