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Posts posted by Elkski

  1. I believe 40% think tRump did ok.  I read the comments on our local news stories  you cant believe how  many people think the virus is not real.    There were two companies in the County south of me who required workers to come to work even sick.  And suggested workers not talk about the virus or if they tested positive.  One company was a  roof truss manufacturing company and the other was some kind of energy bar manufacturing company.  Many workers at these places of employment got the virus. It was in the news that two companies violated many state  Covid rules but they county health agency would not name these companies until finally the local media lawsuit went through this week, 3 months later.  Using a FOIA document request the media even found an email where the health department boss sent out an email warning their employees about these two companies but to keep this quiet and private.   When you read the comments you cannot believe how many people think it was government overreach to try to tell a company how to run its business and a travesty that they revealed the names of these two companies. Comments like government has run roughshod over the company. You must read these comments on all these covid related stories to understand the true feeling s, beliefs,  and brain power of the vast majority of Mormon people in Utah. 


    read the comments.  


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  2. Just think how hard it would be to pull all this off as a US person wanting to visit his spouse (which I think means legally  married  not just a Mooban wedding) and considering time changes, possible flight delays, language barriers. 


    I have to contact Thailand embassy, get on the list, get initial ok, then book flights and quarantine room, show thai embassy this and fit to fly, get final approval.  all in 72 hours?  no way Jose!  as we call the impossible.  

    Schedule  a covid test  72 hours before flight time with results taking 2-5 days or more. positive tests are called  first. Maybe they mean get test results prior to Doctors appointment so test maybe 7-10 days old prior to boarding.  Free tests are ending today end of June in Utah is what I read  but I cant find the link. my Buddy was charged 1900$ for a  covid test prior to a surgery he had.  PcR testing isnt free.  I h as ve not heard of 4 hour tests but that's what the World needs amd lots of them. Test everyone like China van do.

    Im guessing doctor will cost 150 $ for a fit to fly letter.  Are airlines letting people cancel  free?  Or do we have to book the much more expensive cancelable flights?  

    Even if I had married the GF I don't think I would be planning a visit till mid 2021.  Our best best is she get her K1 visa in quarter 1, that we started in Feb.  I figure 4 months delay  as of now.  Hope the Bkk embassy opens for interviews soon. 


    UPDATE: for those that  dont read the news: Case numbers are rising  quickly in many countries.  Thailand is in this Magical bubble.  Somehow.  I TV think som tom or genetics?  

    USA is just now growing cases fast at over 40,000 per day.  How do we have 25% of the World's cases but only 5% of the population?  I guess the people I thought,    are this stupid. 

    oh and Dr Fauci doubts the  USA will ever get herd immunity since 25% are antivaxers. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/fauci-warns-us-unlikely-to-reach-herd-immunity-if-many-americans-refuse-vaccine/ar-BB166iTk

    And the scary inference here is he will be happy if the vaccine protects 70%.  I think that means  there are any versions  of this virus?  Sire hope Thailand doesn't get the European strain  like NYC  did. 

  3. 200 a day coming from all over the world would be just like 10 or 20 per plane. 

    what's a  private  car?   A rental?  a day taxi? how do manage the 200. you get on list amd they say ok ghost is your day so then you need to make flight reservations.   And if you can't get  a flight you tell  them no so they can contact next on the list. 


    I cant imagine anyone figuring out the logistics of this. 


  4. rubber from  trees?  I bet 80% of Americans do not know rubber comes from a tree.  I explored this agricultural phenomenon in Thailand and just standing around at a rubber drop-offs point I was offered to buy a rubber plantation.   I think many wish they didnt plant rubber trees during the fad.  so much work to harvest, during the night.   can you imagine this job.  I think teak or rosewood would have been a better strategy crop. 

  5. Rooster, so I read about the beautiful Thailand that was.  Your not objective anymore.  2 mentions  about Burmese so I had to go find it.  yes it appears Thailand has not been truthful.   They say no new cases but they act differently.   


