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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Agreed. The whitening products make Thai women's kin look pretty gross a lot of the time. Often they look very sickly, or like they have a skin condition.
  2. I think in this part of the world it's viewed as teamwork, while back home is more of an entitlement. Asia: "You go out and work all day to pay for everything, I'll keep you happy and healthy and make sure the house and family is in order." The West: "You go out and work all day to pay for everything, then come home and do everything else because I'm a strong, independent woman, and to do things for a man would be demeaning and misogynistic."
  3. Well, I am asking a question. If that's not how you think it is, a reply would be the perfect place to make your meaning clear.
  4. You think you can take one word from a definition and then say something is the same because it has that one word in common??? You're a trip! Next you'll say that a dog has the same meaning as a chair because the definitions both include four legs!
  5. You have literally no idea how words work. Woke is a word, that word now has a new meaning, and it therefore exists. The previous meaning of woke actually developed from a further previous meaning, as people started to use it in a different way, that has simply happened again. Word meaning evolve and change over time. You don't like it and you would like it to not exist, so you lie about it. 🤷‍♂️ But don't let me interrupt your childish rage-fit. Please continue your ignorant fuming at something you hate, fear, and cannot understand.
  6. Thailand wants foreign peoples money, but they also want the foreign people to be considered as the lowest members of society. They don't want Thais looking up to them or treating them as if they matter to Thailand. Foreign people bring foreign ideas and could take away from Thai people.
  7. They're probably thinking, "They've finally wised up to how bad foreigners are and how they are to blame for all the ills of a country".
  8. So, it's a case of, "we don't actually care about immoral behaviour if we can't see it happening, even if everyone else can, but the minute we can see it, we want it stopped" then? A tad hypocritical.
  9. I've reported videos of people literally being shot and killed and they don't do a thing.
  10. Strange how there aren't the same calls for "crackdowns" on monks and their associates as there are on foreigners... 🤔
  11. I wonder what these guys think of the sexy Mor Lam dancers and booze filled dance shows that there seem to be in supermarket carparks and patches of wasteland every couple of weeks!
  12. She went with two other men but the tattoo artist still managed to rape her?
  13. Does he mean that they should focus on what they can supply, rather than what people want? That's what "supply-driven" appears to mean.
  14. This isn't about increasing GDP, its about propping up the farming industry, as so many Thai people are dependant on it. Rice farming appears to no longer be an economically viable industry in Thailand, but there are a lot of rice farmers in Thailand, so they cannot be left to starve. It would also be a huge loss of face for Thailand if they did, since Thailand used to have a reputation for growing rhe best rice in the world.
  15. Option 3: work hard to make Thailand attractive to foreign tourists and foreign businesses again?
  16. If this is true, it's likely the kind of thing that you let the IOs suggest, or you just assume isn't an option.
  17. Why not share a couple of photos of the bustling main tourist zone? That will show everyone the truth.
  18. Rice exports deteriorating, tourism deteriorating, foreign manufacturing deteriorating. Solutions?
  19. They're used to stacks of cash coming from abroad to subsidise everyday life in Thailand. No doubt they're hoping there's some free money available from the government.
  20. One student was quoted as saying, "It wasn't until someone pointed out to me that the bizarre rituals weren't related to Buddhism or schooling that I realised something was up".
  21. I don't think they secured enough votes to fully take over and just do whatever they want. They're in bed with the military, so they have to be a bit more cautious.
  22. This seems like something people shouldn't want to admit on record.
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