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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. They just don't have the same understanding of it that we (Westerners) have. Think about people in Western countries with pictures of Che Guevara or Chairman Mao on their bedroom walls. Anyone who directly suffered under these people would probably feel the same way a European does when they see Asians dressing up as Nazis for a school event. There's kind of a disconnect when it happens to "other people".
  2. Absolutely. The problem is, by shutting down discussions, nothing really gets resolved and it just divides people further.
  3. I like them, but I'll be interested to see if they can reduce inequality without raising (or introducing) taxes that are significant and unpopular.
  4. They're ticking boxes to try to get as much support as possible. "We're communists, we're trans, all the good stuff! Vote for us!"
  5. They're still linked to communism (so bad) and a big reason that the democracy protests lost traction and fizzled out. Communists co-opting campaigns for democracy (the opposite of communism) are never going to do anything good.
  6. The hammer and sickle represent communism, which most people have a problem with, as they should.
  7. It must be tiring to have your lifestyle held to ransom by the fear of "looking gay", whatever that means.
  8. This sounds interesting. Could you post a picture of what it looks like please? Just a google one is fine.
  9. Of course. I see it as a necessity in Thailand as you can't always guarantee that any toilet you go into has anything more than just a dribble of water. It's also good to have an umbrella with you most of the time in case of rain or being stuck in the sun. Also a book is useful if you're using Thai public transport or visiting any Thai government office. It's all down to how much you let what other people think rule your life. If you want a shoulder bag, get a shoulder bag. Plenty that don't look feminine. The biggest stumbling block is having to deal with Thai shop assistants.
  10. Unfortunately, I think these are explained by the person being "technically dead" but having part of their brain still alive.
  11. Yes, we are unconscious when we sleep and don't even remember all of our dreams. But have you ever experienced something close to sleeping and not remembered it? Like Switched off your alarm, removed an item of clothing, thrown off the bedcovers, etc., and then gone back to sleep and not remembered it?
  12. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/61876/11-words-meanings-have-changed-drastically-over-time You can also search for "words that have changed meaning over time" and see many results.
  13. If you view all of the links, you will see that the word is used by non-MAGA types who are not trolling. That is my point.
  14. I didn't say anything about trolls using the word. I'm talking about regular people using it in a legitimate way. Absurd. Of course words can change meaning through use over time.
  15. Ah, I realise what I have done. I misunderstood this slightly unclear sentence: "Pretty sure what I was asking is an example of usage of "woke" by non maga people in a context other than complaining about the misuse and general insulting nature it is used." as there being a third group, that is "people who use it as an insult. (A mistake, not a trolling.) Apologies for that. But back to the original question. Non-MAGA people do use "woke" in the newer negative meaning. I have explained here how it is now used and posted several links to support it. The word is used by very much non-MAGA types to critique those that fall under the new meaning.
  16. So you're just going to ignore all the incorrect things you have said? You choose your bathroom based on your sexuality? Seriously? You're completely wrong, based on your quoted definition of sexuality, but you're just going to ignore that? How do you expect to have any sort of meaningful discussion with someone if you ignore what they say, pretend you haven't made many mistakes and slander them? I have stayed perfectly on the point I originally raised with you and have been more specific, not vague. Your comment, sadly, suggests trolling.
  17. Whoa now! You can't just go changing the meaning of a word just like that! ????
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