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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. We did some pretty crazy stuff in Western countries a few hundred years ago too. All in the name of religion. You can kind of understand it, they're just a little behind us in terms of religion and education. It's doesn't make them bad, per se. You just need to remember this fact.
  2. It reminds me of Rick from The Young Ones. It seems a little childish.
  3. No excuse for violence, but a bit weird to take in some random guy and start a romance with him, then after a few days have some other guy come around as well.
  4. Wouldn't it be kind of challenging to go to the police after committing suicide?
  5. Thai people can basically be explosive in their rage if someone does a certain thing to them. They're vey "kind and friendly" when they want to be, but they will go from 0-life destroying over the slightest thing. You basically have to be very careful around Thais. Particularly when it comes to showing respect and maintaining face. Even for very minor incidents of loss of face, they can completely shun someone. I think this is one of the reasons why Thais appear so respectful and easy-going, they know how dangerous Thai people can be. (Although they don't necessarily admit as such.)
  6. While I'm sure the former takes place, I'm not sure if it's enough to drive a woman to a foreigner. Many Thai women seem to be completely brainwashed into thinking that they should take care of their man, let him cheat, and often be the provider. Extremely low self-esteem. Thailand is very much a man's world (a Thai man, that is).
  7. It's the Thai reset button. If this life is getting you down, skip ahead to the next one. Thais fully believe that they will be reincarnated and it's pretty common for suicide to happen in this "on the the next life" way. Also why they're fairly indifferent to death.
  8. Probably being a "hard man" is all he has in life. Some people would rather die than back down from a fight. Probably had a violent and abusive father. Prisons and cemeteries are full of people who "don't take sh*t from no one". Very sad state of affairs.
  9. As smart phone or tablet could actually make a real difference in a poor family's life.
  10. "We can't afford to subsidise farmers anymore, so it would really help us out if you were to pay higher prices for your vegetables and rice."
  11. True. I'm not sure women love like men do. They certainly love their kids, but you only really see that same level of love in a romantic partnership from man to woman, not really from woman to man. I guess it's kind of natural, as women look after the kids while men look after the whole family. Perhaps that's why Western men are generally happier with Asian/non-Western women. They have a sense of duty to their family that is instilled in them since birth, while Western women are taught to just do anything they like.
  12. Might be better to ask "Do Thai women actually love foreign men?".
  13. I feel like the private sector would be worse for farmers... 🤔
  14. So, the press lies, Biden lies, the Democrats lie, but Trump's special lies mean he should not be President?
  15. Biden lies, the Dems lie, the press lie, but when Trump lies, it means he shouldn't be President. 🤔
  16. You need to be in a cult just to question media lies or call out bias?!! 🙄 I'd suggest that if you have no issue with the media lying about someone, but you also feel it right that the media should point out the lies that that person has told, you're the one exhibiting cult-like behaviours.
  17. Wow. If he's so bad, why the need to constantly lie about him? 🤔
  18. So this makes the lies ok? I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. 🤷‍♂️
  19. Women are very susceptible to manipulation. She probably watched a bit of sex in the city and thought, "That's the life waiting for me".
  20. Don't respond to MalcolmB, he's a troll and just saying what he thinks will aggravate people. Don't rise to the bait.
  21. Biden is stepping down, due to suffering from dementia, not because it's the right thing to do, but because they can no longer hide it. The left, and all Biden supporters, have been lying constantly about Biden's dementia, some even up to the announcement, claiming it was simply a speech impediment. The left also lie constantly about Trump. They are in no position to accuse Trump of lying.
  22. You mean his handlers would have done a great job... It seems pretty clear that Trump will win.
  23. I wonder if they'll have to tell him every morning... 🤔
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