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Posts posted by Elkski

  1. Anut in the little man  is to blame for this.  Just like trump he made it seem ok to act out on your  prejudices.   DOESN'T the thai government or TAT have competent PR people working for them?  Obviously not.  This and the boss escapade and many others sets back the thai Tourism industry to the tune of billions of baht.   They just seem brainless.  Same same the monkeys who went  crazy with no generous tourists. 

  2. Good reminder for us gents to get things in order.   I'm guilty.  

    I think its unfair  to accuse the wife  of anything for seeking what is legally  hers.   

    Who here would just walk away? Honestly. 

     The grandkids are the sons responsibility.  He made his own  mess.  The deceased has other children besides the son who had children with  a thai woman. 

    Good luck.   I think you got some good advice.  

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  3. As many expats have expressed in other threads,  now is a great time to travel and enjoy Thailand.   I see all the IG babies posting travels to resorts with no one around.  It looks like the Thailand of 30 years ago.  I think the hiso are enjoying this time very much. Low traffic in BKK and more privacy at nice restaurants,  etc.    Any one o know in Thailand is getting back ti normal, school is open WITH N OUTBREAKS!! , school directors are back  to golfing and training trips with co workers.   Dentists offices are open and the docs don't have to take ti much risk even with foreigners because they have not been able to  travele recently.  Everyone but those in the tourist industry are happy.  Rice is growing  baring the flood die offs and needs for replanting.   Maybe taxis will not deny fares from thai people now.  Because its a fact they did in the past.  The proof is how you see even Thai people  ask through the front window when a taxi stops when it should be you open the rear door and get in and the driver is expected to use the meter and take you  anywhere you want to go, within reason.  Maybe not a 5 hour trip.    As it is the young people,  especially the educated ones and not going to stop protesting until they get some rotten wood out of leadership and a new constitution.    The leaders know an outbreak  now by opening travel would cause massive civil unrest and destruction.   

    Sorry married expats but its not looking good for you.  Perhaps a faster reunion can be had by getting a visa for your family.   Im glad I started the K1 visa in Feb but I fear the usual 10 months has grown to 14-16 .  Perhaps our reunion will be on the west coast?  Or maybe in a nearby country.  I still say this was one of Tina's  best written statements.    Just look at how stupid the western leaders and populations look.  


  4. I only started coming to Thailand for years ago and everyone says it was at its peak and prime 15 to 20 years ago so why is this drop in tourism so badd for Thailand now?   I think 10 million visitors each year is plenty for Thailand to handle properly.   Yes many people are going to have to find real jobs.   There will be pain but if they do things properly Thailand can become a better destination. 

  5. IF tourism is 20% of GDP.  What % of people have returned to a normal or near normal income?  50-70%? 80%?  I think many Thais are enjoying their kingdom without traffic, tour busses and noisy crowds of Chinese  at every tourist  spot. Thwy can now go to the doctor,  dentist,, or hospital  with close to zero chance.  They are enjoying lower prices and almost zero risk of locally catching covid.  Why on earth would these people want to take on an almost sure covid risk so 20% can make easy money?

    Wasn't the poll 95% against opening for tourists.  I believe  this.  I think if covid comes  the people will finally rise up and  toss out prayut and his military leaders and he knows this. 

    We read 2-3 times a week about expat cases arriving with covid.  No way is the public going to accept anything less than 14 day quarantine.   I sure wouldn't travel to Thailand with a 14 day quarantine if I didn't have a long term  GF there.   I would go to Mexico or the Caribbean. Or I would meet my GF in a nearby  country we both could visit.  

  6. 2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Pretty much confirms it was not an accident, does it not? The chances of this being an accident, are about on par with the chances that Epstein committed suicide. 

    I think the phone was the target , death wasn't  the goal. I think they were worried with all the press and public uproar that  Jaruchat would be scrutinized and buckle so they wanted the phone. The fake drinking buddy routine (Mackey fin didn't work fast enough) was a ploy to grab his phone.  I think the plan B was someone would  come off the sidewalk and grab Jaruchats phone when he stopped in the street next to his new drink buddy.  Maybe they were both going seeking whore's. 

    But he crashed  instead.  These thugs know the exact blurry spots between CCTV and they knew the phone and Jaruchat were lying in plain view so they couldn't rush to grab the phone.  So mafia boss in CR called on his next guy Lan to go get it.  Surely it would cost chump change to bribe  a nurse or attendant to gain access to Jurachats personal Belongings.   

    I'm sure ASis or dtac had already been notified by BKK mafia to lose it. So the phones record is the last lose end.    So I wonder if Jurachats payment was made before  or planned installments.  Need to check with his regular gals to see if he was seeking their services more recently.    Considering a killing can be bought for less than 10000 baht I don't expect this was a big payout. 

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  7. Thailand should have made some of these reef areas sanctuaries decades ago where no fishing is allowed.

     I saw a remnants of nets and I could see the drag lines in the sand at  the dive sites near Koh Phi Phi just a few years ago I believe the fishing trawlers go up to the reefs every night and drag for fish and sometimes break off hunks of coral and you could see the drag marks and  the snagged coral chunks  drug  out into the sand.   I have since told anyone that dive sites in Thailand suck.  From what I understand and the presentations I've seen Thailand had very nice dive sites 20 and 30 years ago.  Then you can't have 10 cattle boats with 50 Chinese and tourists mostly  unskilled at  swimming and snorkeling many standing on the corral for pictures.  Sad to see.  


  8. You guys think the plot is to simple.  We all knew these latest  2 witnesses were fake.  So knock him off and  let's steal his phone because  we will get a big reward from Boss side  or a rival mafia group.   Surely  enough money to retire.  Chump change for the boss hog red bull clan.   Surely they will help my political career.  I will be in the big leagues is what small fish Lan was thinking.   

  9. Water management  is such an art form especially in a country that can receive so much rain in short periods. 

    There isn't enough structures to control Thailand  and so much low lying land.  Without flooding the land will need manage nutrients.    With acceleration of climate change all past data is  not so helpful.   


     I should add I don't feel too much sympathy for people who live in a flood plain

  10. There is no scientific data that there ever will be herd immunity.   Please post of you are aware of any.    


    You say they go to 14 day quarantine do no worry but they are in a room  at a hotel.   What about the room next door.  The bus driver, taxi driver, airport  contacts?   What about room service or  maintenance  staff at the hotel.  I hope  Thailand doesn't ever get a real 1st wave of the bad strain ot all you naysayers are going to  be eating your words.  What is your motivation  to throw  caution to the wind?


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