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Everything posted by Pouatchee

  1. totally agree. and schools also need to adapt their facilities.
  2. damn good one!!! 25kph... yup i believe that. i stared at the beauty of a dandelion and was in a daze at how beautiful the yellows and pistils were for over an hour. my friend's cousin who was staying at my friend's house had a bad trip. he thought my friend's brother was the devil. funny thing is, even when i was sober i thought my friend's brother was the devil. i had good trips and a few bad trips. the bad trips were usually induced if i had drunk alcohol while on the acid. our high school year 5 (high school in quebec is not structured the same as most other countries) teacher taught maths using units. my friend and i asked him if we finished the whole unit in 1 day if we could not attend class and have free time for the rest of the month. he didnt think we were up to the challenge. we took it on. that night we popped half an acid each and finished the unit. everything was clear and the answers came easily. next morning the maths teacher didnt believe we had done it. he tested us and we both passed. i also did an acid before a maths test i had not prepped for. it was as easy as ABC... i got 19/20. at our final year 4 high school math exam i had not studied at all. i thought an acid would fix the problem. i failed miserably...
  3. i think i might have found the problem. where i live is veryyyyy windy in the day time. i think the issue is wind burn. i googled it and looked at many pictures and it really looks like this might be the culprit. stunted growth, leaves curling etc... if i had funds for it, i would install a wind turbine here...
  4. 555 i recognize those stamps. hella'f a high to be had on those. Did they just arrive in thailand? really potent stuff so yeah, i can imagine the thais freakin' out on them. I didnt try too many but damn did they pack a punch. been around since the 60's-70's. I wouldn't try that again though... happy to just be me with an occasional 1-2 times a year toke. Definitely not for teens.
  5. I tried only power supply... dif not work by itself
  6. the power supply is the wrong tool for your job --> when i did a search the actually sold powers supplies to do the job, so i figured it should work. BTW this is not my first time making batches If you go with the 2 car batteries i was thinking of going with 2x12v batteries same as used in ups. Just putting them in series... as for the use, no I do not plan on using it on myself nor anyone in my family. I do not want to look like papa smurf I do have an 'innocuous use' that will not harm anyone physically. Many months ago when i started making it i actually did research it and found this guy on top... some people drink a bit every day. I would not dare do that to myself... I dont use snake oil. BTW thanks for the educated response. It is the guys like you, crossy, tim16 and nanleaw who answer honestly who make my time on AN enjoyable... no sycophantism here... 555 I just finished a batch in the mason jar the way it was set up... it worked and for some reason it looks like the best batch i made so far.
  7. thanks crossy. this is the kind of answer i can work with. i have all the tools and with a bit of coaching i can get it done. yes, it does turn the skin blue if you use it on yourself. i have another use for it that has nothing to do with self medication... but thanks for the concern
  8. Dude... if you cant participate best you abstain Driving a tricicle can be dangerous yet i am sure you still do it or has mama let you upgrade to a 2 wheeler
  9. On the terminals of the power supply i check to make sure and i get 27v, then i checked on the plates and i get .7 What i dont understand is the batteries total amp is 2.4 and the power supply is 3.4 As i said i am using 3x9v batteries in series. I can try the 2x12 v in series when i have time... i have ups rechargeable batteries. They should do the trick
  10. Out of curiosity, why would anyone diagree with this? 🤔
  11. I am getting 2.89 amps from the batteries and 3.45 from the poer supply. Hmm getting 0.7v At the source 27.6
  12. the power supply is 3amps. right now the batteries have drained to 23.4. seems the power supply is doing nothing. BTW after enoon's comment i googled the proper terminology and changed the title... i hate unknown waters
  13. i usually am pretty handy, but when it comes to electricity and electronics i am totally lost. here goes: i connected 3 9 volt batteries in parallel. i tested with a voltmeter and i get 27 volts, now my batteries are at 24 v. now, considering batteries lose their charge, i connected a 27 volt power supply + to + and - to - to my batteries. [i am not trying to recharge the batteries. i am just trying to maintain the v. ] i checked with a voltmeter and the 2 combined produce v combined. where did the xtra 3 volts go? here is what i am trying to do. i am trying to make colloidal silver so i have two poles [+/-] connected to silver plates dipped in water. i have been using the 3 batteries in parallel for a while now but it is getting expensive in batteries. on monday i bought a 24 v power supply and jacked the power up to 27 v by turning the settings screw. when i connect the +/- of the power supply to the silver plates it does not work at all. 27 v of batteries does, but not a power supply. damn... i am going bald scratching my head. the power supply is about 3 amps but the batteries are in milliamps. what am i doing wrong? can it have anything to do with ac/dc? forgot to add... i want to use the power supply... no batteries. as a back up plan i ordered rechargeable 9v batteries... but i really want to use only the power supply.
  14. wishful thinking... these flaggadans will find a way... they'll opt for prison so they can dodge the draft... and actually millennials were initially known as the teflon generation... cos nothing stuck...
  15. what will he do when he needs to pay taxes to renew his visa? and where does thaiger get a hold of these ludicrous stories? i dont want to judge this guy by his looks but i sore as hell am doing it
  16. if there are protests they are hushed by the media. this new generation z is rather teflon coated and dont really seem bothered by the despotism that puke thai i really doubt anything will happen. the real generation of protesters is either too old or too comfortable to protest...
  17. hmmmm if that is what you think you are. allow me to cast doubt on that... maybe have some humble pie for dessert
  18. in this case you do, because if no one (other than you) told me i would not know what they call it in the uk carceral system... but thanks for sharing...
  19. i wouldnt know. i am not brit, nor do i know anyone in the carceral system in england nor have i ever been to jail
  20. although i often am the devil's advocate, in this case the guy deserves to do time. we complain when migrants commit crimes back home, but we need to remember that we are guests here. this guy beat up a woman... and yes indeed, let's hope that one day justice is blind and all get punished the same according to the law... thaksin comes to mind
  21. makes sense... as with all things interpretation and understanding change with the times. for other generations could be coke, meth or opioids.
  22. insider secret... i always thought/felt that the spice was hashish. would be quite appropriate. the original dune is not as much based on muslim tradition but it was hinting at it. herbert, the writer, actually says he based the fremen on nomad muslims. a great movie and great books. anyone hasnt read them should
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