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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Is it possible that you are only looking at the fact that he "did so much for the people", rather than what his actual political/business practices were?
  2. Nor would it be a challenge to recruit the best childcare money could buy.
  3. Do you think he made a deal with the current government when he saw the election result? Could they offer him more than the coalition could?
  4. You did bench press in the morning and night? Resistance training is not the same as cardio. You need to have adequate rest between sessions. You basically damage your muscles microscopically each time you lift weights (or that is the intention at least) and then they repair stronger. So after a session, you should be resting that muscle/muscle group for a number of days. Many people using weights to gain mass only work one muscle group per week, or at least wait until there is no pain or soreness and the muscle has completely recovered. Aches and pains from training the same muscle twice in one day seems expected.
  5. Wow! Things that we would probably honk our horn at or glare a little as we drove round, these guys get a gun out and shoot at someone. It would be comical, if it wasn't so incredibly scary. "So, Mr respected bank employee, while you were drunk driving, what made you pull out your lethal killing device and discharge it in the direction of another car, in a manner that could have possibly killed or maimed someone?" "I just didn't like the way he stopped to let his friend get out." Wild West.
  6. I wish I could say that I feel like that will make a difference. Unfortunately, anyone who thinks that motorcyclists have right of way over pedestrians on pavements, and, should a pedestrian complain, they are allowed to assault them, is unlikely to be easily swayed on that position.
  7. I don't disagree, but a complete lack of consequences is experienced by most Thai people pretty much from birth.
  8. The thing is, you have laws and you have customs, and Thailand is governed more by custom than by law. In Thailand, custom dictates that motorcycles have right of way on pavements and pedestrians should give way to them, even if the law is quite different. It would be good if this was to change, but where is that change going to come from?
  9. In his condition, shouldn't it be "had a fall"?
  10. There's no misunderstanding, just things you disagree with. "Pride Month" is clearly special treatment. How can it not be? The whole idea is that the month is dedicated to activity geared towards one group. Even if it was only a concept (which it isn't), having a "concept" dedicated to a particular group can easily be considered "special treatment". Pride month is about the LGBT community. Having non-LGBT people allowed to participate doesn't make it any less about LGBT.
  11. Which is why "gay cities" is in quotation marks. ????
  12. The anger makes them kill, the killing makes them want to hurry on to their next life.
  13. I think they're kind of niche, so some of them form a culture of their own (how they dress, how they act, where they go, what they do). Much like culture around a particular hobby or activity. Although I doubt they would all say they are part of it, like not everyone who watches football acts the same way, or who goes drinking in a town. Heterosexuality is mainstream and dominant, what some might consider "normal", so it just merges with any other culture. You might have heard of there being sort of "gay cities" like Brighton in the UK. I would imagine that there are many gay people who feel they are not part of that (or perhaps any) particular culture. (IMO.)
  14. Thai women like a bad boy. If they didn't they'd act more like Vietnamese women do around foreign men.
  15. Where's the insult? You seem to be seeing things you want to see rather than what is there. Perhaps you are a little too emotionally involved with this issue to be able to be objective. Up to you, but this comes across as you not having an explanation to back up your claim.
  16. What's wrong with Thailand being populated with handsome, intelligent young men? ????
  17. Not in any reply to me. And you haven't quoted the comment to me as requested. (Since you must know where the comment is and what the details are, it's far easier for you to find it than for me to go through five pages of comments.) If you make a claim, it's really on you to explain your reasoning, otherwise it seems like you are being dishonest.
  18. That isn't hostile or insulting. You were completely wrong, and you continued to say the wrong thing even after I corrected you, so it's fair to speculate that you must be confused or being dishonest. What semantic game? What are you talking about? I said "special treatment" you kept saying it was "special rights", I told you that this is not the case, you decided to ignore the truth and pretend that I meant "special rights". If anyone is playing a "semantic game", it's you, and I'm the one that has called you out on it. Speaking of games, I notice you're still avoiding explaining how Pride month isn't special treatment...
  19. Supposedly this is the main reason for so much poverty and inequality in Thailand. I wonder why he is not stating it explicitly. Perhaps he plans to address it, but it doesn't want to say that that is the main thing he is going after? If not, is he really going to make much difference?
  20. Not a single insult and zero hostility from me I'm afraid. ???? But I guess you need to make up whatever you can to back out of the dead end you've manged to drive yourself down. ????
  21. It's a pretty poorly written article overall. One of the paragraphs doesn't even seem to make sense.
  22. I've made it quite clear what I meant and I didn't mean special rights. Rights are not the same as treatment. You can pretend they mean the same, if you want, but if you're going to pretend words mean something they don't and tell me you know what I meant and I don't, we're not going to have much of a conversation. And? I said special treatment and I meant special treatment, the rest is all in your head (either confused or fabricated). ????‍♂️
  23. You already explained how Pride month isn't special treatment? Can you quote it? I didn't see it in a reply to me.
  24. No, treatment is not the same as a right. You cannot control the meaning of what I say, no matter how much you think it might help your argument. Treatment is how someone treats you. A right is something you have a right to. They are not the same.
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