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Posts posted by Elkski

  1. I cant imagine being so crass as to admit you didn't read the OP but still leave a comment.   That's an immediate block from  me. 


    I say dont waste money on a DNA test. It will be better just guessing it's not yours.   Sin sod is sought after and gives the family face even if 2nd marriage I have been told by several nice thai  women who talk to me truthfully.  I actually devoted 20 hours research on this topic.  But in the end if mom thinks your a nice catch  she will gain enough face from you taking care of her daughter so I say pay no  sins unless 90% for show.  If family insists on sinsod run.  Now you see where daughter  learned this money grabbing trait.  

    50 000 is ridiculous support. 5,000-10,000 is plenty.  10k on the generous side.  

    OP sounds like a real nice guy but also a workaholic fool.  5 years in Phuket and no free pussy? 

    OP was a fool from day 1.  I say just run and get this bad experience out of your mind.  Find a super quality women next time who will be gentle on such a type  b wimpy man.  

  2. That was a royal  understatement!

    No admission that this virus  insult to our lives might last longer than you thought  or was a bit more  chewy than you claimed prior.   

    I wonder how poetic the prose if that skyline loft resembles a prison   in lockdown  after a few to many cases hit a few of skylines? Yes it's nice that the greed it shinning to all now even the R.  Let hope we get to save a paper soon topic our latest vocab lesson!

    • Sad 1
  3. I think it is terribly unhealthy the way meat is cut up amd sold in Thailand.   If you dont agree then your uneducated on food safety.  Flies all over the market  meats.   Open unrefrigerated trays or bins of meat at the big stores.   Luckily it is very fresh.  The food hygiene should be improved.  As well as testing of holding temperatures of street vendor food.  I do eat it.  Luckily my gf is very picky about where she chooses to eat.   Why would someone argue that its bashing  when we see the obvious 3rd world butcher shops here.  Up at Doi Suthep  there was even a mobile  motorcycle pork butcher.  He had one of those super sanitary tree ring butcher blocks strapped on the rear  seat.  Saddle bags with pig quarters and bags of meat.    The things I noticed  were  no gloves.  After weighing the cuts for roadside vendor customers  he took the scale off the ground and set it on top of bare pig quarters In One of his saddle bags. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Assurancetourix said:

    Thai statitics ? 


    0 + 0,3 + 0,7 + 1,7 + 5,7 + 16,9 + 24,6 + 24 = 73,9 


    it should make a total of 100; but that doesn't do it; phony figures as usual ...


    What I write comes from here, it is written by a Swiss doctor on his blog;

    it's in french but your friend Google traduction will help you 


    " We know today that Covid-19 is benign in the absence of preexisting pathology. The most recent data from Italy confirm that 99% of deceased people suffered from one to three chronic pathologies (hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancers, etc.) with an average age of victims of 79.5 years (median at 80.5) and very few losses below age 65. "






    I dont think the science agrees that this is benign if you get this virus.  There are many cases where people have permanent lung damage after recovery.  I was on top of all the initial pandemic predictions since jan 25 and I believed  it enough to meet my FP amd go 90% cash.   Yes the normal flu kills more but I have never read about any permanent disability if you  were one of the 99.2% who survive.  With the normal flu you could have 1 sick person in the family and no one else got it even if you cared for the sick. 

    I never understood  how Thailand escaped an explosion in late February.  I initially suspected  government hiding the numbers but I have a nurse connection who was in contact  with 2 cities and they were not being slammed.   So it must be the two major strains and the Italian strain has now arrived.  

  5. i just have to say it is good many of you old gents are talking about these topics... I do have to say your about 2 months late to the party. Some of you are very behind in your thinking... at lease i didn't read anyone say but its just the flu or look at all the road deaths, blah blah blah,  i will give you advice that the best news is by using twitter and getting reports and links to the lancet studies and first hand accounts from Doctors from china and elsewhere and all the immunologist.  twitter app loads blank so its important to follow the correct people.. I would suggest searching covid19 and start reading and following people.. if you intelligent it doesn't take long to figure out who is smart and telling the truth.. I follow tRump just for fun.  A bit about me and why I have spent hundreds of hours reading about this topic.  I flew through Shanghai PVG Dec 26. on my way to BKK. 5 days later I had all these symptoms for 5 days. I have a thread about this but everyone figured the normal flu... I didn't pop my Zpack which was the main attack I faced.  Overuse of antibiotics.  Anyway Jan 21 i flew back though PVG wearing a N95 mask all the way. hardly anyone wearing a mask and at least 3 nearby people coughing bad including the lady next to me. I flew thought Seattle the day after the first confirmed case... Not a temperature check or anything... I knew we were screwed. 

