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Posts posted by Elkski

  1. 16 hours ago, Dap said:

    An absolutely beautiful specimen.

    are there ugly ones?  

    is a reticulated real aggressive?  I'm sure those bites can hurt and 2 meters maybe a fight.  amd serious infection from the bite is probably common.  

  2. omg.  

    7 hours ago, zenobit said:

    If they have "Chang" too, there would be a reason to visit Celona. ????

    omg someone thinks changover  is on par with hinny?   those are big feet.  I didn't  notice until you pointed that out.  but I prefer her to the toad.  I've only been visiting Th for 4 years and bar visits ate not my main activities  but I was surprised some of these  heavies  can make a living at the bars. 

    Heineken in Th is not the same as here in USA.  I think all beers in TH are severely lacking in hips amd malts unless  imported and I'm cheap Charlie and I am not going to buy many 250 baht+ of good imported  beer.  so I try to suffer on one singha a day.    

    • Haha 1
  3. I have no doubt Thai people have immunity to respiratory things because jan 2-7 2020 I had the most terrible bout of fever and coughing  a man wants to get.  somehow GF didn't get it.  No way did  Thailand have zero infected chinese out of the Jan/feb tourists.  Why did government tell provincial health officials to stop releasing  any info before sending  to BKK.  Now trump has done the same thing.  all case info now  goes to White House before CDC.  f me.  

    I dont think the whinners here  are missing the gals because surely there is take out or their hand.  I can only guess its drinking alone that is killing these alcoholics. 

    There are lasting  effects with this covid that we dont fully understand.   A local man here in utah still doesn't have his taste or smell back.  how would that be the rest of your life?

    Damaged liver,  or heart?  scared lungs? Many of you whiners have been taking health risks for years in Thailand so this is no big deal.   

    I'm glad Thailand appears to be doing well.  but USA surely isnt.

    yes there are many other ways to die.  Yes we need to work on reducing those.  

    • Confused 1
  4. Wasn't mr. Gates on the lolita Epstein Express?  We're talkin there's trillions of dollars of backing behind the men that will fall out of this.  I think this would be such a travesty if all the names do not come out. If the girls were 18 wouldn't this have all been legal?  Why would  a gent have to dip under the age of legal consent?


  5. all this  concern by you  farang about the poor Thai people.   so charming.    Thailand did fine before 40 million  tourists.  I have not read of anyone starving to death.  I have heard rumors of a few suicides.    I wish I was in Thailand  now.  but I'm doing ok here in USA.  I'm hunkered down  pretty good.   I bought N95 masks in early February  because I read real news and I returned via Shanghai Jan 21. 

    I think there is a different motive for you  expats.   I think your not enjoying drinking alone.  

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
    • Sad 3
  6. looks like he collected for many years before  his latest idea on how to cash in.  I have heard stories in a small Western desert town in Utah of a  people's basement with all  walls  full of spearheads and arrowheads amd relics on display. People used to ride their motorcycles everywhere they wanted to go in the desert and many still do.  After rains and anytime they would go riding the washes.   I have found 2 arrowheads in my life and I never  hunted  them. 

  7. you sound like a badly beaten and abused dog.  You sound so desperate.  Western women h as ve destroyed you.   once you get Asian fever and meet some quality  ones you wont consider a Western  woman again. You think this is just a quick  emotionless transaction.   I guess it is if you watch  those bride service videos.   Are you the type who goes to the car dealer  amd buys a new car from the first  dealer on the first day?  If so I cant help you.  

    I think a person needs to be happy inside, confident,  before he can find a similarly matching woman.   10 years younger is a good goal and acceptable in most western countries.   Right now you're only worthy of a bargirl vacation.  Get your mind in a better place before you pick a wife. What have you been doing for  16 years?  why do you  need a woman  now.  Just remember a quality thai woman wont want a man who has used the  sex services available in Thailand.   It will be bad enough that they know you  met other Quality women.   get on TF or TCupid dating sites.  join Line app.  list your specifications,  aim high.  Say hi to 100 and  reply to  those that say hi,  toss out the ones who show sexy pictures the first day, and those  who cant communicate.   with today's  translation apps no excuse.   TTalk is a good one. keep talking to 20 of the best, whittle that down to 5 and talk serious with them,  good girls will be quite  conservative but in time they will show swim suit pictures,  if not they are not happy with their body and you wont be either.  take a month long trip when or if travel  is allowed and meet them all.  they will accept this and even get you on the right bus for your next appointment.  

    be real careful!  because you seem like a real fool at this women game.  

