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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Again, do you think that the article states that they were not drunk or on drugs? I've read it several times and cannot see anything claiming that. Can you quote the section that you think means that? Maybe we can help you understand it?
  2. Possibly connected, and since no one was seriously hurt... I wonder who will pay for the replacement of the barrier though. It is nice that kids are allowed to get away with so much in Thailand, kind of. Certainly less chance of a youthful infraction ruining a whole life. I wonder how many average people get away with serous crimes but are part of the group calling for more accountability for the government, though. As with complaints about corruption, there seems to be a little hypocrisy at play.
  3. I read one of those. It had "no real retirement visas though" as a kind of afterthought at the end of the section assessing Vietnam as a retirement option. They'll write anything for clicks.
  4. I've been called a lot worse... ???? But no, I'm merely stating that the Thai word for guava is "farang".
  5. I have no clue how you are getting this so wrong, nor why you seem so triggered by this, but the Thai word for guava is farang. That's just a fact. Guava = ฝรั่ง (farang) ????‍♂️ Here's some "research" for you: http://www.thai-language.com/id/131256 https://translate.google.com/?sl=en&tl=th&text=guava &op=translate
  6. Only those born within the sound of Bow Bells will know the true meaning. I did indeed. I have a little inward chuckle whenever I hear it used by people who do not know.
  7. I'm pretty sure he's doing this to troll people. There's no way anyone can be that out of touch with reality, even on TVF.
  8. The Thai word for guava is "farang". I'm afraid you have been misinformed.
  9. If you have no knowledge or experience of the negative attitudes that many Thais have towards foreigners that would inform the historical and cultural context of the word farang (or choose to ignore it), who am I to dispel your illusions? ????‍♂️ I, and many other foreigners, would disagree with this. They do.
  10. Your judgment in this matter has thus far proven to be poor at best so I respectfully disagree. ????
  11. Well, yes and no. What you're not getting is the context in terms of what is happening and how the word sits in terms of cultural and historical values. If we look at the N word, we can see that it doesn't need that much context for it to be offensive, yet some Black people use it as a word to address each other. I don't want to rewrite everything I have written so far, but think about how the N word is used to be offensive, that is how it is when a Thai person uses the word farang in an offensive way, when they use it in a non-offensive way, it's more like how Black people use it in a non-offensive way. Due to attitudes to foreign people in Thailand. Have a think about that, or go and look at my/the previous comments in this thread. You should be able to get it. The sentence would be offensive, but it doesn't make the word "American" offensive, no. You don't seem to understand what context can mean. There is semantic context, as in your example, but there is historical context, cultural context, intonation, body language, and so on, that change the meaning of a word or the implication of its use.
  12. And for incredibly cerebral logical thinkers who present considered and concise comments based on facts and not emotions. ????
  13. I don't see how that relates to what I wrote. I pointed out your mistake so you wanted to deflect?
  14. OP is annoyed because he experienced racism in a Western country and wants foreign people to experience racism in Thailand.
  15. Did you seriously read all the comments here and still think that it's the word and not the way it is used that is the problem? Comment after comment says that it isn't the word that is the problem but the way it is used, the context, then other users come along and say "Oh my God! How can you be offended by a word?!!! It's the word that means foreigner!!! What's wrong with that?!!!". Your comment is meaningless, same as @transam's. ????‍♂️
  16. If you don't like it stop using this forum! ???? (In case it is unclear, I am saying this ironically to point out the ridiculousness (and hostility?) of this way of thinking. I have no problem with people sharing different viewpoints in a polite and mature way.)
  17. How can you not understand this sentence: "And you cannot grasp how even the word "foreigner" could have negative connotations or be used in an offensive way?"
  18. And apparently you can then say to them "if you don't like it go home"! Amazing how many foreigners get this bizarre "Thais can do no wrong and all the other foreigners are bad except for me" idea in their heads. I don't believe for a second that they would be happy for a Westerner in their home countries to treat a foreign person in such a way.
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