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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. You haven't been following the thread? You've replied to me multiple times and this is the point I am discussing. I gave a detailed explanation and posted evidence. I'm not sure how you could miss it.
  2. Now you're trying to pretend I'm a troll?!! I've patiently and reasonably explained my point and I've provided evidence to support it. This stinks of an ad-hom. Possibly hoping to get my comments considered to be trolling and removed. Very sad to see.
  3. No. People change the meanings of words. Then dictionaries can add those meanings. You're very far off the mark on this one.
  4. Probably scared the cops would find some way to blame him and try to exhort money from him.
  5. You could simply be intellectually honest. "MAGA" people are not the only people that use the new meaning of "woke". But you appear to not want to acknowledge that, likely because you then lose the power of being able to discredit them through labelling them as "MAGA".
  6. Why? Dictionaries don't have a monopoly on word meanings. Where do you think they get their words from in the first place? That's right, from people.
  7. Oh yes, I remember now. Once you have exhausted all other avenues of denial and are proven wrong, out come the accusations. ????
  8. What on Earth makes you think that it is only used by "MAGA people"? This simply isn't true. Words can change meanings.
  9. ""Woke" as used by MAGA", what does that even mean? What about when non-"MAGA" people use it? Is it still meaningless?
  10. This simply isn't true. It isn't only used that way by conservatives. It is used by various people, as I have experienced and shown. You are denying the facts because you don't like them.
  11. I'm not lying about anything. I gave a factual explanation about how a word is used. I then provided evidence of its use in the way I explained. You don't like that, so you're trying to deny it. ????‍♂️
  12. What are you talking about? The above literally supports what I told you and goes against what you said when it comes to sexuality, and the gender thing is not how it is being applied today. The whole toilet thing is about what you "identify as". Not my terminology or opinion. Do some research before you embarrass yourself further. Again, not true. I was responding to you. Again, you're completely wrong here. You think that people choose their bathrooms based on whether they're gay or straight? This is simply not true and is ridiculous. You're making no sense, again. Please go back and read what you have written previously. I'd rather not waste time on you posting evidence that supports what I said thinking it supports what you said, or crazy talk about toilets being chosen based on being gay or straight.
  13. People said they don't know what it means. I gave an explanation. People asked for evidence of the word being used that way. I provided evidence. There's not much more I can do. You obviously dislike the new use of the word so much that you're refusing to acknowledge its existence. ????‍♂️
  14. "He's got the evidence we pretended he didn't have! Quick! Ignore the evidence and create a diversion!" Talk about intellectual dishonesty. You don't want people to be able to criticise a group that you support so you attempt to deny the existence of a term that facilitates that criticism.
  15. Words can have different meanings and meanings can change over time. ????‍♂️ How can you not know that?
  16. There is evidence galore, of course. ???? https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/woke (second meaning) https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2021/6/24/what-is-woke-culture-and-why-has-it-become-so-toxic https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/03/wokeness-definition-social-justice-racism/673416/ https://www.hollywoodintoto.com/ny-thollywood-going-woke-regrets/ https://www.outkick.com/hollywoods-woke-wall-starting-to-show-cracks/ Here are multiple links that support my definition of "woke" given above. You can find many more by simply searching for: "woke meaning", "woke as a negative", "go woke; go broke", "woke Hollywood", and so on. Sadly there are some users here who appear to really embody the line: "Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas."
  17. I'm not telling anyone what I think the word means. I'm telling you how it is being used. I notice you don't even bother to thank me for correcting you about sexuality and gender. For those ones you can just take a look in a boring old dictionary. You were literally wrong about the basic, boring, non-controversial dictionary meaning of those words.
  18. Why are you asking me to provide evidence of something you claim that everybody knows?
  19. What kind of proof do you want? I don't need to research it because I know how it is used as I have experienced it (as I have pointed out several times). If you do not have this experience, you might need to do some research. What is difficult about that for you to understand?
  20. I don't need to prove anything. I'm simply explaining how it is used. Why would I need to "prove" that? I didn't claim to do any "research". I'm simply aware of how it is being used through experiencing it.
  21. I wouldn't know where to begin. Perhaps it's a little too abstract or "zeitgeisty" for me to be able to produce any single source. Such is the nature of "the internet".
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