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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. You really have to question why Thai women so often seem to want to be with this type of guy. ????
  2. I guess there are two sides to it, people should only get a degree that is specific to the career they want to have in the future (or they should at least be entering an intellectual field) and any other degree is meaningless, or that any higher education is beneficial and even if they aren't going to enter the field that their degree is in it is worthwhile and represents a certain level of achievement that should make them a better prospect than someone without a degree. The latter also has the element of "if you can afford to pay and spend the time, you are almost guaranteed a degree and that will indicate membership of a certain social class group that poor people cannot afford to enter". I've read about the "myth of meritocracy" and it's quite an interesting subject.
  3. That's not the same. He is Dwayne Johnson now as an actor, but was previously known as "The Rock" when he was a wrestler, so "The Rock" is included as a reference to that. People do still sometimes refer to him as just "The Rock" also. I'm talking about people like Eminem, Dr Dre., etc.. Generally just the stage name is given, not full name, nickname and stage name. It's quite unusual.
  4. I was quite surprised to find out that at university level tasks are still set where it is possible for one student to do the work and the rest of the class to copy from them. I was hoping that at least at university that copying like this would not be possible and would quickly be spotted by the lecturer.
  5. Does anyone know why they write names like this? Full name, nickname and stage name? We never see this in Western media.
  6. I think the idea is to disincentivise people from using discardable bags and instead bring their own reusable bags.
  7. Those pesky foreigners have been milling around the Americas since around 20,000 years ago.
  8. I'd rather go a bit closer to the source. I'm not saying that the above YouTuber has nothing to add, but personally I'd choose to read the books he has read and then come to my own conclusions. He's a little too much of a "life coach compiling soundbites" and I'd prefer a bit more of an "intellectual discussing the ideas".
  9. Da Nang is awesome. I know everyone goes there, and it's tempting to avoid "touristy areas", but they're super friendly and welcoming to tourists. It's the first place in Vietnam that seems to have caught on to being nice to tourists meaning they will want to return and word will spread. Get the train from Da Nang to somewhere up north, as the railway goes along the coast and it's amazing.
  10. Possibly, but it sounds like a physical disability from the article. I know some degenerative brain disorders can result in the person failing to recognise people, experiencing personality change and getting angry with them intermittently, but I'm not sure about ridiculing their cooking every mealtime. Is there a mental disorder that causes you to mock your spouses cooking and means you cannot make your own meals? (I worry that, if there is, it may be endemic amongst the forum members.)
  11. Certainly seems like a common attitude. Women are seen as the property of men, while men are free to cheat and live off the woman. Obviously the only way this works is if the woman is unable to leave. Even if the relationship ends and the guy finds a new woman, apparently he can still go crazy and kill his ex if he is not happy that she has also moved on. I think the only exception is if the woman has a child that the man does not want to support, then he disappears. Amazing [attitudes to women in] Thailand!
  12. Not worthy of murder, but kind of a dick move to ridicule the person providing daily care for you that you cannot provide for yourself.
  13. Again, do you think that the article states that they were not drunk or on drugs? I've read it several times and cannot see anything claiming that. Can you quote the section that you think means that? Maybe we can help you understand it?
  14. Possibly connected, and since no one was seriously hurt... I wonder who will pay for the replacement of the barrier though. It is nice that kids are allowed to get away with so much in Thailand, kind of. Certainly less chance of a youthful infraction ruining a whole life. I wonder how many average people get away with serous crimes but are part of the group calling for more accountability for the government, though. As with complaints about corruption, there seems to be a little hypocrisy at play.
  15. I read one of those. It had "no real retirement visas though" as a kind of afterthought at the end of the section assessing Vietnam as a retirement option. They'll write anything for clicks.
  16. I've been called a lot worse... ???? But no, I'm merely stating that the Thai word for guava is "farang".
  17. I have no clue how you are getting this so wrong, nor why you seem so triggered by this, but the Thai word for guava is farang. That's just a fact. Guava = ฝรั่ง (farang) ????‍♂️ Here's some "research" for you: http://www.thai-language.com/id/131256 https://translate.google.com/?sl=en&tl=th&text=guava &op=translate
  18. Only those born within the sound of Bow Bells will know the true meaning. I did indeed. I have a little inward chuckle whenever I hear it used by people who do not know.
  19. I'm pretty sure he's doing this to troll people. There's no way anyone can be that out of touch with reality, even on TVF.
  20. The Thai word for guava is "farang". I'm afraid you have been misinformed.
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