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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. You believe that a "real teacher" is educated in what to do when the whole class doesn't want to work and refuses to do so, cannot fail, see no consequences for their actions, are safe in the knowledge that the teacher will be fired, and are happy for that to happen? With the school siding with the students and offering zero support to the teacher, telling them not to bother any Thai teachers about it?
  2. The woman he lived with, the woman who was cheating, and the attitude of the people in the village, were all referenced in the anecdote. Hearsay, anecdotal evidence, sure, but more than just one person's attitude is being presented.
  3. There's many that want to capitalise on any bad experience a foreigner has and use it as an opportunity to try to feel superior. They are "more Thai than you" or "one of the good ones", and any bad experience you have is a direct reflection on you personally. ???? A lot of troubled people enjoy this and relish the way that Thais can look down on foreigners, so that they can look down on them also.
  4. Unfortunately this is very true, and probably one of the biggest stumbling blocks that foreign teachers face when trying to teach in Thailand. Foreigners in general are viewed by many as not really being completely human, and therefore not deserving of the same respect that other Thais are. Sometimes you feel like you're getting a similar experience to Africans hundreds of years ago, stolen from their home countries and locked naked into cages, being poked and prodded by curious Europeans. It makes it challenging for anyone to really build a life in Thailand. (It's OK though, someone will be along shortly to reassure us that we are the problem and they never have any bad experiences with any Thai people because they are better than us.)
  5. I suppose it could be, but I doubt it. The user I was replying to never misses a chance to put other foreingers down.
  6. You read all that and decided it must be the teacher that is the problem? Not possibly the school or the students?
  7. I suppose you need to figure out if it is you or them. It's quite possible in Thailand for a school to hire a teacher that is completely awful, simply to fill the post. A lot of teachers are simply people who want to stay in Thailand to drink and party, with no actual teaching ability. You can understand why a sort of "fake teaching" approach could be met by a fake learning approach in return. It's also quite possible that a good teacher could be completely ignored and taken for granted in this system. If you are the former, perhaps you should go with the flow and make your assessment as fake as the teaching and learning. If you are the later, time to find a new school, going along with the fake teaching until the end for the sake of your own sanity. Sadly, a lot of fake teaching/learning goes on in Thailand, and not all foreign teachers are treated as kindly as the Thai teachers are. The no fail policy is pretty much country-wide, but you can work with it and even the Thai teachers can sometimes let the students run the class, not wishing to face up to having to actually discipline them. I think if you find yourself in a situation where not only do the students not value the subject, but also seem to want you to be sacked, you should get the hell out of their as there is nothing that is going to happen to change it. As nice a place as Thailand is, and as nice as some of the students can be, there can still be a lot of disrespect levelled at the ESL subject and at the ESL teachers. I.e. some don't really view them as being completely human. There's no teacher that can fully overcome the nature of education in Thailand, as the culture comes from the school by which you are employed and the system that you are operating within. Students know they cannot fail, they know they don't need to study and they know they can get away with abusing foreign teachers. It's sad, because they are of course doing themselves out of an education, and no one really likes to see young people throwing away an opportunity. Might be time to look at other countries in the area.
  8. Indeed. Worth waiting for the details to all come out before passing judgement. Sadly, the accusations of many organisations that claim to be wanting to help people cannot be trusted either.
  9. Exactly. No one says a thing about kids smoking cigarettes or riding four up on a motorbike. "If it doesn't effect me, I don't care."
  10. Because things haven't gone up with inflation, it's more people finally being forced to put prices up after years and years of never increasing them. So they've gone up at a higher rate.
  11. Fascinating stuff, but still completely irrelevant. 25% remains not "most" of anything. ????‍♂️ I can't think of anything you can write that will change the proportion that 25% is of 100%, nor the meaning of the word most.
  12. The headline says that most Isaan constituents support Thaksin's daughter for PM. Another user pointed out that at 24.9%, Thaksin's daughter does not have a "ringing endorsement" from the people of Isaan. What they have said is true. At around 25% support, Thaksin's daughter does not have to support of "most" constituents in Isaan. If someone wishes to make the point that the headline is incorrect, which it is, whatever you think the thread is about is irrelevant, as is the level of support for non-Prayuth parties. just to be fully clear: if someone says that Thaksin's daughter does not have the support of most Isaan constituents with a figure of around 25%, the amount of support for anyone else is irrelevant. 25% of a group is not most. Simple as that.
  13. Shouldn't they be more concerned that the monks were all fake monks? Does this mean that their previous merit making is null and void? Can they claim back all their previous donations?
  14. 100% minus 24.9%. Why would you need to "keep it even"? 24.9% is clearly not a "ringing endorsement", which is what the comment was about. Nor is it "most" people in Isaan, which is the headline of the article. How many people would choose to vote for Prayuth is completely irrelevant.
  15. I understand that you read a comment, dislike what that comment says, then pretend that the person who made that comment said something that they didn't. Most likely this is because you cannot refute what they say so need to construct a strawman to argue against instead. No one will buy what you're selling. Stop the logical fallacies and people might listen to you (but I doubt it). ????‍♂️
  16. So you think people who said they would choose another candidate over Paetongtarn Shinawatra, would still vote for her? Seriously? I think you are the one with a problem with comprehension. The point is, the person you replied to said that 24.9 wasn't a ringing endorsement of Paetongtarn, which is true. You chose to challenge this by saying that a certain amount of people wouldn't vote for the current government, which is obviously irrelevant when discussing how many people supported Paetongtarn (24.9%). LOL. I never said I didn't know what it means (again your comprehension comes into doubt). Try reading the whole comment before hasting bashing out an incoherent reply.
  17. What does that even mean? Aren't all politicians taking part in a democratic election pro-democracy?
  18. You keep arguing with things that @OneMoreFarang hasn't actually said. It makes you sound unhinged. We understand that you like Thaksin, but your refusal to acknowledge that some people might not like him and would prefer another alternative (instead trying to claim that they are supporting the current government) makes your comments so nonsensical that I can't imagine you winning anyone in this thread over to your side, or to really taking anything you have said seriously.
  19. Taking a guess, the people he likes like Thaksin and his mind won't allow him to think anything bad about the Thaksins as that would then affect his view of the people he likes.
  20. "On what basis do you based your conclusions? Real lived experience that you have witnessed first hand?!! That is nothing compared to the things that I imagined about Thaksin and his many proxies!" ????
  21. People saying they will not vote for Thaksin's daughter, will never be a ringing endorsement for her. There is zero logic in your comment as a rebuttal to a comment on the lack of endorsement for Thaksin's daughter. The person you replied to did not mention "pro-democracy" parties. (Whatever they are.)
  22. Would be interesting to hear what policies of hers they favour.
  23. I would imagine each party hopes that they will arrive suitably ready to outnumber or outgun the other and get revenge for the perceived slight.
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