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Everything posted by jwest10

  1. Certainly but not everyone wants to live in tourist places and where there are so many ex-pats
  2. Ther are very many I suspect and yes the savings going down
  3. No just stating what my local Revenue Office have state many times and yes keeping my manual records but not needed.
  4. There are ways around this as has been mentioned many posts but why leave it so late?
  5. Yet again my local Revenue office have stated as my income is less than the allowed Personal Allowances that I do not need to file a tax form, Yes, people stating about about 220K but also been asked by the Revenue several times "Do you work here?" No I do not and you do not need to file. Also mentioned got a pink ID and again you still do not need to file and did have paper calculation on say my frozen State UK pension and my P60's to 5th April but did not need them but will keep them in my records The P60s also show the income tax figures of course.
  6. Yes, have hand written ones and when my Thai book updated it will show my state pension income from the UK but have a manual record if it and any pensions taxed by means of a P60 In any case have been told by my local Revenue office as my personal allowances outweigh any income and again asked many times "Do you work in Thailand " and no and why do you need to want to file and no need. Yes mentioned again got a pink Id card and again not need to file.
  7. <My old slips fade within a month but I suppose the bank passbook will suffice but do not think that will be needed. Also my withdrawals are from my bank in Thailand and do not use a credit card and do not have one but get the bank book updated in due course but that will not be reported at all.
  8. Fair point and there are few pages and if leaving got a year will fill the whole book and would have to go to the branch inside.
  9. The ATM slips and can assure you can all fade very quickly!!!
  10. Same as the so-called tax experts all with differing viewpoints and no clear direction this tax business and all the various Revenue Departments!!!!
  11. https://youtu.be/2_vGytBre2o?si=b1i40wyMtw0xj0Gy Yes this is the link of 5Feb regarding the tax and forms. Yes and think got it confirmed and also by my local tax revenue several times and was asked "Do you work in Thailand" No and why would you want to file a tax form but there is no need to file and yes it does state in earlier podcasts about the 60k or 60kx 2. On the first option it clearly states that if your personal allowances are higher than you income coming in then you do not or required to file a tax form and yes got this several times from going up to my local revenue office and yes there have been differing opinions on this. Keeping manual records of any incoming monies but need to get my Thai bank updated to show my UK frozen state pension/ I would suggest that most UK ex-pats income is less than either the 500 or 560K Thai Baht allowances and it is at least crystal clear but who knows. I have also mentioned got a pink id card and stated it makes no difference and Tin in required but did suggest possibly could use it but they states Why? You simply do not but wonder and might go up nearer March but do not want them going after funds which are taxed in the UK If you have manual bank statements and the P60s and the like keep these records but do not worry
  12. Precisely and been up to my local revenue office and stating the same and me deductibles higher than my non Tas income and "So you work in Thailand" If not again you do not need to file a tax form and also and stated this before my Thai friend who knows someone ther confirmed a number of times.
  13. If in a savings account and obviously been drawn down then one does not disclose it full stop.
  14. That is not true there is an allowance for 100K of your pension
  16. The German beers in cans are slightly more expensive and like Leo and Singha
  17. Savings and have the balances as of 1st Jan 2024 and yes obviously drawn down are not taxable and yes did here of this but replayed just a minute ago and very clear indeed and confirmed that if assessable income well below the thresholds of 500 or 560K allowances no tax form is required. That includes the first 150k
  18. Heard that and made it even worse and noted the laughing of one of them but asked a one question the other week and it was simple but replied what do you want from me?
  19. Raindancer Very similar to my experiences and been around my local Revenue offices several times and "Do you have employment here in Thailand"? No, I do not so you do not need to file and yes got paperwork written down and yes the tax paid on my P60s and yes only up tp to 5th April 2024 but these will be taxed again this year. I have a Thai friend whose wife knows someone working in the local Revenue office of the same opinion. Besides no new forms and yes the PND90 and Income Exemption form but they did not have them and politely stated no need. I also stated got a pink ID card and again no need.
  20. In no shape or form is this so-called non-existent tax form linked with permission to stay by means of retirement and it is not a visa and they are not linked and basically stated "under your circumstances you do not need to fill in a non-existent tax form!!!
  21. Wingnut May I ask which office? Yes different Revenue offices stating differently and yes there have been thousands upon thousands of posts and from so-called experts and I know been stating so many differing viewpoints. Right, I have been around to my local Revenue office and several; times with my handwritten figures of pension income and am well below the allowed thresholds of 500 or 560K Baht. They have asked " Do you have employment here in Thailand" No I do not and so got a reply so with your circumstances you do not need to. Also a Thai friend of mine and his wife who knows some in that office and stated the same.
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