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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. So the above didn't get them mad enough to want him out, but the below did?
  2. Surely he was "nearly captured and extradited back to Thailand, at the end of May"? The above suggests he was nearly captured, and was then extradited back to Thailand.
  3. Trans people need a prefix, so seeing non-trans people without a prefix makes them feel bad. It's quite trendy to view straight White men as being some kind of evil supervillain these days, so any opportunity to deride them in some way cannot be resisted.
  4. You don't appear to be as wise as your namesake. Nowhere did I say that what my opinion on the matter was. I was simply discussing the use of the word "rescue".
  5. Probably overkill for what you need, but this video gives you a good idea about some things to check. I'm sure you can figure out what isn't present and therefore doesn't need checking.
  6. Sounds like the guy has mental health issues. Not to excuse what he has done. More to say he shouldn't be allowed to keep dangerous dogs (not that anyone should).
  7. While it's completely possible that they wanted to work there, I guess it would be considered that they would be being "rescued from themselves" as much as from anyone else. Such is the nature of age-restrictions. ????‍♂️
  8. 1 conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected. "Are you trans-gender or normal gender?" No confusion there. I wish the people trying to force "cisgender" onto non-trans people would admit that they simply don't like the idea of calling the huge non-trans majority "normal". They also wouldn't accept it on the pronouns thing. People are having to specify normal pronouns because if they just say "normal" it would make people feel bad.
  9. All the time. It's pretty much all these "gender warriors" think about.
  10. You tried to explain that, but you failed because it is untrue.
  11. Imagine non-trans people started using an uneccessary word that trans people didn't like and found offensive. Do you think for a second that this word would be allowed to be used?
  12. People try to introduce new words and fail all the time. There is nothing inevitable about a word simply because you happen to like it. "New things succeed all the time, therefore because this thing is new it must succeed" is illogical.
  13. Why do you need to massage what is being said so much? If you believe in your message, then just present it honestly. Obviously it would be a case of saying "normal gender", or if someone asks how to describe a person's gender, they can simply reply "normal". You're pretending that there are issues that simply don't exist because you want to force people to use the word that you want them to use. Just be honest and stop trying to manipulate people.
  14. The point is that your argument is "Say what we want to avoid offending people, while we will call you what we want and if you're offended then we will mock you". It's completely hypocritical because your arguments are based on your feelings and do not use facts or logic.
  15. Don't lose hope. Things will get better when you get used to your surroundings and start to ask around for help. Most homeless people have mental health issues and actually want to be homeless or couldn't function otherwise. Also, many people you see begging aren't in fact homeless. I'm sure you will find people that will help you once you get to know the area and start asking people for help. Fortune favours the bold!
  16. What happened to "normal"? Enough people identify as the gender they were born as to allow it to safely be considered "normal", don't they? Normally sighted, normally abled, normal gender? It seems like terms already existed before "cisgender" was invented.
  17. The funny thing is, when it comes to minorities, the attitude seems to be "Well, it's about you, so you tell us what you want to be called and we'll respect your wishes. We can't speak about your experiences, only you can do that.", but when it comes to us normies, the attitude is "We will decide what to call, you won't have a say, and you will like it". But it's "not a slur". ????
  18. So, if you're from somewhere (in the West) with decent social welfare (everywhere except the US?), and you're old and run out of money in Thailand, you can go home and get support? That's a heck of a safety net, if true.
  19. Great news. Especially with the kids being back at school and things being much more normal. It seemed a lot worse this time last year, and presumably people were pretty well vaccinated at that time. It suggests that immunity is high or the virus is weaker than it was. That begs the question, however, why aren't we hearing about it?
  20. This sounds very interesting. How would you feel about writing a little about what happened in a post of your own? Maybe a vague account of how you ended up having to leave Thailand, then what happened when you got back to the UK, and what you're doing now? Not too much detail of course, but it sounds fascinating, IMO.
  21. Someone who doesn't like men might treat you badly because you are a man. That is discrimination.
  22. If you find being asked about your very relevant medical history offensive, then you're definitely going to be offended when you seek medical care. Doctors and other health care professionals have to look at the biology, not what the patient wants to be made to feel like.
  23. Is it time to just let the industry burn out? Sell the land and plant trees? Concentrate on the sectors that are growing rather than on their last legs?
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