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Posts posted by Elkski

  1. your  GF struck  gold.  she will have instant  30% equity.   the condo will be hers in how many  years?  so the mortgage is 3 years  fixed  rate then what?  

    she  could easily find   another man to pay what  was it 13,000? 

    She could  always kick you  out  so you  better be good to her standards. 

    so your  betting 1 good year of retirement that this woman is the one. 

    I have to  think condo prices will be dropping more but the bottom is hard to find.  

    I guess  you have been researching this block for 6 months so you must feel it's well cared  for and a food quality build and  owners?  how did you happen on this deal  before others? 

    it is nice sized.  

    so how are you going to stay in Thailand  as I recall you are 46? 

    how do you earn money? visa.  


    I'm sorry  but this just seems like something a dad would do for a child not his GF. 

    • Like 1
  2. sorry for my typos.  Google talk.  

    I'm not sure of the evidence of higher ups not liking alcohol use.  But if so they tried  one alcohol ban as a test.  I like to have a nice IPA session beer every day.  half the time 2.  I can skip a day if I'm busy.  I'm fine to drink at home. to me it provides  an end to the work day so I wait until after 5 except on Sundays.  On sundays, I think I get bonus points if I drink a beer before noon.  I have to settle for singha when I'm in Thailand and it's a big sacrifice to me.  The other choice is  buying  a 250-300 baht  import can at as few select BKK take out places.  I cant enjoy a beer at that price.  I traveled to Thailand I believe 11 times in the last 4 years.  My very first trip I just kept thinking why do thai men put up with all these Western men using , dating, marrying thai women.   I know it brings  money to poor households In some cases but many men here brag their women make more than them.   As far as the sex capital tittle and the image of old balding fat men holding hands  with granddaughter aged women,  Thai's must hate this. How can the elite get any respect in the Rest of the World.  If I was a western businessman I would suspect most of the Rich Thai businessmen  made their money from inheritance,  drug or sex money, or on the backs of the super poor.   There have been lots of talk and even action (Pattaya) trying to clean  up Thailand's  image.  They say to attract better, more tourists.   If this is what  the top China Thai leaders  think, now is the perfect time. 


    ps.  I enjoy a beer during evening happy hour at nana or cowboy watching the girls arrive to work and buying food and settling in for their shift.  


    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  3. I ask myself why are people so worried about being able to drink? since you can buy drink it must be you need to drink with others?  the way most of you talk there is no life without the beer bars.  is watching life go by from the beer patio  all you have to live for? and having however friendly interactions with much younger women who only value you because you have thick wallets.   

    I know I would be sad living in a condo with no garden to tend, no access to my hobbies,  or workshop.   without bats as md other drunks many of you  have no life.  I can imagine QR codes scare you.   maybe the definition of bad out good in will change in the future. 

    • Sad 1
  4. someone  said a gik had to be secret?  someone said  friend you like to do stuff with?  now I'm confused.   I thought the difference was you take care of a mia noi financially  amd she is usually exclusive, and wife knows but wants it very  discreet.   a gik is just a fwb.  maybe some  lesser  money exchange  but not necessary.   and wife knows  or not. 



    You might as well use a comic book for philosophy instead of the Bible and why don't you guys take it somewhere else.  

  5. ah the morality issue has arisen.   good riddance some say.  government should shut this down.    

    so is it ok for the government to tell a man he can't use his hands for work?  his legs?  or his brain?  some men model.  oh the travesty.    I dont think I or anyone should be telling women what part of their bodies can and cant be used to make bread.  Yes yhere is some sadness and desperation in some of these girls eyes.   but I've seen the same with priests,  car salesmen,   realtors, and financial planners.   it will never be stopped just like airbnb can't be stopped.   an app or chat room forum can pop up new each day.  there will always be a way as long as there is a will.  


    we could start a debate about if legalization could make the world a better safer place.    I'm not a monger mainly because I was aalways such a cheap  Charlie.   I had buddies who would dump half a weeks pay every so often at the men's clubs in Dallas in the 80's.  now those were some fine ladies and real  dancers.   I always preferred  the normal gals who we assume are free until divorce then we are reminded of my accountant buddy who liked the seedy Dallas men's clubs to much.  he said.  "you pay for it ! or you pay for it!.  


    I have seen the bored looking dancers  in BKK.  but some nights magic happens.  just like it did in Denver,  Dallas.  you see a woman who is just so beautiful  amd sweet looking.   something to be said for the selection mostly naked on display at crazy house at say 9 pm.  when every 2 songs girls trade places from the floor because the stage is so crowded.  I tell you it was a little overwhelming for my GF's first time in a go go bar as we were sitting on stools at the foot of the stairs.  not sure she will ever go inside  again. oh and they were naked.    

  6. I wish sound levels in USA would ha e been established and enforced.  Harley's ate some of the worst.   how can they get away with such noise.  I'm tempted to put a loud soundsystem on my truck that sounds like a Harley.  then see what the police can do.  I suppose it's to late now that Harley's numbers are so high.  but 25 ,years as go they could have done something.   they ride in packs and a road 200 meters below me is a popular route for these club rides as well as racing bikes.  imagine a World with all electric vehicles in cities.  

  7. well my state, Utah went from code red to orange so now  restaurants are opening.  so many people in the park. groups  much larger than 10, no masks  hardly anywhere.   Costco food store must wear asks but many masks  wearers store the cheap surgical masks  in jean pockets.  Utah had its highest #cases of 215 yesterday but the officials still declare they see a plateau.    I'm a mountain  climber and it's called a false summit.  I hope  it to m as my false summits . 

    all you naysayers a out the deadliness of this virus need to put your denial in your obit. 