    Play this right  and you will soon forget your 18 yr old memory.  

    • Like 1
  8. I have 2 WSM.  I think I saw a version of a UDS on a guys truck in the village.  he was mainly  selling barrels for making charcoal.   but 1 looked like a smoker.    I've  since learned  that no one in the village could afford to buy even 1-2 pork baby back ribs.   Future sister in law has little  home cooking area.   in the village meal prices need to be 20-30 baht.  

    But I would love to cook low and slow if and when I can visit.  

  9. Who has lost all credibility with me at least.    At least they are now open to considering the covid 19 is airborne.  Pretty obvious from the way China  reacted.   pretty obvious to me considering it's a lipid encased virus of such small size.  I never  believed this 1-2 meter distance.   As a hunter who has seen animals bolt at 200 meters from my scent line.  I consider the prevailing wind in my encounters with people outside.  Scent molecules are gigantic space ships compared to a single vivid 19 cell.  I recall one time  golfing and I could  smell 2  boys  smoking pot on moms deck at the far end of the 500 meter fairway.  I do have a great nose.  Not always an asset when in Thailand or even LA or NYC with garbage and sewer smells.  

    • Like 1
  10. it seems like surely there are a people who helped hide MAXWELL  why no mention  of their arrests?

    look at how  many of you guys doubt the womans story in the year  2020.  just imagine  how it was 15-20 years  ago.  Epstein was involved in Israeli sig ops.  He was protected by some big names.  he had videos of all I would imagine and blackmail was the game. As far as I'm concerned if you're on Epstein's black book list you're guilty as f.  

    those  that think HC cares are crazy.  she is  out of the picture.  

    This activity was known about and a. accepted in the elite party circles.   Underage models drinking at parties  was common practice.   We can look closer to Thailand for a modern high ranking example of this lifestyle.  

    • Like 1
  11. Hate the revive such an old thread but are there plans for smokers to be made in Thailand. metal barrels with lids a firebox or even something similar to a Weber Smokey Mountain?   I saw a vendor selling charcoal making drums and one of him he had modified to look like a smoker I just don't know how to teach  future Thai sister-in-law gow to use a smoker for her cooking from a distant  country. is there a Thai smoking web link?

  12. 2 hours ago, mjakob007 said:

     what would be the fate of a passenger testing positive at suvarnabumi upon arrival?

    good question.   free care?

    off to top health care of the World to use your insurance you purchased?

    I dont think there is going to be much travel  except out of necessity.   husbands getting  to family.   rich people fleeing poor situations.  

    who would travel  for work  with this risk.   it's more dangerous than???


    Hazard pay?  

  13. I wonder if those younguns at the covid parties  see this as a way to kill off all the old dinosaurs who have screwed up this World so badly?  Pass the jobs and inheritances on faster.   

    I'm afraid I just don't see a fast way out of this situation.   USA just getting started in first wave.    if there is a vaccine will it be effective enough to instill  confidence?  how long will it take to get 3-5 billion  people  treated.   can your lungs still transport the virus?  It seems logical to me that one could breathe in many virus molecules even if they've had the vaccine and before their body can attack those molecules they can discharge them to other people.  


    It's a scary thought to consider families having to get PCR test upon entry in a country and then quarantine, then another test,  and  test(s) prior to travel. 


    but in 1995 there were no security checks to board airplanes.  And I'm old enough to remember smoking sections on planes. 

    I'm figuring it will be another  12 months till I see my thai gf again.   

  14. it's not Thailand bashing.   I believe it is true, whether the variety is different or the humidity or soil or water  or picking time .  there does seem to  be locals that produce the best tasting  produce.    look at coffee,  tea, wine grapes,  apples, cantaloupe, chili  peppers, avocados, oranges.   they all have there region.    near me we have Hatch chilis,  and melons like cantaloupe  are famous from green river,  ut.  a dry got sunny desert climate.  

    I've seen the greenhouse cantaloupe grows in Thailand.   lots of work  how they tie each melon up and green house to keep the bugs out.   

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