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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. They're saying only authorised books are allowed. It's a shame that things have come to this, but, unfortunately, many teachers are introducing radical texts with the aim of indoctrinating children into their ideology. (And no, they aren't presenting them neutrally to educate the children in various different ideologies.) As they say, "teach them how to think, not what to think".
  2. He says "and see below" so the quote is in addition to the statement, therefore not contradictory.
  3. I'm guessing it's a conservative government and the teachers are liberals, so they're lying to try and make the government look bad. Sad that teachers are making kids suffer in order to try and score some political points. Seems wise to keep an eye on what books are making it into classrooms, given the rate at which teachers are trying to push controversial ideology on their students. (No room for that in the classroom, whether left or right.)
  4. Sounds like the teachers might be "shutting down" their classroom libraries when they don't have to, in order to try and make it seem like all books have been banned. By the title of this topic, it seems to be working.
  5. Careful. People might think you're being serious. You need to pop in a few emojis.
  6. Do they still have to go to a specialist dentist to get them fitted?
  7. 25% higher ................. Disagreements over the perception of one's own IQ aside, it's actually quite staggering how big the differences are and how low the average IQ gets, internationally. Highest: Japan at 106.48 Lowest: Nepal at 42.99 UK: 20th with 99.12 US: 28th with 97.43 Thailand: 63rd with 88.87 Laos: 109th with 80.99 Places 170-193 are below 67, so people with an average IQ and below in those countries are technically retarded. https://wisevoter.com/country-rankings/average-iq-by-country/
  8. That doesn't sound like it would be good fuel for a whinging social media post or tiktok video though.
  9. Likely people simply switch to whatever is their "most native" language. Even if they claim they have more than one.
  10. Now there are special code words that women can use in Western bars if an ugly person talks to them. They go to the bar and say "Can I speak to Mary?" or "Can I get an Angel cocktail?" And they will be whisked off to private area where they can be safe from "harassment". (I realise the good intentions of these schemes, but they are clearly open to abuse/misuse.)
  11. What surprised me most about Thais speaking Thai to foreigners, is that they don't seem to change the language they use or the way that they talk. I would have thought that at least speaking slow and clearly, if not trying to use more basic Thai words, might have occurred to them, but it seems, to me at least, that Thais will still talk super-fast and mumbly Thai to a foreigner. I guess it's because we're more used to foreign people being a regular part of our lives in Western countries, or perhaps we are simply more in tune with their struggles when it comes to language, but it feels like foreigners in an English speaking country will often be met by locals who make an effort to speak slowly, loudly and clearly (sometimes to a patronising level), in order to help others understand what they are saying. Perhaps it comes down to a sort of critical thinking and problem solving approach that may be lacking in Thailand. "What can I do to help them understand?" vs. "If they cannot understand that is neither my problem nor my responsibility."
  12. The lengths some people will go to to try to pretend that Thailand and Thai people are perfect. ???? As I said, I seriously doubt that no Thai person has ever glared at you if you have spent a significant time in Thailand. You either don't notice it or choose to block it out. The fact that you not only refuse to believe that any Thai people could be racist or have a dislike for foreigners, and that causes some of them to glare at foreigners, suggest that you are the one who might have a mental health condition. I suppose every foreigner who reports encountering Thais who glare at them or treat them badly in some other way is suffering from a mental condition? And any social media or news story that reports on foreigners being mistreated or attacked by Thais is made up? Or perhaps some sort of Shared psychotic disorder? Your time would be better spent looking into your own mental state. It sounds like you're experiencing a little cognitive dissonance at the very least.
  13. If a random person who I have never seen before glares at me when I walk past them, and I know I have done nothing to deserve such a glare, there is nothing about myself that I need to examine. The problem lies with the glarer.
  14. I heard it can also be a show of wealth. Seems insane to me. Perhaps they aren't tight like real braces and don't actually move the teeth, so no discomfort from that. You still get some that whose lips stick out uncomfortably though. One of the most bizarre "fashion trends" I think I've ever encountered. Outside the ridiculous "body modification" (please, please stare at me and find me interesting because I'm empty/dead inside) thing.
  15. I find it hard to believe that you could have spent a significant time in Thailand and never had a local glare at you.
  16. Whatever the reaction, some Thais do glare at foreigners and clearly aren't too happy to see them.
  17. You don't even need to wait, and there's not really any doubt or confusion. Some Thais strongly dislike foreigners and glare angrily at them when they see one. This has gotten worse since covid, and now those that dislike foreigners have another arrow in their racist quiver: "foreigners are dirty and all carry a dangerous and contagious disease so lift/check your mask when you see them and try to avoid them". At the core, it's about simply hating foreigners (non-Asian foreigners). Then this hate leads to rationalisation, where someone finds a reason for the hate. Either you ignore it (it's certainly in the minority) and focus on the nice people, or consider living/visiting another country where people are generally more positive towards foreign people. I'd recommend giving Vietnam a try. The feeling there is less "Ew, a foreigner" and more "Wow, a foreigner". But you will find the culture there is very different. A lot more petty crime, scamming and distrust among the populace. Swings and roundabouts. The problem with relocating, is that you might find that the culture that leads to this happening in some cases, is actually the very thing that draws you to Thailand.
  18. You get what you deserve and what goes around comes around? Only future can tell! If everyone is on the same page, it's up to them. If anyone doesn't know the truth, then yes, hopefully the deceptive person's behaviour will catch with them some day. I can't stand cheaters, nor people who happily cheat. But if the husband, the girl and the foreigner all know the truth, then they are making an informed decision.
  19. Agreed. I used to love the steam room in the gym, but that's in a generally cold climate. It's so hot in Thailand, even a brisk walk can leave you hot for most of the day. Cooling down once your body temp goes up seems a lot more difficult.
  20. If all the "un-Buddhist" monks in Thailand were defrocked, who would be left?!!
  21. And I'm not sure Thai society would even want that. If the police, government workers, and other people related to the government, were not allowed to be corrupt, they would hardly be in the position to go as easy on people as they do. Imagine if all corruption was removed from Thailand tomorrow. It would be great for the country as a whole, but the reaction from the populace, for whom corruption is generally a daily occurrence, would be incredibly negative.
  22. Good question, never been able to work that one out. The uni skirts generally don't have belt loops. The belts aren't really functional, they just sit at the top of the skirts. The clips keep the ends in place.
  23. Probably some time after it stops being so prevalent in the rest of Thai society. As Robert Peel said "The police are the people and the people are the police". Corrupt society = corrupt police.
  24. Very astute. Seems that it is common to the whole tourist trade in Thailand though.
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