  6. This guy said what I think many hiso wanted to hear.  how do all those 5 star hotel  private  beach complexes survive before.  obviously people with money have been supporting these places.   I had an opportunity to  stay at a few of these resorts in Phuket  during the day only. Details not important.  but the beaches were kept clean,  private docks so guests could  book trips to do anything.  A very relaxing quiet,  clean vacation  can be had.  amd if no pleb tourists that means less traffic and quicker shuttle from the airport.  less wait at restaurants.   maybe snorkeling without 6 boats with 50 loud, reef stepping people each.  I think this guy is serious and I think this idea is attractive to hiso.  Many people are unemployed now so what's the difference going forward hopefully they can slowly find other means of employment.  The major flaw I see is that covid19 does not know how thick ones wallet is and as soon as we have outbreaks at a few of these Resorts then what?

  7. one gent says it's best time  for playing with ladies in 10 ,years.  low prices,  just use apps.  . 

    here in Utah  my life is good. I'm doing many things around the house.  to busy to fish. Biking  lots.   we had our highest daily case number yesterday. 500+.  many places having highest numbers.  Florida had 2000+ YESTERDAY.  When the president is in denial many of his believers believe him and don't believe the virus is dangerous. I see many older people in the stores without masks, many stores do not require you to wear masks.  They never checked temperatures  anywhere. restuarants could open May 15.  Death toll is published daily.   Utah running at 0.9%.  5000 tests a day, positive rate  approaching 10% up from 5%. at least in Thailand they enforce the rules and people listen to the rules more than here. Tourism might account for 20% of GDP in Thailand but 80%  of GDP without covid-19 is much better than what it would be if there is some tourism but disruption with so much covid-19.   this would be worse than a 20% cut in GDP. 

    It's been 5 months since I left Thailand and I'm missing my girlfriend a lot. Chances are probably best we will get her K1 visa and come to see me before I can travel to Thailand.  But it possible she sees all this racism and protests, and may not want to come live in a country  that looks like chaos. many of my thai friends  see USA in the news and their impression is not good.   

    I believe the thai government is enjoying there strengthening grip. All the leaders and HiSo like their current lifestyle.  Money  and a low covid Thailand  with  high baht is just fine to them.  Low traffic for the BMW or Merc.  Most likely most of them did not approve of Thailand being the sex capital of the world and having to see all these bar girls walking around with old fat white guys.    I think Thailand is fundamentally changed going forward maybe for the better. 

    • Sad 1
  8. no mention of race so I guess all Thai.  

    I was never one to enjoy a party past 2 am and that messed up my next day.  thai clubs to loud for me and smoking allowed.   20 years behind common sense.   maybe the drug use was discrete?  since a low % purple.  I don't suggest anyone travel to Thailand anymore but  when I did advise people I told them make sure you don't smoke marijuana before you go to Thailand in case you have to pee on a strip.  

  9. if the husband was  working  chances are he was not able to come back into Thailand the last 2 months. so maybe 3-4 months of hunger.  Can you blame her.    This is a good reason to have a 20,000 max set on her ATM card.  I wonder who the daughters father is?  Sad she invited him to  the house but probably not the first time.  I think this is very common.  

    I was driving with a Thai woman near Udon Thanni and her 17 yr old daughter and she pointed out several big farang  houses, and as we drove by one big one she said this woman has lots of men visit the house and the whole town knows it but they dont tell the farang when he returns.  Telling me this in front of her daughter had special meaning  to me.  Take it how you want  but it's common. Remember the house is probably paid off and is the ladies in these deals.  

    • Sad 1
  10. I remember when the first estimates TAT was saying was there would be a reduction to 30 million Travelers this year.  


    I've  been thinking a lot on how would this 72 hour health certificate work?   so I need to take my test at 5 days because it takes 2 days to get results in America right now, so at 72 hours before my flight my doctor sends me a medical certificate. But I would not want to have non-refundable airfare or any hotels or tours anywhere in Thailand that are not 100% refundable so I hope all the hotels and tourist reservations such as dive trips,  etc,  and airlines are allowing for free cancellations at 48 hours prior.  No way would I do a solo 14 day isolation  in a hotel room then 14 days upon return.    and what your home country  wants a 72 health  certificate.  There's going to be testing and doctors available in Thailand and what if you test positive and can't return home?  Basically without a vaccine, which also is unlikely to remain effective as this virus will mutate,   the world is screwed.  I think sponsor money is going to dry up as more men realize this situation

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