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Posts posted by Elkski

  1. I guess repatriated that's get free  14 quarantine  but would a thai  who elects to travel at this time and returns in 2 weeks get free quarantine?  So your GF would  be put in a room with someone else?  What is the word on the level of accommodations  the government provides?   Is this something a sane man would inflict on his loved one?

  2. Its am insurance cartel.    The ownership of those  companies and how they wrre selected needs to be made public.  It should not just be Thailand companies with no competition.   Prior to covid I paid about 100$ for 3-4 weeks travel insurance with geo whatever. Tell me how much a month  is now in Thailand?  In a country with only two in country cases in the last 100 days covid should not add much cost. 

  3. https://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/748220-k-1-lawsuit-has-been-filed-in-federal-court-today/


    I filed for a K1 in February.   At that time it wS typical to get a visa for a Thai person in around 260days based on timeline tracking algorithms on VJ using people's timeline date posts.    

    One couple on VJ had a interview date in May that was canceled and now rescheduled for Dec 23.  So an 8 month delay or basically almost a doubling of the pre covid timeline. Add in that this couple must have applied 4-6 months earlier than us and I maybe looking at an additional time of 14 months from now.  Adding up the 14 month's plus my current wait of 8 months may mean it is currently taking  22 months to get a K1.   Add in that its not really possible for me to travel ro Thailand at this time and this really bites hard. 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
    • Haha 1
  4. Ok so not much risk of dying if healthy and under 60.  But lots of indications of lasting health effects such as heart damage.  Head of US CDC stated that mask usage may be more helpful than the vaccines will be.  He also stated that if Americans wore masks for 6-12 weeks the virus would be under control in the US.  But you can't believe how ignorant people are around these parts.   Wearing aask for these old timer mormons is admitting science  and the far left are right.  And yiu know science and evolutionary ideas,  big bang theory isn't kind to most religions 

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

    aren't you supposed to always be able to get back to your home country?

    I'm thinking this OP wishes to reunite with  a Thai Sig other without 14 day quarantine.    But the thai gf would still need to do 14 day  quarantine  upon her return to  TH. 

  6. My daughter says insurance companies in CA canceling policies in wake of the fires.  Surely  insurance companies must redraw coastal  risk maps.  Im afraid some of that beachfront property is worthless now.  

    Dod you hear tRump denial of global warming in his recent round table in CA?  He said it will get cold  just  wait.  What an idiot.  He just single handedly reinforced distrust of science and set back the minds of millions of dumb @ss Americans 

    • Like 2
  7. Must be tempting for other employees to emulate him.  You let it go to 15?  Time to  act my man.  Is Thailand really so stupid?  I believe in giving a sick person time off and major sickness can happen.   I recall my first US Company policy in 1980's was a% each month or you got a warning.   I recall it was about 1.5 days a month.  I did use some because there was no penalty if you stayed under 1 day a month and no reward if you had zero.  My biggest deterrent was letting the other workers down and guilt.   

    Maybe have a private meeting with this worker ASAP  amd after next absence have a meeting with all Co workers  so they can express the unfairness of this guy.    If you have a bonus system explain that  the other workers bonus gets lowered each time  someone doesn't pull their share.  

  8. Does the OP imply he has lots of assets and the mom and family know this?  If this us the case and considering Thai people don't plan dor there futures bit live for Now!  They will think its all disposable money  so will expect half or something.  

    I like the idea of not acting interested and no support and see if this brings her back.  Act like the big fish got off the line and let her check. 

  9. Lol.  Really a gut buster.  I'm sure funny over beers on the 19th hole.  Guy probably had snake issues.   Looked so real.  I'm still laughing.   That guy was swinging so hard back and forth.     Reminds me of a story from a long time ago when I used to go water skiing almost every day in Dallas Texas.  Before they made water ski shorts that had straps on the legs my buddy had his mom sew these straps on to some shorts.  We were on a trip to Lake degrey in Arkansas where hid mom lived,, there are lots of snakes on this lake. We had seen several snakes swimming and it was the drivers job to steer away from snakes.  This buddy had a real fear of snakes.   One time ,after he crashed, as i pulled around to pick him up i saw his new straps floating in the water and they reminded me of snakes.  I called out " snake!" And pointed to him.  His reaction was  instant. He looked down in horror and started back stroking  but the snakes kept coming..  i swear he did a 20 meter loop and jumped up in the boat so fast. Of  course he got me back with an April 1 joke.  He had the key to my apartment and he staged what looked like a robbery.  I came home to a ransacked place.  I even took a kitchen knife to explore the bedroom closet.  Never did pay him back.  yet. 

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