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Everything posted by Pouatchee

  1. just watched new series TRACKER cheap knock off of JACK REACHER...
  2. saw the whole episode. maher mostly pokes fun at trump but lately biden been getting his fair share
  3. gutter is in already... 32k for 13m. ouch....
  4. I am by far no expert. The roof is about 12 m from highest point to lowest point. Thehighest point is about 1.5 m higher than the lowest. I dont know if that qualifies as a not pitched roof. But when it rains... it is a waterfall
  5. Terminator is amongst us now. the rise of the AI. i was watching a 60 minutes with the godfather of ai. he is both excited an cautious. he cant predict when, but he is sure that one day soon ai will develop self awareness. this is exactly the premise in terminator 2.
  6. cant trust someone who talks out of the corner of his/her mouth...🤪 seriously... what a bafoon... got bored listening to him... but this guy is asking for money to get rid of his live in ex-gf? did i get that right???
  7. he was on 60 minutes as the next great bluesman of his generation... outstanding skills
  8. thanks for the clarification. no hard feelings. its just that some people on here get carried away at nothing. cheers... i misunderstood your posts
  9. op gave no details about the bike. if it is a big bike there may be complications that no one here is aware of. also, when i get my bike checked they always take a piece of tape and rub a pencil over the serial #. i guess if they dont match [from the motor] with the serial from the green book then maybe this is where problems arise. op doesnt seem very involved
  10. in this case, if you dont like the facts to the link i gave [i did give the link and none of what i quoted came from me] then do your due diligence and argue with proof the facts that i found on google. as far as i know there is nothing wrong with what was stated. just cos we dont like something doesnt make it wrong. back up your allegation that i gave false facts [from a link] with your own verifiable facts [link included] and i will say that the information i found was dubious. did you at least click on the link i gave and go read the information by scrolling down the page? the information, dates and presidents in office... are there to see. if you didnt read and check then this is a non debatable argument
  11. seems like you may be on to something. the fact that this guy has lost the use of his legs is a tragedy. but as someone who knows nothing of the way of life in england i may have been tempted to help. now... not so much
  12. all the mechanics i know sell it to some guys that come around every so often and they sell it to them
  13. just a link i found when i googled. if the facts are otherwise i sure would like to know. be it the democrats or the republicans i find america is in too many wars anyways. only war i think shouldnt be there is the war on terror... right now this whole thing about trump and biden is so out of control that families are affected, neighbors are affected and even members here on AN are affected. people are steam rolling each other over opinions. it has never been this bad as far as i can remember. growing up i was always taught that everyone has a right to his/her opinion. right now, in the world, all i can see is that people think that if they yell the loudest they are right... not the right way to teach the new generations. then people complain that the kids are out of control. i wonder why...
  14. geeez.... i just love guys like you. so blind in your convictions that you are willing to steam roll anything in your path. BOTH are idiots. you think that its the actual president who comes up with the policies? if you do well... bash me all you want. i wont respond to you anymore.
  15. i am neither for trump, nor biden. both are mockeries of what a president should be. following your comment i googled about which party has started the most wars. the result is interesting: https://www.thehivelaw.com/blog/which-political-party-started-the-most-wars/ i'm still not sure what the war on terror implies
  16. cool... then you know that back home we have intervention plans for kids with problems. here, we dont have any recourse and thai admin blame foreign teachers at the drop of a coin. here, i have taught primary 1 to 6, with extra classes in other parts of the school. that was at 1 school. same situation nearly all the schools i worked. each level required detailed lesson plans with thai curriculum outcomes, plus all kinds of other ridiculous duties. back home, i taught 1 level... thats it. and i agree 'the foreign teachers I've encountered in Thailand wouldn't be allowed anywhere near kids in the UK.' or canada for what its worth. imagine having one of these clowns as your head of department...
  17. coming soon 25/02/2024 The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live presents an epic love story of two characters changed by a changed world. Kept apart by distance. By an unstoppable power. By the ghosts of who they were. Rick and Michonne are thrown into another world, built on a war against the dead I almost stopped watching any of the walking dead original/spin offs. they mostly ended up with too many characters and sub-plots branching off that it became tedious to watch. the new one with The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon started off and ended ok. hope this new one wont suck
  18. thanks bud for confirming what i have been saying all along i dont know happy expat or his skills or temperament. but i can vouch for the level of difficulty of the job. what you need to consider here is the difference a 'real' certified teacher (university trained and licensed in home country) vs a backpacking teacher bring to the job. backpackers are laid back, invest minimal effort in lesson prep, could care less about classroom management and really are only in it for the perks of living in thailand. whereas you get what you pay for with a career teacher. i was a trainman/railway conductor, bouncer and even emptied containers manually, but i have to say that teaching is by far the most stressful and demanding job i have ever done. the kids get to you, the admin, the incompetent teachers who lack all the skills and the ridiculous amount of paperwork imposed by thai admin. i taught in canada before coming here, and thailand really treats its teachers like crap. i respect you britmantoo and i dont know your career path but if you have/had taught in thailand you will agree with happy expat
  19. that is a great statement. I hadn't thought of that. when the roof expands and contracts we can hear it fairly well. and it wouldn't surprise me if that added stress on the beams. We actually had the company over to inspect the causes of the sounds and whether the screws were compromised. The guys that came gave us a thumbs up. Your explanation is quite possible one of the reasons for the cracks. Thanks very much Too all who have taken the time to read my op, look at my photos and have offered advice, I sincerely appreciate all your help.
  20. i read the full article and still nothing that seems to help/apply to me. from the article: correct me if i'm wrong, but either the rich, or LTR visas might have solutions. nothing for the average joe on a non-o for marriage or retirement. thanks for nothing...
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