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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. In these circumstances, it's a little harder to say this is a typical Thai juvenile/psychopathic response.
  2. Where do you find these women and how are their men not able to prevent them from doing this?
  3. It just occurred to me that Boris is actually in an age-gap relationship with his wife. She is 24 years younger than him. I very much doubt it's his looks or personality that attracts her to him.
  4. A lot of modern music is garbage, sure, mumble-rap, grime, etc., but there are still some very talented people around. Are they recycling old tunes? Probably, but that's been going on as long as people have been making music. You can't tell me that these two guys can't sing or that this tune is bad:
  5. I guess the answer is, they're too lazy to bother to do the necessary activities to look like that (as they are also apparently too lazy to work). The blame is really on the women, though, for their choice of husband. Sometimes I wonder why any Thai women would want to marry a Thai man based on how they treat them and how they behave. There must be some sort of indoctrination to make Thai women think that this is a good choice, their only choice, or perhaps what they deserve. (Obviously I realise they aren't all like that.) In Vietnam, many women have the attitude of a foreign husband being a better option, as they don't drink as much, nor control, cheat or beat them, while being higher status and wealthier. It seems like some husbands are the same in Thailand, but the mentality of the women is totally different. I wonder if that is part of some sort of deliberate plan. ????
  6. I would guess that kind of depends where their values lie regarding choice of partner. 1 thinks the most important thing in a partner is looks, 2 thinks there are other things to consider and you must really be in love. (Although both suggest they are thinking that you could do better.) I've had a few very puzzled looks on a couple of occasions where I've been in the company of an older female friend or colleague. One thing is for certain, age-gap relationships between a younger foreign guy and older Thai woman are not the norm.
  7. Ah, so real step-daughter. Understand. Probably best for both children also. I think that says more about Thai people than it does about you. And I bet in the Thai way the "favours" would start before the girl was 18. That's a great thing you did. It certainly adds another aspect to your character that might not come across in your other comments. It's a shame the Thai government doesn't show a little more appreciation to all the foreigners that finance many of their children. Thank you for explaining all that.
  8. I guess that could have had some effect. Even more so if she was completely alone. I hope she has a happy and successful life. A very interesting situation. Do you mind if I ask how this came about? You just sort of claimed her? No legal procedures? How did the locals react? How did your wife feel about it? And you didn't get anything in return? Wow. That's highly commendable. She's very lucky to have had you in her life. I dread to think how she would have otherwise turned out.
  9. Do you know why this is? It seems that while many Thai women are extremely interested in men, some seem to not want much to do with them, despite apparently being heterosexual. Is it something about the reputation that Thai men have, or how girls are expected to behave in relationships in Thailand? Or do some girls feel they need to be respectable, chaste, etc.? Kind of old fashioned? As much as we hear "a Thai would date any Thai man over a foreign man", there seems to be a subsection of Thai women who perhaps avoid men/Thai men due to how they treat women. ????‍♂️ What about her parents? Do they share your approach?
  10. Would she marry someone twenty years older than her? How would you/your family react if she started to date someone twenty years older than her? Case-by-case, or would you/her parents have an absolute rule? (Obviously I'm just asking for purposes of the discussion.)
  11. Failure to stop, PIT manoeuvre or stinger, window smashed, dragged from car, stretched out on the pavement, arrested, taken to the station for drug and alcohol tests, in court for multiple charges in a number of days. But think of how much face would have been lost, or how much trouble the police would be in if she had powerful friends! Amazing Thailand!
  12. Sure, but they're more likely to want to know about travel in the West or Harry Potter. ????
  13. Laos is awesome. I can't wait to go back once things get a bit more stable. Sure. I had an interesting taxi ride where I asked the taxi driver about the music he was playing and mentioned Carabao. He seemed very excited. I love to learn Thai history and culture when I can. It certainly helps to engage with people. Haha. Well, actually, I despise football, so I would probably just humour him and pretend to like Man U, Liverpool or Arsenal, as I have had to do previously, but I get your point. I enjoy a good impromptu language exchange.
  14. Hmmm, I'm not sure that's an accurate summary. I'll "ELI5" it for you: "Age-gap relationships appear common in Thailand between Thai girl and foreigner, they may not have too many issues when both parties are relatively young, but, as both parties age, the physical differences may become more pronounced. How do people imagine that will play out, particularly in regards to sex and faithfulness? For example, 20 something and 40 something might be ok, but what about when they get to 50 something and 70 something?"
  15. I'm sure if we're talking high class wealthy guy back home, age is hardly even a question. They would have their pick in any SEA country. I believe Thailand is actually in the minority in SEA in their attitude to all but the most hiso foreigners. Yeah, there's some sort of link between SEA and Paris. Sort of territorialy and ideologically. I'm getting the colour red for some reason. ????
  16. Sure, women clearly think differently about these things than men do and status is a big one for women. It's a shame that Westerners are not held at the same level of esteem in Thailand as they are in Vietnam, although they don't have the same, ahem, "type" of foreigner really going there. That being said, there are still some Thais who seem to look up to foreigners. Whether that's just because they think they are rich, admire their White skin and pointy noses, or value the opinion of a well travelled and Western educated foreigner, who knows? Certainly Things like being an expert, being seen as being well cultured or high class can happen to a foreigner. And these things can persevere through age. Although it is still possible that people's opinion of someone can change over time. They may still become disillusioned. It all sounds quite promising though. All i need to do now I gain some status or amass some wealth.
  17. Hardly surprising, given two years of anti-foreigner narratives pushed by all and sundry. "You made me poor while you are still rich." - right message, wrong target
  18. Hopefully this isn't going to be a common thing as tourists slowly start to return to Thailand. I can see why some Thais are envious and resentful of foreign people whom they perceive as having weathered covid a lot better than them financially, but physical attacks are never OK. They really need to turn their anger towards the people that actually caused their problems. (Obviously this is precisely why foreigners are blamed for covid.)
  19. And crazy bouncers that will beat someone nearly to death, possibly disabling them, simply for acting in a way they dislike.
  20. I meant when they reach that age. I.e. the woman likes the guy when he's 40 and she's 20. He is still fairly attractive, although showing some age, and there are other things that she finds attractive as well. It might even be OK when he is 50 or 60. But then when they get to say 50 and 70, how does she feel then? Will she stay, or will she find someone new? I suppose, personally, this is a potential pitfall in dating someone a lot younger than you if you consider the relationship to not be solely financial. It might be OK now, but what about the future? Obviously women's biology is on the side of the male, as men tend to be attractive longer than women, but it's still a reasonable concern.
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