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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. True. And in most countries, if you try to harm yourself, people will lock you up for your own protection. I really dislike the "my body my choice" concept. Especially when it's twinned with "you have to do what I say because I'm in X protected group". It's kind of like "My body my choice; but also your body my choice".
  2. A very innocent prostitute? Interesting point of view.
  3. Very interesting, but the slogan "my body, my choice" doesn't always apply. There are plenty of situations where, even though your body does belong to you, you cannot choose what you do with it and have to follow rules and laws. Also, your "choice" of what you do with your body doesn't protect you from any consequences.
  4. Absolutely! The ear-raping exhausts are bad enough, especially when they backfire because they don't actually work properly, but add to that an arrogant seeming kid with a pudding bason haircut and you've got something super annoying.
  5. Can you fast for 72 hours a few times a week? 72 only goes into a week 2.33 times according to my calculations. I think it's pretty good for weight loss. A lot of people recommend it, so it doesn't sound like quackery. I also heard in a YouTube video somewhere that negative things build up in our body tissue that don't go away unless we fast, because we aren't really properly adapted to always having food.
  6. Possibly. It's not something I would do or would want to happen to me. But it's still different from an actual attack.
  7. An interesting perspective. I'm not sure that I agree with you. I don't think what Trump has said in this instance could be classed as being an instruction to attack Bragg.
  8. If you can't admit what is in the photo. We cannot discuss the photo. It's as simple as that, I'm afraid.
  9. Let me help you connect the dots. If we are discussing what Trump meant in a previous twitter post, the meaning isn't changed by the actions of someone following the post. Someone sending a threat to Bragg doesn't prove the meaning of what Trump posted on twitter. You're basically saying "See? Someone sent a threat to Bragg. That means that Trump meant X." when it really doesn't.
  10. Sure, it could have happened. It could also be a false-flag. A threat is very different to an actual attack though.
  11. The bat is next to Trump, not Bragg. It certainly isn't next to Bragg's head. I'm not sure that there is much more that we can discuss about an image that you are claiming shows something that it does not.
  12. Wrong again. It's being reported as the bat being next to Bragg's head when it clearly isn't. Not at all. I'm simply being accurate. The bat is next to Trump. Trump is next to Bragg. The bat is not next to Bragg's head. You know I can see the picture, right? Why not be honest? I'm not sure that I see the relevance of that to how the picture is being described. It feels like you're trying to defelct.
  13. Not that it's what I was discussing, but perhaps one of his supporters made for "for a joke".
  14. Do I think that by posting this picture Trump was calling his minions to attack Bragg? No. No. There's simply no reason to believe that Trump is commanding his supporters to attack or kill Bragg. It's silly to suggest so.
  15. What is the relevance of that to whether the image is being reported accurately or not?
  16. You think that Trump is suggesting some sort of targeted riot and people will only go after specific political figures?
  17. I think it's extremely important to point out the fact that people seem happy to read an article that says something that isn't true and then repeat that untrue thing. If you don't feel that's worth discussing, up to you. I think it is. I think the press should not be allowed to lie, and I think it's worrying when people repeat a lie as though it is true. It seems like with Trump, the truth goes out the window. Whether you like Trump or hate him, personally I don't think people should lie in the press.
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