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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. If only Thais were there, this is believable. Thais rarely intervene in anything, unless they're particularly outraged and in far greater numbers than the offending party.
  2. When we all know the right thing to do would have been to let the cop shoot them! Because that's what "good farang" do.
  3. There was no "insurrection", and Trump left because he was voted out. Of course he will leave at the end of his term, if elected. The idea that he won't is pure fantasy, concocted by the never-Trumpers to try to keep him out of office.
  4. Nah, he left. There's no way for him to stay forever and he didn't do it before, so there's no reason to say that if he wins he'll stay forever. It's just more lies told about Trump. Pretty irresponsible lies at that. The best we can hope is that the never-Trumpers are just so stupid that they didn't realise what they were doing. Di Nero certainly seems stupid. Unfortunately, some people believe the never-Trunpers' lies and things like this happen.
  5. Organised, left-wing, anti-Conservative violence - and that's actual violence from groups like antifa, not just threats - dwarfs any random pro-Trump calls to violence. The left has all the outcast, unemployed, "revenge on society", communist types in their ranks.
  6. The idea that he won't leave if he is voted in this time is ridiculous. He was voted out before and left. That is what happened.
  7. I blame Robert Di Nero. "If Trump gets voted in he will never leave." Sure, just like he did last time he was voted in. 🙄
  8. Unless the sniper had already been neutralised.
  9. Unfortunately, a lot of people don't realise that a photograph shows only a fraction of a second of time. They feel that if they can see something in a photograph, it is happening for the length of time that they are viewing it.
  10. Antifa IS a group. They are a violent, left-wing, fascist group, who attack innocent people for their political views or allegiances.
  11. Which is worse, a hollow threat or actual death and destruction?
  12. Thanks for the link, really appreciate backing up your claim. If you look at the photo, it's actually taken from below and the flag is high above the group of people. That's why you can't see it in the video.
  13. What? The BLM riots were far worse than the "Jan 6 InsurrectionTM", in every way possible.
  14. Who said I can't define it? I can and I have. It's been defined pretty well in this very thread actually. Nope. It has a clear meaning that has been defined many times. You don't want it defined because you view it as a threat to something that you like, so you wish to pretend it doesn't exist.
  15. It would be interesting for people to try to explain the situation with these zebra crossings, or something like recent Disney Star Wars flops, without their words matching the new definition of "woke". I feel, if they were being honest, they could only possibly describe exactly what the concept of "wokeness" means. It's like people trying to deny racism against White people. They say, "No, that's not racism, that's just discrimination against someone based on race" (which is obviously the definition of racism). Some people just don't want the label of racism applied where the person is White, so they cannot see this obvious contradiction. The same appears to be happening with "woke". It is indeed very hard to discuss some things in a objective manner sometimes.
  16. Doesn't like "woke" because it's an "attack word", but is happy to call people "karens" for complaining about something... 🤔
  17. The anti-Trump stuff has gone up dramatically.
  18. How do you know? Vehicles change position and move sideways (as well as forwards) all the time. It was the side door that it impacted with. Which means the car would need to be at a pretty tight angle to be in front of the bike. First, this seems unlikely based on the size of the road, second it seems unlikely as there doesn't seem to be much damage to the front of the bike. Side-to-side seems like the more likely impact.
  19. Not at all. The side of the car impacts with the side of the bike. As I said, I don't think the evidence supports this. The road is small and there doesn't seem to be much damage to the front of the bike. It seems more likely that the car and bike impacted side-to-side.
  20. Nothing is being pushed, it's simply an explanation of how the word is being used. E.g. someone watches a new Star Wars movie or series, notes that the plot and characters are awful and it exists solely to push an agenda, then suggests that "wokeness" is to blame. This is a completely logical and appropriate use of the word as adequately defined above. What is wrong with coining a new word/phrase, or adapting a current one, where it perfectly describes a new phenomena? The fact is, radical leftists hate the new use of the word, because it allows criticism of something that they like, therefore they want to deny its existence. As I said, all very Stalinesque: "Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas."
  21. "Mr President, there's an active shooter, we need to get you somewhere safe." "But what about this tiny smear of blood on my cheek? Shouldn't we first wipe that off, then think about moving somewhere safe?"
  22. No. The left are going crazy with lies to discredit Trump after Biden's dementia was put on full display. Especially as Biden doesn't seem willing to do the right thing and step down. This makes a Trump win a lot more likely, so the left are getting desperate.
  23. You think the car pulled out at an angle and the bike slammed into the side of the car head on? I'm not sure if the evidence supports that, looking at the photo. Given that the car had damage to the mirror and the door, that's the only way that him cutting the bike off could have done that. It seems more likely that they impacted side-to-side, imo.
  24. I guess Thai culture prevents them from doing anything to stop it. Better CCTV, lights, lie in wait for them, follow them when they leave, barricade the road, etc. Lot's of things they could do if they wanted to make a little effort. The police could also do some of these things.
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