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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. The topic is from almost one year ago. Many schools were cautious, even when it was Omicron, but pretty much everyone was back in the classroom for the new year in May/June this year.
  2. He was covered in blood and carrying a gun at a mass shooting. He was held for an hour then released.
  3. Gee, I wonder if knowing the literal exact address of one of the two people involved will be any help in tracking him down... ????
  4. I guess they've got a kind of get-out clause based on the discretion of the officer that allows opinion to effectively become law? Maybe it could be appealed and pushed through?
  5. Human rights don't actually exist. They are purely an idea that some countries bring into power through legislation. At The end of the day, if Thai people decide you aren't Thai, then there isn't much you can do about it.
  6. Check again. There's a couple of personal examples of poor workmanship briefly mentioned, then the vast majority of comments are people talking about the OP's relationship or their own experiences with Thai women.
  7. You'd be surprised. If someone was found hanged with their hands tied behind their back, what would you guess had happened?
  8. They're repurposing online comments as news. Chances are "The Japanese" mentioned above were one or two Japanese people commenting on a forum.
  9. It means they are only half-Thai. A common label is "half-blood". They have one Thai parent and one foreign parent, so they cannot be fully Thai. Even if they have Thai nationality, the foreign half prevents them from being fully Thai. It suggests that their is an ethnic/racial purity involved in being Thai which is diluted by the foreign genes. You might be a Thai national, but many Thais will consider you to be only half Thai. There's clearly some sort of racial/genetic heritage involved in being a "true and full" Thai. Nationality appears to be only one component in being a "real Thai".
  10. I think, possibly, as Western men we are sort of conditioned to see the good side in women and to want to save them from their bad side. People can also play-act and hide their issues, maybe for years (or until commitment is secured) I'm not sure if Thai men would put up with this, I suspect not. Luckily, normally one experience like this is enough to beat this attitude out of us. Could be they would rather be with a Thai man, No Thai wants to date them so they are forced to settle for a foreign man, they then take out all of their anger, bitterness and frustration at the situation they are in on their florigen husband? Some women marry for love, others marry to be looked after. Honestly, these people sound very broken and have probably had extremely unpleasant lives to turn out this way. I sometimes wonder if an upbringing that we would call abusive back home, is normal for many Thai women.
  11. Don't things like dams and factories typically displace a load of locals and pollute the surroundings? Might be a good idea to be on the opposite side of Thailand to wherever this thing will be.
  12. But if you call it "Swampy", then you sound like an old hand who's "in the know". ????
  13. Lol. I wondered how long it would be before someone from the "more Thai than you" brigade paid a visit to the thread!
  14. I would assume that by marrying a Thai woman you got a younger and more attractive woman than you would have done back home? And she does stuff for you that a Western woman hopped up on feminism wouldn't do (cooking, cleaning, being supportive, etc.)? Swings and roundabouts. The problem is that a lot of Thai people don't really get a very good education, and the extent of that education is really simply indoctrination into Thailand being the best country in the world, Thai people being the best people in the world, believing in Buddhism, never questioning anything, and so on, to make them easy to control. It's also one of the reasons Thai people often seem so happy and content and get on so well with each other. Swings and roundabouts again. Obviously not all are like this, but your one is. For her to think otherwise might cause her some sort of psychological harm, so you're looking at quite the challenge if you wanted to break her programming, especially while she will be regularly getting "software updates" from friends, family, and the media. With the roof thing, the guy is trying to swindle you and your wife is willing to allow it, simply because she believes what the guy says because he is Thai and you are not. She believes that and also that because you are foreign, the work will automatically be bad. A pretty bad situation. It's probably up to you to try and find a way to balance things and cope with the situation. If she thinks that the laws of science that apply in the rest of the world, don't apply in Thailand, or that a foreigner will do an inferior job to a Thai, simply by the nature of them being foreign, you may never be able to make her see sense. At her core she must be deeply racist and prejudiced against foreigners. Perhaps just do what you want and try to ignore her? It doesn't sound like a very positive situation, having your wife continually undermine you and defer to Thai men/people over everything, especially when it has a detrimental effect. Is leaving an option?
  15. Attempt to trivialise it all you want, but they have a point. There will also be many Thais that look around and see much more important and beneficial causes that the money could be spent on. Therefore all arguments for spending the money elsewhere are invalid? You write like this fact makes it unilaterally a good thing and anyone suggesting that the money could be better spent elsewise are bad or wish for Thai people to be unhappy. If happiness is the metric by which to measure where the money would be best spent, then alleviating poverty and improving living conditions for Thais would surely increase happiness to a higher level than simply being able to watch some sports on TV. It might surprise you, but many "moaners" are actually also concerned about the welfare of Thai people, and to a level a little more significant than "something good on the telly".
  16. Aren't a lot of the wires unused but the technicians just leave them there? Also a lot of spools of spare wire. I feel like maybe if they're forced to actually remove unused wires and straighten up the ones in use, it could turn out OK.
  17. I don't think they were actually embarrassed. I think that's just how they are reframing it for the sake of this post. I have a suspicion that it was more like a feeling of part rage and part condescension.
  18. And in Western countries people will generally admit to not knowing the answer. In Thailand, it's a lot more common for people to be flexible with the truth in order to not lose face. No doubt the accusation of "Thai Bashers!!!" is coming soon, but, as I said before, there are obviously many things that are better in Thailand than in Western countries also.
  19. I think you're either not trying or you're deceiving yourself. (I'm assuming you're switched on enough to notice more issues, they just aren't occurring to you right now.) Law and order, treatment of women and girls, human rights, consumer protection, inequality, welfare, civic responsibility, are a few that jump out. There are probably many more. And, of course, education, which is probably one of the biggest and most obvious ones. Not sure how the above don't leap into your mind when thinking of Western countries vs. Thailand. ????‍♂️
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