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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. I have no suggestions, but you have my absolute sympathy. It's looks awful. I think people just have a completely different idea about what is acceptable or good workmanship in Thailand. I guess the lack of critical thinking, apathy, aversion to criticism, potential for anyone to blow their top over the slightest perceived insult, etc., lead to very poor workmanship being tolerated. I don't know how anyone can look at what is in your pictures and think that that is OK. I hope there is a way that you can fix it and maintain your familial bridges. If it wasn't fixable, I would be thinking about ways to cover it up. Some sort of shelf with an overhang, a valance that hangs down and covers the horror, pictures, sachets, towel rails, etc..
  2. Probably more like "Fully vaccinated with the last jab being within X months". That seems more practical.
  3. Totally unacceptable, especially when you consider that all women want is a nice man that treats them right and don't care about money or status in the slightest! ???? (Hopefully my sarcasm wasn't too subtle there.)
  4. Perhaps they just didn't have enough money to complete the purchase? The very fact that there were issues once they got to the husband's country suggests he did not have enough money to maintain the relationship. Or were they rich but argued over whose job it was to take out the trash?
  5. Is that to protect the women from foreign men or protect the local men from competition?
  6. This should be a colon, not a hyphen, right? I.e. "Pattaya: In a cautious..."
  7. Very odd wording. Sounds like it was still an accident, but one that was caused by negligence. If it wasn't murder and she didn't fall accidentally, then someone else must have caused her to fall from the boat through their negligence. This sounds quite tricky to prove. If they were all drinking and she went to the end of the boat to relive herself, then someone swerved the boat and she fell out, they must have known that there was a risk to people falling out but ignored that risk.
  8. How about every country adds on a covid premium to travel, then agrees to take care of any tourist who needs treatment during their holiday?
  9. With no Chinese market, they should be targeting their cores customers, their bread and butter tourists, mongers and backpackers. Remove almost all restrictions and firmly instruct immigration to be very relaxed about who they let into the country. Get some money coming in!
  10. I'm not so sure. I know what you mean, there are certainly examples of what you say, but I'm thinking in this case there is a certain amount of jealousy and considered ownership leading to "if I can't have you, no one will". The arrangement to "not date anyone else who would embarrass either of us" was probably proposed by him and agreed to by her under duress just to get away from him and he likely made it so vague that any relationship she had after him would breach the agreement.
  11. Sensible dad. Unfortunately many see it as reasonable to kill someone simply because they made them face the consequences of their actions. And they apparently see that as more important than being around to support their wife and raise their child. Even if he hadn't missed and was still alive, he would be facing at least some time in prison. Definitely worth it for being asked to leave a restaurant...
  12. Sounds like she had the right idea. Shame she wasn't cautious enough to move away. I wonder if he forced her into making this declaration...
  13. Unfortunately this is all very normal. The people in the back, the accident, the kids present on building sites. This is Thailand! If this pisses you off, wait until you hear someone say that there was nothing they could have done to prevent it and it was all down to fate...
  14. Those were rhetorical questions. People may claim that the police are the cause of people not following the law, but the fact that Thai people choose so often not to follow many rules and regulations unrelated to the police, suggests that it is a bigger issue than simply the behaviour of the police. There are cultural factors also.
  15. People. In many ways, his beating the intruder and reporting it to the police is asking a question. By not simply allowing the monk to do what he wants, by beating him and ejecting him from his house, by contacting the police, he is asking "why should I tolerate this?"
  16. I thought this was some kind of myth. How many jobs actually pay 300 baht per day? 7/11? Big C?
  17. Nice to see. If the Thai people want the police or government to improve, they have to accept that their respect for the law needs to increase also. ????‍♂️
  18. Is it only the police where Thai people consider all rules, laws and regulations to be completely optional? Or is there a very common attitude to following rules in Thailand that suggests it is related to more than simply the conduct of the police?
  19. Really nasty crime and not uncommon online. Kids have killed themselves over this kind of thing. There needs to be some sort of discussion of this in schools. Don't send sexy photos, don't let your partner record you having sex, people lie and people change.
  20. I think Thais are slowly getting tired of the "never criticise or complain about anything" aspect of Thai culture. Hardly surprising, given the type of behaviour this enables. Also, without tourism money to keep the masses happily subsidised, people are starting to ask questions.
  21. Really? If the fan makes you feel cool it isn't actually making you feel cool?
  22. One big problem is, although it's obviously a somewhat positive outcome in this one instance, what about the fact that so many thousands (millions maybe?) Of people do this exact same thing every day. The reason he has been charged is that he was doing something extremely dangerous that led to this woman's death, but that same dangerous things is being done countless times every day. It seems bizarre that they can sentence this one person, but not take the actions he carried out a lot more seriously across across board.
  23. But you're apparent defence of him is OK? I think you're getting a little carried away in your "all other foreigners are bad, I'm the only good one, I'm more Thai than you" shenanigans.
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