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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. I'm simply sharing some information. You don't need to believe it. Feel free to do your own research and reach your own conclusions.
  2. Not in the slightest. I'm simply filling in the holes in your knowledge. I'm glad you are smart enough to at least acknowledge this. No. Not my idea or reasoning, but it's all about "gender". "Gender" is apparently socially constructed, so you can change gender. "Sexuality" is about sexual attraction/orientation. So the issue of who uses which toilet is one of gender, not sexuality. Again, I'm not inventing anything. You just don't know these things, so I am telling you. Gender = what gender you are man/woman Sexuality = who you find attractive men/women Possibly you mean "biological sex"? Which is more related to gender that sexuality is. But most people would say that the two are sperate, hence a person with the biological sex male can use a women's bathroom, as their "gender identify" is a woman. (Not my opinion.)
  3. They didn't though. Politically correct took on slightly negative connotations because of how it was used. It never got to the same levels as "woke" has. That's why we have the phrase "political correctness gone mad".
  4. Exactly. Step away from the posh malls, visit the places where most regular Thais shop, get outside of Bangkok, etc, not a huge difference between Thailand and Laos. There's a lot more money in certain parts of Thailand, but that doesn't change the whole country.
  5. I'm not sure I can give one single source, I'm afraid. What a silly thing to say. As I said, I'm merely reporting how it is being used.
  6. Which is probably exactly why people are denying the new meaning of the word "woke". To attempt to prevent communication about something they do not like. A good point to consider.
  7. The danger of people with male bodies, and even "men", being allowed in women's private spaces. This is about gender, not sexuality.
  8. It's not an opinion. It is a fact. It's used how I said it is used. You don't like it, so you're making things up about it.
  9. Don't they pretty much write and visit their mistresses? Do the old Russian writers even live to 71?
  10. It isn't a right-wing/left-wing issue. People try to claim that, but that is simply an effort to discredit people. It's quite a mainstream issue and a lot of people have an issue with penises and people that resemble men in women's private spaces.
  11. It's not an opinion. It's simply how it is being used. I'm delivering some information. Helping those who are unsure of how the word is being used. What you choose to do with that information (including getting irrationally worked up about it) is up to you. ????‍♂️
  12. I'm not sure what you mean. I'm explaining how it's being used; what it means now. If you don't like it, I'm not sure there's anything I can do about it. There's little point in arguing with me about how people use the word.
  13. Who said I was describing specifically how DeSantis is using it? You appear to be adding things yourself and then getting mad at them. Or perhaps attacking them? As though they were a man made of straw...? No. I'm explaining, objectively, how the word is being used now, in terms of the new negative meaning. You don't like that, but you can't talk it into not being what is happening.
  14. Who said anything about cheap name calling? That's your interpretation of it, not the reality. Who said anything about you having any kind of virus? Quite an odd response. You seem to be talking as though someone is attacking you, which I don't believe anyone is doing. No. It's not my opinion. I'm explaining how the word is being used. That isn't an opinion.
  15. Not in the slightest. It's simply a word being used to describe a phenomenon. You can deny it all you want, but i disagree. I'm not sure how this is all relevant. I haven't suggested that you do anything. I understand you don't like the term, but if you're not doing what it describes, then it isn't being aimed at you.
  16. The thing is, even of they were doing something with the intention to help a group, if they're making things worse, just to tick a box, then it isn't a positive thing, in my opinion. Woke is often used in describing some sort of artistic endeavour, where people just stick a minority into a story where it makes it considerably worse. That might be done with good intentions (although probably not), but it's still overall a bad thing.
  17. Sure. That's what you're going to get on a forum. That's how it's now used and what it now means, in my experience. Becuase it's done in a way that makes it clear. Mostly it's something like film or media, marketing, celebrities on social media. It's simply very obvious. It seems they want to virtue signal, push their own agenda, maybe take revenge on a rival group for some reason. No, because they don't appear to be doing that. If they were, it would be obvious. The thing you're possibly missing, is to fit under this new meaning to "woke", it has to be fairly obvious what is going on. Pandering, virtue signally, it's all very clear. It's also associated with making the thing in question look very bad.
  18. "Everything I don't like is a Nazi conspiracy theory." You've got a lively set tonight kiddo. Some real side-splitters. ????
  19. Words can take on a new meaning, if enough people use them as such. It's not even really an entirely new meaning, it's more like a negative variation. You can call it a colloquialism if you like, but the meaning I gave is how it is now being used.
  20. Well, IMO, it's the reasons that I laid out above. And I didn't say that anyone thinks that Western culture is superior. I haven't been, but I assume that it's similar to what I have described in Vietnam. Money, class, treatment, etc.. I actually think that Thailand could be fairly unique amongst developing countries with their view of Western people.
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