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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Probably scarpered almost immediately, but the poor writing makes it sound like he was sentenced then fled.
  2. Not normal for Thailand though. "Thailand for Thai people!" ???? Yes, and that's fine. A good thing. But foreigners cannot buy land in Thailand, the land of "rules for thee, but not for me".
  3. I guess I'd do what this guy is doing and ask the government to force all pizza restaurants to up prices by 40%.????
  4. As long as the price is clear when booking - so that customers can choose to go elsewhere - go for it. It will probably drive people away from Thailand and to cheaper destinations who are actively trying to encourage tourism, rather than price gouging.
  5. The text you wrote that appears to match that of the title of this post should have been in quotation marks, or in a quote box. Otherwise there is nothing to suggest that it is a quotation.
  6. Now that you mention it, I don't. Personally, I would have gone with "Do you believe in natural selection[?]". Also you need to add something to make it clear that you are quoting. I.e. quotation marks.
  7. Why should you care if someone you don't know gets killed, or why should you help prevent someone you don't know from dying if doing so is reasonably within your power and not a huge inconvenience? The two are quite different.
  8. I believe in the evolutionary theory of natural selection, but I don't think that what you have written is an example of it. Murphy's law is "if something can go wrong, it will go wrong". Maybe you're thinking of "Darwin award" for stupid deaths. This is based on the Darwin's theory of natural selection, but it's a joke. I think what you might be experiencing is a slight lack of empathy. What was dangerous about sleeping outside a gym anyway?
  9. It's hyperbole and not directed specifically at you. Obviously I am not suggesting that you have ever posted that.
  10. And another chance for the crazies to loudly proclaim "This is unquestionably a good thing! My opinion is fact, and anyone who points out anything negative about it in any way is actually proving they are wrong (and a racist Thai-basher to boot)!". ????
  11. So the previous 1,900 paid for the visa and service at immigration, but you will now have to pay for that plus an additional 500 to use the website and still have to visit immigration? I'm not entirely convinced that this is actually for the benefit of customers using immigration services. It sounds more like it's going to make things easier for immigration officers and increase their income.
  12. That's three people in work, being kept busy and not asking questions...
  13. Or just check the vehicle carefully before the driver locks up and leaves? It shouldn't be that hard, and I believe most of the cases of a child being left on the bus/van involve them simply sleeping on the seat.
  14. This is the thing. It's all well and good for us Westerners to sit back and make judgements based on how things work in our home countries, but Thais know how corrupt Thailand is and how what really happens rarely matches what is actually claimed.
  15. Wow. I didn't read that line properly and assumed it was because of covid. Online is obviously no substitute for the real thing. Better to make it compulsory to use edible/degradable krathongs.
  16. Use task manager to check how much memory applications and background processes are taking up.
  17. Bizarre. I wonder what the truth is and why this story isn't the one being told in Thailand.
  18. Horses for courses. There's probably pros and cons to each type of woman. Pick your poison...
  19. How so? I think most don't really know or care. As far as I know, he's just a YouTuber who speaks Thai. ????‍♂️
  20. Are you sure it isn't an attitude of "I hate that this happens, but I cannot complain as it may cause them or me to lose face and there could be consequences"? Thai people can be incredibly tolerant, but it isn't always because they have no issue with what is happening.
  21. Lol. How? You're such an authority on the subject that anyone who questions anything you say in any way, are automatically "defending child abusers"? Ridiculous.
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