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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. That's so weird. I got monked by a mug this morning! It fell from a shelf above my desk and caught me on the top of the head in such a fashion that it removed a perfect four inch diameter circle of hair from the top of my head.
  2. In a culture where looks are so important, it's hardly surprising.
  3. I assume that they think that getting a new passport with just the covid stamp in will garner more success in getting a new visa or extension in the future, while having the vol stamp will make things difficult or perhaps impossible. I further assume that they believe that the covid stamp although obtained through an agent will less problematic. How true this would turn out to be, I don't know.
  4. Just when you think things couldn't get anymore ridiculous.
  5. Were the IOs getting their piece of the action with the volunteer visas? Was someone missed out of the loop that should have been getting a cut?
  6. They could have said something at the time when the high ranking immigration official said "time is up, get out of Thailand" in the middle of the peak of a global pandemic while every other country was running an amnesty indefinitely, seeing as what he said turned out to be untrue.
  7. Why? You don't care about your students' education or mental health? As long as the paycheck clears it's all good?
  8. A very good point. This man was clearly going against the ethos of safe driving which, as we all know, is a cornerstone of Thai culture!
  9. Why would you say "dishwasher wanted" if you are looking for a contractor to supply and manage dishwashing staff? Surely they would only get dishwashers applying? Is this just an effort to get some free publicity?
  10. You sound shockingly unaware of how academia works. Do you think that an academic can write something with his experience in his home town being a source? Of course he cannot. Academics need reliable data to present and analyse, and they get this through things like surveys. Good luck writing an academic article or report and saying "based on what I experienced in my home town, and my general feelings about what might go on...".
  11. Pilot with the glass bottle refills. Just avoid black ink, stick with blue.
  12. What a bizarre situation. "Please can I apply for the covid extension because I cannot go home?" "When is your flight home?" ???? "Please can I take advantage of your government allowing people to apply for a covid extension to remain in Thailand up until 26th November?" "You have been here too long!" ???? Seems like the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.
  13. They probably actually shaved their head to be a monk for a while for their deceased relative.
  14. I wonder how Thai people would feel if they faced the same hurdles and risks traveling abroad as foreign people do to come to Thailand currently. They would probably cry "racism".
  15. I wouldn't try to kill any of them, so I'd probably be ok. Also, would they be there just to protect property from rioters and looters like Rittenhouse? Because then wouldn't I surely be safer with them there?
  16. Therefore people can try to kill him? And if he stops them from killing him he's the bad guy? Theres certainly a nutter somewhere around here.
  17. I'm just pointing out that the evidence shows that he acted in self defense and everything you say is ridiculous and made up. The fact that you respond with "he's bad and you're supporting him" speaks volumes about your argument. If he was the aggressor, show some evidence instead of just making a load of wild and unsubstantiated claims.
  18. So, just to confirm, you don't have any evidence, just what the lawyer claims? That isn't evidence, I'm afraid. You need to show the evidence, not just say "the lawyer said...". Saying "this video shows Rittenhouse..." is not the same as someone taking the stand and giving false evidence.
  19. So there's a lawyer claiming that a video shows Rittenhouse pointing a gun at people before they attack him, and that claim is enough for you? Do you have the evidence or not?
  20. That's just what the lawyers said. Do you have any actual evidence?
  21. I've seen no evidence of any pointing of the gun before the attacking began. There is no justification for them attacking him. There was no threat from him. There was no reason to believe he would shoot anyone. The people shot were the aggressors. All the evidence supports this.
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