    I still dont understand how Thailand has so low numbers.  it defies logic! but so do many things in Thailand.   

    maybe it's the heat? diet, som tom, peppers, or some prior respiratory immunity in Thailand?  but if even 500,000 tourists a month  start coming I feel Thailand will suffer.  

    if you think this lockdown was overblown,  just imagine what a 2nd one would be like. surely longer.  

    where are all the news reports of people dying of malnutrition?  yes the easy money from tourists is  gone. at least for now.  so  the government should  revamp things amd focus on real problems such  as flooding, drug  use,   China about to stop the mekong river. 

    my thoughts on the Mekong is top 1% ate buying up cheap dry farmland  planning on running major pipelines  that will allow farming of past dry land.   just look at water history around the world.  conagra is on it's way.  rich get richer. 

    All you naysayers need to volunteer to greet the tourists at the airport.  

  8. no word on dormitories.   

    were these 11  positive before transport?  were there others on the plane? did they know?  are they now in 14 day quarentine?   just wait until they open up  for international travel,  the almost safe Thailand will be back in the deep chit.  taxi drivers will get it and then some nightclub will spread  it bigly.  and it may be a more virulent strain this time.  

  9. Have you already bought the small lot?  at least it looks like there is a fixed-size lot there that you have to build inside.  

    think about flow.  

    in the house from  car with dirty shoes, wet rain  costs, umbrellas. 

    carry in groceries, amd you have to walk all across the whole house.  

    google triangle  kitchen design. Sink, refrigerator, stove should be in a triangle and only two or three steps away from each other.  what about a food pantry.  

    I dont see a North arrow on the plans.  House designs should take into account the suns arc.   this is #1 in Thailand.   I have only visited Thailand 11 times and I do not plan to live there but at one time I was reading all of the house building Forums on Thai Visa plus another website.  I was convinced I was going to use the energy efficient blocks possibly a double wall,  massive overhanging roof.   I was thinking single level because I was think lot size  wasnt an issue.   


    oh one more thing is how is city water  supply pressure,  quality.   can you add RO system and drink it?  will you need a storage tank amd pump.  are you planning on hot and cold water  or just point of use  heaters  in showers and sinks?

  10. garage way to small, depth and on sides  of cars

    what  about mud room, coat closet at garage entry  area. 

    I dont read thai but where is  laundry.  

    I agree  think about the roof.  how does all that water get down off roof between two balconies  above the front door. that's like the deadly narrow slot canyons of Utah. no way could a roof not leak there.  to complicated for any roofer laborer unless it's his house. all roof to wall  junctions are high leak potential. 

     how big is this family?  so many bedrooms.   

    I agree with your US architect.   think about gutters and site drainage.  have the gutter company do there design then add them in  rendering.  renderings are cheap in Asia.   but I want to see how gutters look above front  door.  what type  of cooling will you use?  mini splits?  think about line set length,  condensor locations.   on balconies? max line set length is 65 or 85' on LG,  I seem to recall,  from my first and only design and self install.  

  11. 4 hours ago, ftpjtm said:

    Then why are schools closed, beaches closed, no alchohol allowed to be served at restaurants, islands closed, a state of emergency extended, interprovincal travel restricted, and why do a litany of other regulations remain in place which deny Thais to earn a  living?


    It seems from the government figures that the ban on foreign arrivals is all that's needed. 


    Let Thais get back to work!

    remind me how to block stupid guys like anton.  

    Many Thais are back at work.. but with no tourists,  Samsung leaving, orders down, demand down,  many dont have work.   get used to it.  billions of people have learned they can save so much money and enjoy a simpler life.  imho the excesses are gone for a long time.   Only fools or those who cant cook will be going out to eat at fancy restaurants and bars and paying 3-10 times the  food or beverage prices to wait for service,  sit next to strangers, eat saturated fat foods.  Now that we know how many ignorant SOB there are in USA.   I just wish people had to get a permanent trump  stamp or virus   naysayer tattoo on there forehead so I could not waste a word,  or benefit them with my business  until I die. 

    • Like 1
  12. lucky and fortunate.  

    asians  wear masks and after some initial waffling,  remember that, masks were suggested and the country seemed to have masks unlike USA.   no hand shaking. high pepper consumption.   I dont believe more sunbathers than Oz or Vit D BS.  perhaps this wasn't the first time a virus like this was in Thailand.  Some sort of immunity?

      no handshake and hugs or cheek kisses. 

    tell me BTS open for so long was smart.  

    I think it was just lucky that the sick chinese cancelled their trips. or didnt plan to come.  I wonder how many last-minute cancellations in the flights there were from China?  I think it's a little early to be bragging about any one country,  this is far from over. 

  13. it's nice to see awareness like this.   maybe in 40 years  there will be a different attitude.   I remember the time I did the boat crossing of the Chayo Prya near the Royal  temple.  the amount of plastic trash per sq m was astounding.   much if this starts many km away from the ocean.  all the dumping in the kings amd even streets of BKK eventually get to the ocean.  

    First order of business is to have trash cans everywhere and putting trash on the sidewalk should be considered littering with 1000 Baht fine.   if the police need to make money they need to just go to intersections and stop people who throw cigarette butts out 1,000 baht 5 times and it's 20,000 baht 

  14. well this is a good outcome.

    it is a warning for us all no matter who we are with,  or where we live.  

    #1 rule I have learned  from TV is" Be worth more alive than dead. "

    I guess #2 is use the buddy system to check on each other.  


    maybe with some food nutrition amd maybe some meds this guy will be back for his dream.  


    it seems if Thailand is wanting to have the image of a health care destination the police should look into this.  Doesn't Thailand  understand negative press?  I guess it takes sinking ships to bother them. 

    I'm glad everyone here  has an honest wife.  what counts is the story  on our last day as a living carbon form.  so don't get all uppity just yet.  

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