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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. What's the alternative? Wait to investigate until she had had the baby? She seemed OK to murder people while pregnant.
  2. People generally don't actually care about the cause they are fighting for, they really just want their side to win. Just look at people campaigning for guns to be banned in America. Far more people are killed or harmed by alcohol than by guns, and guns serve a practical purpose, unlike alcohol. But do the people that are oh so concerned about public safety campaign for the banning of alcohol? No. Because they generally like it and it isn't associated with any particular "side".
  3. Here we go. Unfortunately it seems that Western social media influence has made some Thai people think that they can have everything they want immediately, especially if they are "the youth". How many names are on the petition? What percentage of "the youth" agree with them? What if another group comes forward and says they are the future and should get what they want?
  4. He's experiencing racism, so it's fine to discuss it as such. I don't think anyone is saying it does. Besides, how does anything you have said apply to my point that the OP is not experiencing being treated equally?
  5. I disagree. What the OP is talking about is far more than indifference. The person I replied to is trying to downplay and trivialise what the OP has experienced as they appear to be upset by his comparison between himself and what Black people have experienced. His response suggest something along the lines of "The fact that you think you're oppressed means that you are actually used to being privileged, but now you are being treated normally, and you don't like it". If he was being honest, he would be able to admit that something like moving away from a foreigner, lifting of the mask upon noticing their presence, things of this nature, are in no way "a privileged White man finally being treated as an equal and not liking it.
  6. So when Thai people treat you badly, in a way that they would not treat a fellow Thai, that's equality? You sound as bad as the people you are criticising.
  7. Lots. They can tell me what kind of job you do. That can tell me about your class and probably educational level. If it's a uniform, then that might make it a bit tricker, but there's still accessories. Just because you don't know something, doesn't mean it isn't so.
  8. Isn't something like 80% of communication non-verbal? Have you never noticed that you can figure someone out quite accurately based on what they wear, how they sit, what their facial expression is? I feel that you can normally tell what someone is like, at least their demeanour, quite quickly. I.e. relaxed, friendly, confrontational, etc.. It's something very primal and automatic in humans.
  9. Possibly he was confused by the number of surnames he has. Obviously people free to use whatever crazy name combinations they want, but even after just one generation (two people whose parents decided to use both their surnames) would mean someone with four last names!
  10. Or those Big Bikes that tilt the number plate back under the rear seat to prevent it being read. It's amazing the number of traffic violations you see on the daily with motorcycles. We wouldn't even manage a trip into town back home. No number plate, no helmet, four kids on a motorbike, going the wrong way, no lights, speeding everywhere. It's hardly surprising that bikers go on the footpath, when they're basically allowed to behave like cyclists.
  11. Or have traffic police actively patrolling and stopping the bazillion traffic violations that occur all day every day. I don't think the local will appreciate it though. At least they would be busy. You see a violation everywhere you look pretty much all the time. Big changes needed before they get to the point where they can address them though.
  12. Isn't it a video? Have they released the full video? Are they even kissing on the lips? It could easily be a still chosen to look like a kiss on the lips when they were moving into a kiss on the cheek. Too many people believe stills from a video to be prolonged example of reality, when really it's just a certain perspective/alignment for a fraction of a second (probably 1/30th of a second).
  13. Arithmetic is clearly not the author's strong point! Possibly they paid several times a day for multiple days. Obviously most people would not consider this to be "falling victim" to it multiple times.
  14. None of his work is particularly good. I actually assumed that most of these types of news sites had retired ex-pats working for them in an almost voluntary capacity. Several of the reporters are actually young and claim to have qualifications in journalism, but you wouldn't know it from their writing.
  15. what does this mean? It means that the specific way the clothes were removed brought about a diagnosis. However, I think the author wanted it to mean that the victim was undressed in order to help ascertain what his injuries were.
  16. Maybe stole his sister or girlfriend's passport? A wanted criminal (I think a terrorist) got out of the UK that way by wearing a burka. UK immigration were too scared of upsetting anyone to ask to see his face.
  17. Do these people get paid by the letter? What this starkly reminds us of, is how the parenting and cultural influences that some of these individuals grow up with can turn them into murderers for the tiniest perceived slight. There's no room for conflict resolution when someone sees red like this.
  18. With so many alien sounding phrases in the article, I wonder if perhaps the whole things is AI generated... ????
  19. Made the mistake of assuming it would be a fair fight. Most people would be embarrassed for having to call dozens of people to fight their fights for them.
  20. White people only eat junk food from Walmart in the USA? I find that unlikely. European people have a broad range of different types of food and are no way restricted to processed junk food.
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