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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Surely it's a sign of the corruption within Thai society? This is really on the people that take the money, as much as it is on the people giving it.
  2. What about all the innocent people dying? Isn't that bad?
  3. Many places are very over staffed, presumably because the daily rate is so low having too many workers is not a problem. If the minimum wage is raised beyond a certain level, there are bound to be a lot of layoffs. I hope people are considering that when they think about who to vote for.
  4. The entitlement that these types of women have is insane. I know it's not unusual in these situations, but it doesn't make it any easier to swallow. "I found someone new, so please leave your house and let me have it." I guess it's either they feel that the house is theirs because you married them, or you're a foreigner so they can rip you off without consequence, but either way it's completely messed up.
  5. Pick your budget, go to an IT mall, see what they have around that budget then do a little research on the ones that you can afford. I'm sure some people have luck buying online, but it has bad news written all over it, IMO. I'm sure it would be nice to buy a shiny Macbook whatever, but this is a 14 year old high school student. If she needed a video editing, programming machine, I'm sure OP would have mentioned it.
  6. Does she mean purely financial? I think there are simply not enough cases of the woman being supported by the male in Asian culture to make this true. There are just too many working women and not enough house wives for it to be true. Personally, I wouldn't trust a Thai woman saying "Hey foreign man. The man supports the woman in our culture". There's simply too much in it for them and "it is the culture" is often used to manipulate foreigners.
  7. Thank goodness they were there to record the screaming! ????
  8. From what I can remember about a documentary on boy racers in the UK, legal alternatives aren't as exciting.
  9. Interesting how central the idea of having a weapon is when thinking of fighting.
  10. The actual truth is so different from the headline,
  11. It's true. In most cultures, if you stare at someone, they will stab you to death! /s ????
  12. Some people comment for the sake of sharing an opinion, but it doesn't mean that they are suggesting that they are the only person who thought of that thing, or that it makes them better than anyone else for coming to that conclusion. I too thought yaba when reading the story, but due to the weird nature of crimes related to its users, rather than the non-mention of the drug, so the comment was somewhat interesting. I certainly didn't get mad at the comment. You might want to have a think about why you did get so angry. Angry enough to post two separate replies to the same comment. I don't think it's healthy, and I think you will be happier if you are able to relax a little more.
  13. A total waste of life. I wonder if they were real "gansters" or just doing some LARPing.
  14. I'm sure his friends and he were having a lot of fun. Probably the same type of fun they had enjoyed on a regular basis. We can't really get too mad at them, since they are so young. It's kind of inevitable that things like this happen when no one is looking out for them.
  15. Sure. There are actually a lot of things that could have prevented this accident. A 14 year old should not have been riding a motorbike. No licence. No insurance. A helmet should have been worn. Probably an illegally modified bike. Likely speeding. Likely driving dangerously. I guess the parents could have prevented this, but, to be realistic, Thai society at large must carry some of the blame also, for providing the conditions where the above is routinely ignored.
  16. The problem is that a lot of these kids are riding around on modified bikes, bent over to reduce wind resistance and weaving from side-to-side through traffic, with no helmet. Even with no other road users this is dangerous. The speed and the danger is part of the fun. ????‍♂️
  17. Another tragic death that no one could have done anything to prevent... ????
  18. Surprisingly so. I had no idea until I watched the "behind the scenes" type clips on YouTube.
  19. An odd description to use. Even people that like the fruit say it smells bad.
  20. Yes. We're all baffled as to how the man who regularly does something that is likely to introduce tape worms to his stomach ended up with a tape worm in his stomach. ???? I guess some things simply defy all explanation... ????
  21. Could be fake, but still good if it is a deterrent. I wonder what "debate" it sparked. Presumably something along the lines of "This is too harsh. The police should have just told him he was a naughty boy, made him do some squat-thrusts, and then let him get right back on his bike and ride off.".
  22. It does seem that post-covid Thais are a little less happy and friendly overall and a little more hostile to foreigners.
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