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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Sadly, Thais seem to often choose overtaking rather than breaking, often without paying much attention to what is going on around them. Add alcohol and probably no helmet...
  2. Even more impressive is the fact that he has been able to figure out that, on this English language forum, where everyone communicates in English, there are mostly English speaking users. It seems like he could give Sherlock Holmes a run for his money... 🤔
  3. Not to mention "cannot fail". 🤦‍♂️
  4. Try: "Education should not start at degrees" and you might have something... 🤔
  5. I don't think anyone who sits on the floor drinking vodka has such worries...
  6. And miss out on the tourist money??? The whole point of tolerating behaviour like this is that in the long run it makes people money.
  7. Or because you hope to receive superior service from them in the future... 🤔
  8. How do you know it's fantastic if you are unsure of the meaning?
  9. That would mean they don't get the appreciation that they want. People generally don't do thing unless they get something out of it. Even the braggers here say they get appreciation and better service out of it.
  10. Some people can't seem to help bragging when it comes to Thais/Thailand. I guess there's no point in being the "big man" if you cannot boast about it. 🙄
  11. I'm not splitting any hairs. To not do something kind, does not mean that someone is being unkind. 🤷‍♂️ I disagree. Choosing to give a gift to someone at a special time for you is very much showing a level of fondness or affection. Unless you give Christmas gifts to random strangers (which I doubt that you do). You show kindness, you feel good, it has meaning. As I said, Thais have a time when they might give gifts to people, if they don't give a gift to you, when you have given a gift to them previously, it clearly has meaning. They don't think the same way about you as you do about them. (And you not knowing when Thais give gifts, doesn't mean it isn't the case.) If you want to be in a one-sided relationship, that is up to you, but to deny it is somewhat pointless. Are you? Do you need me not to reply so that you "win"? 🙄
  12. I never said they were unkind. I said they weren't kind to you even though you are kind to them, which is where the surprise appears. It just seems a little one-sided. If you're happy giving a gift to someone who never gives one to you, then that's fine. Of course, giving is its own reward, but you're kind of showing that they mean more to you than you mean to them, which seems a little odd. I mean, yeah, they think of you when you give them a gift, but when it's time for them to give gifts, they don't think of you. If you're happy with this kind of one-sided relationship, good for you. I think a lot of people wouldn't be too keen on it though.
  13. I'm sure you're very happy and confident (although I'm not sure how that relates to this), I'm just not sure why you would want to be kind to someone who is not kind to you, to think of them when you know they do not think of you. You're literally saying that you want to treat someone on your special occasion who you know does not treat you on their special occasion.
  14. Why are you happy with a one-sided relationship with someone who doesn't value you the way you value them?
  15. Some might consider the girlfriend who was raped to be a victim also... 🤷‍♂️
  16. That evil Russian, carelessly bruising the guards knuckles with his face!
  17. Even more troubling is when Thai people attack drunken tourists and leave them severely injured. That's even worse for the city's image.
  18. Beneath this glittering façade, lies stuff that everyone sees and knows about... 🙄
  19. What do they do to show you they care about you around Thai special holidays? That should be a fairly good guide. The more effort they make to make you feel included in their celebrations, the more effort you should go to to include them in yours.
  20. No "stitch-up" pun in the headline?
  21. Pollution must be a big factor. No one seems to care about it (they'd much rather worry about vaping) but it's enough to give you a cough, so it must be doing some serious damage.
  22. Exactly. Aren't whales far more intelligent and aware than tuna? And don't they hunt them with harpoons with the whale suffering for some time before dying? It is nowhere near the same as fishing for tuna.
  23. Tut, tut. Glass houses SparkTrader, I mean Big Knok, I mean Dolf... 🙄
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