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Everything posted by jwest10

  1. Yes indeed can prove not only paper calculations and can prove later on when update my Thai bank passbookm regarding State Pension from the UK.
  2. That's convenient! Since your UK State Pension is transferred directly to your Thai account, it simplifies things a bit. Under the Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) between Thailand and the UK, you don't need to include your UK State Pension in your Thai tax forms, even if it's transferred to your Thai account. It's great that you have a plan in place. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. I'm here to help! From DTA agreement Thailand / uk confirmed by the Governments
  3. Please let us know the outcome as many people are agreeing with what others saying but too many experts but not that I am Good luck
  4. As stated so many times by many no one has a clue and hence thousands upon thousands of posts and yeah enough said about the 2 Authorities/governments.
  5. Yes, 100% agreed and why give information and the Thai Authorities would think it is taxable, maybe?
  6. That is why some of us have got a cheque from the UK and with other incomes under 12,750 pounds and you have paid too much tax!
  7. Yes 100% sure as have asked both authorities and some tax experts and in any case why would put it on non-existence forms and the Thai Authorities would think it is taxable and infact it is not.
  8. Under the DTA and confirmed with the Authorities in the UK and Thailand the UK State Pension is taxed in the UK if over the current p a of 12,750 pounds and no need to file these figures in these tax forms if and when they come out.
  9. jonesthepost I know exactly what you are saying and yes either 500 or 560K allowance and in fact gone up to my local Revenue office in Kanchanaburi and been asked "Do you have employment here and yes my income is less than 560K and this includes a wife's 60K personal allowance. Yes, you do not need a Tin in that case and also told them have a pink ID card and they stated you could use it but not giving you one for the reason above and no employment. Also asking about any new forms and they do not know and some suggesting using old forms as mentioned in other posts but may go up again but a local Thai friend whose wife knows of someone in the Revenue has stated the same and unless one sends a form just do nothing. Yes, have also read that one has to submit a tax form but if one does not have tax to be paid one stiil has to?
  10. I thought that was the case and not sure about it anymore and yes so many so-called tax experts and it seems no one know sure on anything,
  11. I have been several times to the Revenuue and explained my situation and yes "Do you have employment in Thailand" No you will not get a Tin and also explained the Income Exemption is more than my income coming in. Did mention got a pink ID Card and yes no forms as yet and in any case could use if got employment then no you can not get a tin. Will await until next week and ask again but there is still time.
  12. Who knows and so many so many so-called experts saying different things as usual
  13. Who knows as with everything else and thousands upon thousand of post and not just this topic but tend to agree somewhat!!!
  14. I am nor sure but seen 2K fine and very unlucky if caught but it depends on how large the amounts and for most of us can claim allowances of 500 or 560K and more than our income and have been stated several times that I do not need to file!!!
  15. Agree 100% oldcpu and noticed this too and back to wait and see or yet another visit to my local revenue office but been up there so many times and no you do not need to file and in any case we won't grant a Tin as you have no employment here in Thailand I did say got a pink ID and possibly (not sure) can use this but lie low for the minute but might go up next week!!
  16. Now some stating can use 2023 forms as at the top of it there is no date but again been told do not have to fill in a form under my circumstances my income is below the 500 or 560K threashold and also asked do I work here and can not get a tin without it nut got a pink id card
  17. The point is and seeing other posts those who have been told you do not need to file but one can not do online unless one has an in line number and can not access it otherwise?
  18. Ni forms and this Carl Turner suggest you try the Revenue Errr they have none available yet again!!!
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