    I tend to have jet lag after my trips, partly my fault as i look at my phone and start lineing at 2 am.. for 10 days I never slept more than 2 hours at a time as i read more and more about China and the virus my anxiety grew.   I was smart enough to go mostly cash in my investments. I should have been smart enough to short cruise ships hotels and the spider.

    If you guys keep relying on major news you will never learn the truth... 


    I forgot to add the 2 strains have been validated by more than one lab using DNA. very old news. 

    One more interesting finding is the virus was detected on surfaces in 2 cruise ships 17 days after people vacated the rooms and some rooms where it was found had asymptomatic people . no wonder China and S Korea wash the streets.  


  6. 35 minutes ago, ukrules said:

    Thais are being 'isolated' in the home when they return to the provinces.


    I know someone who went home in the middle of last week before the mass exodus which was obviously coming happened, she went to Sakhon Nakhon via Bangkok and arrived home late last week.


    I provided her with a proper N95 respirator for the journey.


    She was at first required to stay in the village - no travel to other villages, then the masses from Bangkok started arriving Sunday and Monday and they stepped it up a couple of notches, everyone who's returned should now remain at home for 14 days and not move around the village at all.


    When they're at home in their 'isolation' they're staying with the family who are not restricted from moving around at all.


    Not restricting the family during the 14 day isolation period is where this system falls apart and fails.

    This is my main thought.  Staying at home with how many others who go about their lives.    It is going to hit the elderly in the villages hard I'm afraid.    Let's talk as bout how you can delete this app.   What's the time for your phone running out of battery.  Just buy a  500 baht burner phone for the app.  Bring an old <deleted> phone.  I'm not saying to avoid the quarantine but no one is putting a tracking collar on me.   Funny he went to pattaya.   That's the kind of understanding wife you come to Thailand for. Dont judge people.  

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. Stupid naysayers will soon be enlightened to the severity of this virus.   And hygiene in Thailand is not very good and saying this isnt a direct attack  , it's just noted.    Same with Chinese.   They had that record setting attempt for biggest meal gathering in wuhan  right at the wrong  time.  I have eaten with Chinese at a table with a rotating center and no need for using a separate serving spoon just grab a taste and if good grab a serving

      Same in thailand . Maybe same In some western families but deadly now. 

    • Like 1
  8. You didn't  say your ages or it other health  issues or smoking  history.   I would say if under 55 go cautiously but they ate finding permanent lung scarring in some % of recovered  people.  Plus some dont get sick much others says its bloody hell.  

     Send a gift  and money .  

    This virus is real,  its everywhere,  it spreads easily, you know the 10-20 times worse than no rd mal flu bit.  Believe the facts published in the Lancet or not.  

    • Like 1
  9. So is this an  admission that they have not been testing much? Or had a testing issue or bottleneck?  When did these 35 centers come online?  3500/ day .  But needed 20 more?  Why need so many if 100% in control? Plus 4000 at one center that proudly can do PCR?  So the other ones cant do PCR?  I thought 100% under control.   I thought plenty of masks.  But then why all the reports from guys on TV and twitter about masks sold out everywhere?  People queuing up at 4am for small amount of government masks? 

     I want to get a report on number of tests done each day.    I do hope the hot weather is helping Thailand.   If this is true they should ban aircon  use everywhere, airport,  BTS, all condos, shopping malls, restaurants,  etc. 


    I do hope the hospitals are not overloaded  now or in the future.  

  10. Got it at a tourist attraction.   So tell the World all tourist attractions in Thailand are a risk to catch the virus.  I guess the virus just hangs out at Thailand tourist attractions.   No way he was near another person in last 21 days?   Who thai health  officials are so smart. No need to find out who at unsaid Thailand tourist attraction gave him covid-19


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