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Everything posted by jwest10

  1. ha ha he is well known and think he is foreigner but they all the same no matter what Nationality!!!
  2. Yes, true the Thai Authorities have their own views and what is right for some is not right for others and they make it up as time goes on!!!
  3. Very interesting indeed and was wondering about this as well and yes I do not know about everyone else I paid too much income tax to the UK for the year ended 5th April 2024 and in fact got a small refund in Sterling. BTW again I reiterate as of Tuesday 7th January I went around again to the local Revenue office to enquire about the forms 90 and 91 and the Exemption/ Allowances one and stated what form and yet again stated as many times before with my circumstances I do not have to fill in any forms. As mentioned Carl Turner of the expats tax so-called tax expert and on his latest video stating yes we are classified as a tax resident if we stay over 180 days then we must fill in a tax form but on the very next page stating if your income is below the current threshold then you do not need to file. In any case there are still no forms and none on the revenue sites and possibly in Thai but none of us can find any forms anyway. This whole process has not been well thought out at all to say the least and too many tax experts all stating different things just like all the Revenue offices!!!!
  4. Yes and all of them including Carl Turner of the so-called expats Tax Advisor and have asked where these forms available for down;oad 90 and 91 and the Exemption allowances but no where to be seen and not on the revenue sites. So we can not file and in any case and do not think we can and asked Carl can he send me some forms and guess what no reply except the link for a so-called 15 minute fee ? video call and can not get it in any case. What a total farce and everyone hasno clue grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  5. Yes, I agree and they all have the same smirky smile and when you ask a question they often do not reply and money grabbers
  6. Yes, still no forms 90 and 91 and the Income Exemption one too and this whole issue is getting ridiculous now and frankly appalled with it.
  7. this will not happen but nothing at Immigration and my next extensiom later on this month but who knows in the future?
  8. And on Carl Turner you tube if rmitting more than the thresholds so no form is required!!
  9. Frankly who know anything and this whole process been handled very poorly indeed and seen this question before? Nothing mentioned about this on my last 90 day and just stated and gave me forms for extension in Jan/Feb
  10. Yes, I note also on the first page and although most probably in Thailand for over 180 days but then states remit or bring in more than and above the minimum thresholds. That means those who bring in less than 500 or 560K do not file a tax form!!
  11. Forgot the 100k Pension Allpwance and btw still no forms as of 7th January or Exemption forms either?
  12. Yes have seen this but one can not get in to it or 2024 forms and itseems one can not do digital or infact nothing
  13. Yes, unfortunately this is the ex-pats issue and there are some very wealthy Thais that fo not pay taxes or fill in the forms but too easy to go after them and the rich ex-pats
  14. Really the box for deductibles is blank and where is the 190k for over 65 and other things from the Exemption form amounting to 500 or 560K Thai Baht
  15. Seriously those figures do not make any sense whatsoever and where the allowances?
  16. Many can not get a Tin and been told so and yes can not do full stop and been told several times by the local Revenue Office I do not need to hill in a tax form with my personal information and well below the current thresholds!!!
  17. Ronnie50 Yes indeed a friend of mine did just that and a British Citizen and had to pay 2 years more NI contributions, despite paid more than enough and yes 150% surcharge on using the NHS and in other words totally shafted and what with the frozen State pension issue!!!
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