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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Precisely. Unlike the meaningless links filled with lies, the video was undesputable fact.
  2. "Everything I don't like is a maga fascist talking point." Incredibly convenient. Any criticism against something you support you can simply call a "maga fascist talking point" and then it's instantly wrong. I don't think that is what he said. I think his point was that if left-wing actors are trying to prevent Trump from being elected, through targeted litigation and assassination, you can hardly say they are fond of democracy. You could also argue that the constant lies about Trump attack democracy also.
  3. What are you taking about? The links by lefties proved nothing. My link ended the discussion.
  4. Say people who nearly never post links to back their assertions.. This is laughable. 😀 You expect people to go through hundreds of posts and thousands of comments to look for examples from weeks, months or even years ago, linking all those comments at once, when making simple general observations? That's laughable!
  5. Quite. They'll make a load of wild claims, refuse to provide evidence, then say you're a troll and they don't want to talk to you anymore when they call you out on it. Sometimes it's hard to know whether you're dealing with a trained communist propagandist or a five year old.
  6. It seems like some posters simply want to get as many responses as possible, so they pose questions like "What does everyone think of X?", "What's your dream X?", rather than asking about something specific that they need help with. What the motive for these kinds of posts is (loneliness, ego, forum staff, etc.), we can but guess.
  7. But they're the "good guys" saying things that are plain to see and morally just. Why would they ever need to substantiate their claims? Just arguing with the side who are "fighting for the rights of the oppressed" means that you are in the wrong. (/s)
  8. You only have to very quickly look and see if someone who claims to be principled or on the right side is actually being honest. Typically, the left is very hypocritical and constantly makes false claims of morality or fairness, when all they want is to silence others and get their way. Master-manipulators.
  9. His style is to talk freely, which a lot of people actually find refreshing. You're choice to pretend that this means he is incoherent or unhinged is solely your opinion/claim and is in no way objective. Biden is the only one who has repeatedly exhibited symptoms of dementia. You lying about Trump doesn't change the facts, even if you've convicted yourself that it does.
  10. Dementia sufferers have good days and bad days. Biden occasionally making sense is not evidence that he doesn't have dementia.
  11. One of these people has dementia. One of them doesn't.
  12. Oh no! Trump gave a long speech! He must have dementia! You know you're lying. We know you're lying. So why bother? Biden is the one with dementia, not Trump.
  13. It's rather sad that people who you would expect to be professional, honest and reliable people are happy to lie in order to attack Trump. Equally sad that people who claim to be on the side of morality and justice repeat these lies (even on this forum). Sure, if all Biden was doing was forgetting someone's name now and then, there wouldn't really be an issue. But, as you say, it's a lot more serious than that. Anyone who watched the debate and still claims that Biden is simple "forgetting names" is basically lying. The left must have such contempt for regular people, assuming that they will swallow such lies.
  14. Absoltuely. Trump has always gone off-script. It's part of his appeal for many. There's nothing about that that suggest dementia. Biden's actions do suggest dementia, though. There's no evidence of that. Just watch the debate. You'll see one person without dementia (Trump) and another with dementia (Biden). Simple as that.
  15. Trump and Biden are close in age, but their cognitive abilities are far apart. There's no way Biden is "just old". You only have to see him talking to know that. That would mean that every 80 year old acts that way, which isn't the case. Did you even watch the debate? Biden has dementia. Everyone knows it. "500 people said X" isn't going to change that. It's sad that anyone could think Biden doesn't have dementia but Trump does. It's even sadder to try to convince others of it.
  16. (Me too, apparently.) Most people labelled as right-wing fascists are pretty left-wing. They're often about reasonable taxes, welfare and healthcare. They might even have some "hippy" types views. But the minute they say, "Hang on, I'm not sure this trans issue is fair on women", they right-wing fascist. Joe Rogan is a good example. It's really all about silencing and discrediting people.
  17. The problem with never-Trumpers is their critical thinking capabilities go out the window as they want so much to believe anything that will go against Trump. They end up saying the most ridiculous things, and because no one within the echo-chamber ever challenges them or points out how absurd the things are, they're just accepted as fact. They don't realise that to the non-indoctrinated, things like Biden becoming confused, forgetting where he is, what he is doing or what he was saying, obviously aren't signs of a speech impediment. Even now, some are trying to make out that Trump is the one with dementia. They'll say anything to try to get their side to win. They don't care what lies they have to tell. Their ideology is poison.
  18. It's amazing what lies people will tell about Trump. Most were silenced by the debate, but some loony-lefties persist. There's no evidence of Trump dementia, so, as much as never-Trumpers don't like it, Biden will go down in History as the bumbling old man suffering from dementia, not Trump.
  19. So did the new rules allow these guys to enter when they previously would not have been able?
  20. It's worrying that people are willing to parrot this garbage publicly. Even more worrying if they actually believe it.
  21. Crazy that Biden is stepping down just because he has a speech impediment, huh? 🙄
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