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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Indeed. Thailand still hasn't really got everyone caught up with the first round of vaccinations, let alone boosters or second boosters.
  2. Do you have any evidence that it was purely measures that Thailand put in place that led to the difference in these figures? It's quite a jump to assume "less numbers = better measures". I believe there were many more factors involved than simply the measures each country put in place. If you compare the climate and how people live in both countries, you will see that one is a lot more geared for a reduction in the spread of the virus than the other. The age of the population is also a factor. If Thai people don't make it to the same age as British people, there are obviously more people in the vulnerable age group. Same would need to be checked for comorbidities; obesity, diabetes, etc.. It might be worth checking the rate of spread of the original virus in each countries and the spread of the delta variant. Is it comparable, or is there evidence to suggest that people in Thailand (or SEA more generally) had some immunity to the original strain due to another virus that made the rounds previously?
  3. Is it an absolute requirement to have a "vaccine passport" or can you just present the "vaccine certificate"?
  4. Wow. Is anyone else suddenly feeling extremely vulnerability in terms of attacks against Thailand by sea?
  5. That could be Thailand right now. People happy, having fun and getting some money coming in. ????
  6. I think it's more likely an "if I can't have her, no one will" situation. Especially burning some other guy's bike.
  7. Can you explain how this manifests itself? As far as I know, Thai women make an absolute fortune for themselves and their families from foreign men, while being very much in control of the situation. Are you just making it up because you dislike foreigners by any chance?
  8. No Western feminist activist is asking for more female bricklayers and male nurses. They want more female well paid CEOs. Women aren't the only victims, but I wouldn't mind betting that when men are the victims it's their own fault and they are the subject of mockery.
  9. I think that because covid came from China, they have a very strong desire to save face by showing that they are the best at handling covid and they can achieve zero covid while others cannot.
  10. It's interesting, because you would be lynched if you made the suggestion that women need to have their sexuality controlled near most progressives or feminists (who mostly say it's actually beneficial for women to have sex with as many men as possible). Yet it really seems like women who are sexually conservative (probably due to their upbringing) end up having no problems settling down and being happy. While the ones who have followed the advice to do whatever they want, party it up, then find a nice guy when they hit 30, often have a catalogue of issues when they try to do so. As some say, sex and the city has a lot to answer for...
  11. Probably very few, but no one is saying otherwise, which is the point I was making... ????‍♂️
  12. Not only that, but I believe they were pretty vocal in their complaints.
  13. Exactly my point. Her parents are Thai, but her mother remarried and now has dual citizenship is probably more factually correct.
  14. Quite. Not sure what makes girls want to permanently ruin their appearance in this way. Do Thai guys like them?
  15. It's certainly likely that they aren't Norwegian. Possible one of them isnt her parent.
  16. I don't have much skin in the game re. pronouns, but you would think choosing one and sticking with it would be best for a coherent article.
  17. How can she be Thai if her parents are Norwegian? Either they are Thai and she is Thai, or they are Norwegian and she is Norwegian, surely?
  18. Interesting. Thank you for your numerous comments. A solid contribution. Oh, and, chatting in Thai or English?
  19. I was initially sceptical also. I recommend watching the video and reading the article. Whilst there are some potentially problematic terms creeping in from Western feminism, it's clear that there are some real and serious issues facing women in Thailand.
  20. Sounds perfect. Congratulations. Where did you meet? I assume not in a bar! ????
  21. People in Thailand seem to have a fairly different idea of what beautiful is. It seems like topics with the heading "most beautiful X is getting attention" often feature a very unusual looking woman. Does everyone here actually think she is highly beautiful?
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