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Everything posted by jwest10

  1. Well her father already puling the strings as we all know
  2. The very rich ones but they normally do not go after them or indeed the Thais and this is true throughout theworld too!!
  3. Yes, I have again gone around and asked questions at our local Revenue Department and now several times and these dual tax agreements have already been agreed and yes aware of all the allowances and deductibles which can amount to 560K and think many of us will fall into this or slightly above and on the old forms 90 and 91 definitely head up Income Tax from employment in Thailand and I do not work here. However on the forms in the 2nd Box stating salaries and pensions. Yes have also read a lot and it seems no one knows what is going to happen but one can prepare and do rough calculations and wait until, if any new information is available but 1st Jan 2025 to 31st March 2025 could be significant. I have been strongly advised not to do anything but I make this very clear there are no income tax forms for 2024 available, as yet!!!
  4. Please and I'm just wondering what sites are streaming the matches as many seem to have disappeared altogether. Thanks, everyone and want to access it. I know there are True visions but is there a need for a complicated box required?
  5. May, I ask you if was it on the old-fashioned way ie an old invoice and just scan the bar code? Thanks
  6. Thanks for the replies yes managed to send an email to 3 BB and got a very quick reply in that they are upgrading their systems and quoted my account number and they replied while having old invoices (they used to send monthly) and yes for several years just took to Seven-eleven and they just scanned the bar code but they are trying to get the month in line. Yes, they told me to wait until 4th of September to pay the current one and then by the 7th of October they hope to have the same month transaction month. As far as the banking application none of my immediate family has this but have seen my daughter-in-law use hers and seems very easy but like online banking, there are codes but will stick to the old method of scanning an old invoice and of course, they have not sent monthly invoices out for many year and an instant receipt which is the same as banking application I believe and believe there are security codes.
  7. Beg to differ not easy at all
  8. Thank you and will try my Grandchildren's mobile and have already got an account number and will try the old way but is it easy to set up by phone app
  9. Hi good morning Yes for many years now and paid my monthly bill on the 10th or just after and no invoices sent but been using for many years an old bill and 7/11 usually scans the barcode and they were very helpful and typed in my account code etc but it seems because of the Queens Birthday celebrations the 7/11 systems are not yet updated. Is anyone else having this trouble and as I say have had no issues at all with the way I pay the monthly charge? I think will try to the end of this week 13th of August. Thank you
  10. It is the hope that kills us all but not all the so-called politicians!!!
  11. Yes tongue in cheek but most of us are not that wealthy!!!
  12. 35K frozen state pension that is very rich indeed and wow how unless you just got it with the 2 huge increases but not for the vast majority of us,
  13. Please which sites for home computer for this and many streams have been taken down. Thanks
  14. Again, Mike and for the 5th time in July/Aug I went around to our local Revenue office and they simply do not know but must do in the fact stating forms going to be updated in Nov/Dec and told the Officer and might just go over the thresholds and allowances and stated you do not need to file a tax form and in any case, there were none around. Also, a really good Thai friend has been looking into it and admits it is very complicated but he fills in a form as self-employed, I think. As Mike suggested and yes many others stated we await and we might have one or two different Governments come 1st Jan 2025 and policies might change. So I have been told 5 times by the Revenue that it appears I do not need to file. Just in passing got a notification from the HM Inspector of Taxes stating I have paid too much tax in the year ended 5th April 2024 but any other suggestions, apart from we wait and see but we have calculated what might be but who knows and too many so-called experts.
  15. Again, Mike and for the 5th time in July/Aug I went around to our local Revenue office and they simply do not know but must do in the fact stating forms going to be updated in Nov/Dec and told the Officer and might just go over the thresholds and allowances and stated you do not need to file a tax form and in any case, there were none around. Also, a really good Thai friend has been looking into it and admits it is very complicated but he fills in a form as self-employed, I think. As Mike suggested and yes many others stated we await and we might have one or two different Governments come 1st Jan 2025 and policies might change. So I have been told 5 times by the Revenue that it appears I do not need to file. Just in passing got a notification from the HM Inspector of Taxes stating I have paid too much tax in the year ended 5th April 2024 but any other suggestions, apart from we wait and see but we have calculated what might be but who knows and too many so-called experts.
  16. And just about everywhere in the world. We despise them all.
  17. ONLY 2 THE LOT OF THEM GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Yes we all know who runs Thailand Thaksin the Senators and the Courts.
  18. Same as many others USA and UK but not yet again
  19. Even in the so-called Democratic countries USA and UK are certainly not and yes Thailand once again ignoring the General Election results. Yes, USA and Blighty are not democratic and the apathy regarding the latter is insignificant.
  20. You forget the word money but agree with you and anyway what exactly is money?
  21. See the PM got off scot-free and what a surprise NOT but his Government is run by Thaskin but yes only the leaders are banned for 10 years and they forming a new party. Even the so-called democracies the US and UK are simply not and the vast majority of so-called politicians are pure filth, vermin and scum throughout the world!!!
  22. No, I'm afraid I have to disagree they voted for another Government and the PM never got the pro junta Senators' votes and yes they did make it very clear that some things were just going to be discussed as possible amendments. BTW the current PM and his Government orchestrated by Thaksin got off scot-free!! So a new party is to be formed but the names of the individuals are banned for 10 years unless there is a way around it. However, in so-called Democracies like the USA and UK are simply not democracies and in the main, the vast majority of so-called politicians are pure filth vermin and scum!!!
  23. Yeah Everyone in the village would know id someone had died and yes the bank s as well!!!
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