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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. "What a nice positive story about something in Thailand, but how can I make it an opportunity to say something negative about other foreigners...? I know!!!" ????
  2. Or worse, they call other foreigners "falang" in a derogatory way, as if they aren't one.
  3. What were they searching for? You mean checking your luggage and everything you have on you for contraband, or something in the paperwork?
  4. It blows my mind that they didn't arrange some sort of virtual border system, whereby people could do some sort of out and in. This probably would have solved many people's significant problems. I guess they don't want to admit to their reliance on border runs, as it could mean losing face.
  5. We really need to be able to get to the point where we can say "it's no more infectious or dangerous than the flu, it's simply another strain that we can live with". We may already be quite close to that point. The problem we have in today's political and economic climate is that people love being part of think tanks and tasks forces as it's easy money, so they aren't in a hurry to give that up. Ditto with governments and additional powers.
  6. If it is so easy to get home, as so many are so quick to point out, why would Thailand be renewing the process? Is it that they are being hoodwinked by sneaky would be expats and have no idea how "easy" it is for people to get home? Or are they renewing the covid extension with the fact of land borders being closed, and "border bouncers" having no other options, fully in mind? Which one seems more likely?
  7. Apparently he's speculating that Omicron may actually be milder than Delta...
  8. Maybe he is orchestrating it to get some good PR. He has form in the area of stockpiling food to manipulate prices.
  9. Indeed. I can't imagine many Westerners saying something like "why didn't you lie to me?!!". I've actually read a study on lies related to cancer patients in somewhere like a former soviet state. Can't remember exactly where the study took place. There was major friction between doctors who wanted to tell patients they had cancer and what the prognosis was so they could fight it, and families who wanted to keep it from the patients so as not to worry them when they felt they were probably going to die.
  10. This is so true. They often seem to have no clue how much trust and respect we lose for people that lie to us. When someone I know lies to me, they're saying something like "<deleted> you, I have zero respect for you, you are less than nothing to me, you are not my friend, I am against you". Sad, really. Many Thais have probably destroyed both platonic and romantic relationships with foreigners through telling stupid and obvious lies (that they probably don't even need to tell).
  11. I'm not sure if it's hard to understand, it's more that it's hard to deal with or adjust to. Thais lie very easily, casually, but often quite poorly. The thing is, the face saving culture means that sometimes if a Thai begins to lie, the person they are lying to is supposed to detect the lie and realise they are trying to save face and accept the lie and end that line of questioning. The hardest part is that it establishes an attitude of "do whatever you want then lie to avoid the consequences", which, to a Westerner, is pretty challenging. It's not the understanding so much as the getting to know someone and judging what kind of person they are. What does a good person say if you ask them is they have done something bad? "Never! I would never do that and I hate people like that!" What does a bad person say if you ask them if they have done something bad? "Never! I would never do that and I hate people like that!" Also, this culture of doing bad things and lying about them, means that if you are an honest and good person, they will probably not believe it and assume you are the same as Thai men. So you really cannot take people at face value and you have to accept that they might have done something that conflicts with your moral values, and you might never know it. Not everyone, but it is a concern.
  12. Did the numbers even go back down, or is it just that they've conceded Omicron isn't as bad as Delta (like we all already knew)?
  13. I detect some racism. It's not just the pro-Thai stuff, there's some anti-White stuff lurking in there as well.
  14. Exactly what I said. I was replying to you, talking about the chap that you were replying to.
  15. Don't "guests" normally get a bit more slack? I think you're stretching the meaning of the word guest quite a bit. "You're a guest, so be nice." OK. "You're a guest, so expect to have fewer rights and protections that your hosts." Doesn't quite sound right.
  16. And when Thais get drunk and play loud music all night? Let me guess, that's OK? And I suppose if a foreigner complains about Thais playing loud music, he's probably entitled and deserves a beating? You need to take a look in the mirror.
  17. I was expecting to find a comment from this guy saying the foreigners deserved to die and the Thai(s) did nothing wrong. I can't see it, so I guess someone had the good sense to remove it. Really unpleasant person, saying people deserve to be brutally murdered simply because his mental illness requires that Thais are seen as perfect, peaceful people. It boggles the mind.
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