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Everything posted by jwest10

  1. BritMan Too Yes the medical insurance premiums way too high and yes even if one has no preconditions and if one does the premium would rise so much and it would then be a pre condition and just have a little reserve so to speak. Everything else is fine and just try to enjoy and do my best for my family and yes not got a pot of gold.
  2. Lite Beer You are right but one has to have work on the bikes but frankly those who have pets ie dogs do not look after them or rather let them (only 2 but seems like 10) barking at all hours of the night and very early mornings and yes they are relatives of my wife but again don't dare tell them they are wrong but all they do is laugh. Note they bark for hours and no one comes out and infuriating. But not everyone and he majority are very pleasant and yes have a wonderful family and even the youngest Granddaughter did say it is their living but then sometimes goes a little mental on the loud revving of bikes and cars and either side. Everything else is good though!! And no intention of leaving any time soon.
  3. Can not see a dire Can not see a direct message back to Rooster 59 but just read it quickly today 3November and yes like so many having a varied and exciting life and found it very interesting. In my lifetime and just quickly had the amazing experience of working on that amazing Island Bermuda way back in the 1970s and noticed you originally come from good ole Beckenham , the posh part? and one of your ex gf went over and lived in Eltham and amazingly my original home town Yes, went to Rio while still in Bermuda just once and on holiday and via Venezuela and Argentina and even then did feel the danger and one of me mates went there several times and he told me that someone was chasing him long the famous beach for his gold neckless and managed to escape but even then felt the dangers. However, in respective I can remember friends warning me of gun crime in New York and other places but it did not put me off travelling there and yes it is different visiting and working in a country, for sure. The quote " You could get killed or seriously injured" Well yes one would not do anything then. Yes, certainly not got a pot of gold and so many think here that one is very rich but 14 years on am still here with a wonderful wife and family and yes a huge struggle what with the prices going up a huge amount and not just the last 2 years but we have a house and food on the table and manage a little travelling within the Province.
  4. It is fine if no money worries and yes my first 7 years from 2008 I used my savings for my family and then started receiving the frozen state pension from the UK and yes it is difficult but we have a good life and my dear wife was stating just yesterday we so lucky to have property and food on the table and yes when we can we do go out to restaurants, that is if any are still open but there is always someone else worse off and yes we have to keep a certain amount in the bank for Immigration purposes. Yes, before married for the 2nd time managed and did quite a bit of travelling when much younger. It is all relative and yes certain families ie nephews and nieces from before are doing very well for themselves.
  5. Hi Khaepmu Yes, have just read your post today 28th October and very interesting and yes solicitors and what to do regarding property and such like. Yes interesting what you say about solicitors and yes it is also the cynic in me regarding the financial sector and yes including banks and not just here but also in the UK also. Indeed have a debit card for one in my own name and add to it a little for the purpose of the yearly requirement for my extension which is in my sole name. I have never needed to withdraw and frankly never tried and normally one would activate but did remember a member of staff helping me but yes in your death provided your card was in date and can see no reason why your wife could withdraw the daily maximum. However, you know people would know if someone was deceased and chatter and did read somewhere that everything would be frozen until the Court decides. Also on the will and we thought about it very seriously but the solicitor we used for signing a document that I was still alive but my wife has obviously a different surname on the property to our grandchildren and very difficult to draw up. They know what my wishes are regarding the property but think in theory everything would go to the Court of Probate to decide. Even with a will and not just here but even distant cousins would and could make a claim on the will or contest the will. There is every likelihood that we would die before our next of kin but if it was the other way and of course in the name of the next of kin and surely one could still live there but assume the Son would sort this, if and when it happens. Yes a very very complex procedure and yes unfortunately people do tend to come out of the woodwork. However, everyone needs to enjoy each day as and when it arrives and just do our best for our families but it is a real worry and also like everywhere what happens when the money runs out and I know of people around the world and families are split up because of regulations etc. No way am I an expert but just pointing out certain things All good luck to you and yours. We have s joint account whereby my frozen state pension is paid in to and the ever fast declining small savings go in via my UK bank and use this for daily living etc.
  6. Or if you have a debit card the next of kin just draws out the maximum each day and no mention of it but you know wagging tongues. However, the same as property and seen posts stating distant cousins here can claim on the monies and properties and even with a will it can be contested.
  7. Ohyesuare Beat me to it and the original post and must admit LOL and thought about going around where I live to determine the exact numbers!!
  8. Hello everyone And I apologise if there is a site and been googling etc but can not find the answer and I know the medical profession have this booster jab or 3rd jab. Thankfully have had the first 2 jabs but what procedures are there for this booster jab. Thanks all
  9. Yes, pleased it has not affected you and many others but also so sad for many others who have fallen victims of these and MANY other scams and yes we can never fully trust the banks and all over the world from us taxpayers bailing them out a decade or so a go.
  10. My family are here and try to do what I can and many other reasons such as no family in the Uk, no property etc etc and just a few friends. So much more as well.
  11. Well for what it is worth my English credit card matured in the last couple of years and missed the cut off date and now can not get another one but the bank concerned noticed I hardly used it and in any case the same as an ordinary ATM in that the latter has to be picked or authorised by a friend in the UK and then fowarded to me next year the normal hassle every 2 or 3 years
  12. I sort of read it and yes been here 13 years and invested but why so many bikes and houses amongst other things and yes most of us have not got pots of gold, either
  13. That is why the like them as they are relatively cheaper than other nationality expats and not only brought up speaking English when very young.
  14. Why all of a sudden the premiership uk coverage getting so hard to get. Well in the last month or so and yes it relies on so many different factors. WWW.doofootball.com and then stating @doofootball777 and Facebook Fanpage and the football does not come up Also WWW.thai88hd.com the schedule of matches appear but when about to start click on the arrow kicks in and yes for all of the time and some sites do take a while to kick in. Are there blocks in effect here in Thailand and even services and sites paid for is very hit or rather miss. Thanks and any help appreciated.
  15. Thanks all for your help and sometimes even the simple instructions appear difficult and LOL you tube etc tend to make it very technical technical but managed to do it eventually and yes feel good and yes hope you all had a good day and yes y 90 day reporting went well too. Thanks again all and easier when you first do things.
  16. Tifino Thanks downloaded but the facebook icon not coming up and tried copy and paste but still can not share on f/b thanks for your help and much appreciated
  17. Hi All And have tried google and believe that there are steps one can use but a bit confusing. I have home computer and want to share to Facebook and yes I know F/B to F/B is very easy and also some pictures etc and be saved as a Jpeg file and saved to computer and can attach to an email. How do you send photos sent to your yahoo mail on to someone who only has Facebook and think there are steps but having no joy. Anyone please help and appreciate and not great on modern technology thanks
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