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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Gazan civilians didn't do anything on 7th October!
  2. There's a high chance of consequences occurring if they do that.
  3. The guy's job is literally to look after the cows, and when he smokes a bit he talks to them? ๐Ÿ™„
  4. Absolutely mad. Like BLM garbage popping up in the UK. Incidentally, I saw something on Facebook about this, and it said "Support Bangladeshi Students" over the top of screenshots of newspaper headlines that seemed to be saying that Bangladeshi students were violently rioting, so I'm a little confused as to why they should be supported. It seems like people have started to believe that whoever is doing the protesting must be good, simply due to the fact that they are protesting something.
  5. Not baseless. This is quite common. I didn't choose anything. It's simply the logical conclusion. You seem to be allowing your feelings to influence your thinking.
  6. They're probably desperately trying to find a way of describing the group (they can't say "a group of people"), without saying "immigrants".
  7. They're probably actually trying to play it down. If they said that the Police had to take abused children away from an immigrant family, so all the other immigrants attacked the police and started a riot, you must be able to see how that makes it sound worse?
  8. Always interesting when Thai people are surprised by Thai behaviour... ๐Ÿค”
  9. Maybe google "parts of an air-conditioning system" and see if there's anything similar there?
  10. "I got this special tea I want you to try before we eat. Let's sit and try it now while we are gathered here together. Here you are."
  11. Maybe not swimsuits, but some young Thai girls dress in very revealing clothes. Nobody cares. Also, the mor lam events with sexy dancers, along with the weird village mobile dance things, which typically have very young girls dancing provocatively, both feature people getting drunk and behaving in a wild way, and those are absolutely family things and very open. I think this is much more about either a tiny minority of conservative people, or those complaining simply don't like this behaviour from foreingers. Most Thai people have the attitude of "if it doesn't impact me directly, I don't care about what other people do", otherwise there would be uproar every time one of these whole village booze and sexy dancing things was on (amongst many other things that happen in Thailand every day). The likeliest explanation is because it's foreigners doing it, so suddenly it's bad.
  12. Basically, these types have to pretend that you're a right-wing, fascist, homophobe, triggered by gay people simply existing, because they cannot cope with the idea of a normal person rationally disagreeing with or questioning their ideology or something they support. Its very much an all or nothing thing. There's just agreeing with everything they say and letting them do whatever they want, and there's being an X-phobic, bigoted, Nazi. There's no in-between for them.
  13. What a pointless waste. Two, maybe three families destroyed. As if the murderer's going to live happily ever after with the girlfriend... ๐Ÿ™„
  14. I wonder if she watched them die before poisoning herself. They said one body was in a different place. She could have had a grudge against both the agents and the investors.
  15. Especially when the rationale is that one political party said that if you vote for them, they will give you money, and that money is ultimately coming from the public coffers. It must be embarrassing to try to explain this to someone from another country.
  16. It's a weird situation. Clearly Thai people are not willing to tolerate behaviour from foreign people that they just ignore when it comes from Thais. There's a lot of racism in Thailand. Perhaps that's OK. It's "their country" after all. Or perhaps it makes them bad people. Who knows? But I think we should at least be honest about it, rather than trying to claim that Thais are modest, conservative people who hardly ever get drunk or do bad things.
  17. I think it's more a case of foreigners doing it that makes Thais so outspoken about it. They don't say much when it's Thai people, and we see how many crazy things Thai people do every day. Perhaps Thai people are too scared to criticise other Thais, but don't fear criticising foreigners, or perhaps they genuinely aren't bothered if Thais misbehave but are when foreigners do. It's hard to know the exact cause, but there's definitely a very different reaction to foreign people than to Thais.
  18. Of course. It's very clear that all sorts of behaviour is tolerated/ignored from Thais, while as soon as a foreinger does it, they want a "crackdown" and they want them deported. There's a story on here about a foreigner pissing in the street with someone videoing it and Thais getting upset about it, yet Thais do this every day and nobody cares.
  19. "Accidents" got renamed as "collisions" in the UK, as accident suggests that no one was at fault. I feel like, in Thailand, they should be renamed "acts of negligence".
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