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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Just let it fly. This could be the super spreader event that we've all been waiting for. The sooner we get to the peak, the sooner we're over it. (As long as all those vaccines are good.) "The 'cron abides man..."
  2. The outrage is fake/manufactured. People are angry because he says things they don't like but he is too popular to cancel. That is why they keep going for him.
  3. Sounds interesting, but seems to be limited in availability. It's not specifically the American university system I am interested in, so much as what is happening to the youth of today as a result of woke, PC, overprotective, safespace culture, along with social media/internet.
  4. Do you read? If so, theres a book called "the coddling of the American mind" that attempts to answer this question. You might find it interesting. Its main focus is the American university system, but it's pretty relevant to all modern life for young people. They also reference some other books and sources in there that help to answer your question.
  5. Do you have any details for the insurance? Will you be a one stop shop for getting into Thailand, bar the visa?
  6. Certainly a mixture of what you have said. I think also young people have the idea that it's cool to be hedonistic and promiscuous, along with wanting freedom and to live like children forever, but this actually makes them miserable. What I mean is, if they dated briefly, married young and started a family, they would be happy. Or perhaps, if that still made them happy, they might not feel so hopeless and miserable. Certainly social media making people think that they have many more options than they really do plays a part in this. Unfortunately, I think that this idea that people should be free to live however they want ends up with people just not being happy. They think they are getting something better, that these old fashioned ways are so boring and controlled, but actually, like a child allowed to eat whatever they want and pick their own bedtime, it ends up being bad for them. Probably an element of some force that wants to destroy the family also. Possibly a mixture of outsiders and degenerates who don't want anyone to be happy if they cannot be, and maybe consumer culture where people being single and sad makes them spend more money. So all this "liberation" leaves them with little reason to live. Also, they don't realise their error until it is too late for them to change back. You can't get the toothpaste back in the tube.
  7. Well, with 30,000ish cases and less than 200 "from abroad", the surge certainly isn't coming from outside the country (as much as certain people would like to pretend that was the case). Reduce the restrictions and let people decide if they want to risk getting a cold while on holiday.
  8. Why are mild cases being hospitalised? Surely the whole point of Omicron is that few people actually need hospital treatment. Why are there people experiencing the symptoms of a cold in hospital?
  9. "You keep using those words, I do not think they mean what you think they mean." Sure, some want those things, but not all.
  10. Nothing. They just want Thai people to see foreigners as dangerous. For reason of control of the populace.
  11. OK, I see your problem. You're getting confused. You're claiming that discrimination against women is "the patriarchy", while your evidence says that "the patriarchy" involves discrimination against women. Also interesting that there is no mention of men having to do the discrimination... There's no mention of "the patriarchy" in the article in the OP.
  12. Do you know what "the patriarchy" is? It isn't women being discriminated against. And to answer your question: men and women discriminate against men and women.
  13. Was anyone able to see anything that actually referred to "the patriarchy" in any way in the article? I wasn't.
  14. Since many schools have gone back, I'd expected there to be major breakouts within weeks and schools going through a rolling open-cases-close-open-cases cycle, but it doesn't really seem to be happening. I think one issue might be that a lot of info comes from countries where it's so cold people don't do much outside, while in Thailand people often do things outside or simple under shades, with a tremendous amount of through draft. So much so that a lot of Thai people are effectively not far from being outside all the time.
  15. Interesting points. Haven't things been kind of silently relaxing gradually? It seems that many places have been reducing covid restrictions gradually over time. People are sick of the restrictions, less scared of Omicron and generally try to see what they can get away with. Also, most things built in Thailand have a very short period of durability and effectiveness, generally just take the photo then leave to collapse in a number of weeks. It could be the shelf life of the recent Omicron protections has been reached. It wouldn't surprise me if most people were of the mind "let's just get it over with, we've seen what happens in other countries, that seems OK" regardless of what the top people are saying.
  16. Teachers and students get extra time in bed. There is no extra studying or preparation.
  17. I believe most students see it as holiday time. It just isn't really compatible with the Thai approach to education. Or perhaps it matches the Thai approach to education precisely. Either way it's bad.
  18. It's not that so much as "rules don't actually need to be followed outside bare appearances".
  19. This is related to everything that it means to be Thai. To solve this problem you would have to address how Thai people think on a far deeper level than to simply tell them that they should stop on Zebra crossings and if they don't people will get hurt. You're honestly not going to solve any of this unless you change Thai people from the ground up. Might happen in the future, but no adult is likely to change so drastically.
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