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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. This is incorrect. I believe cutting someone off is pulling in front of them, so the damage to the door suggests it wasn't that.
  2. Any sane person knows what the more recent definition of "woke" is. People like @Jingthing just don't like this new meaning so they constantly lie about it. "No one can even tell me what the new meaning is!!!" , they lie, after having had it explained clearly to them multiple times. 🙄 They believe that if they deny the new meaning, they can remove the power the word has to criticise something that they like. Very Stalinesque...
  3. This again? How many times do you need people to define woke to you before you stop pretending it doesn't have a definition? Just because you don't like the way a word is now used, doesn't mean you can wish it into nonexistence.
  4. Hardly surprising. People are going insane since the debate. Biden's performance meant the left couldn't mask his dementia any longer and now they're desperate to smear Trump with any lie they can.
  5. How is that tragic? isn't it good that the body was discovered? Even after he found him dead he did not expect the disease to be fatal? Really poor writing.
  6. If you're not even going to engage with the whole comment, why bother replying?
  7. Have you seen the daytime news shows? They literally show Facebook posts and discuss them like they're serious topics. Although I do doubt she would do this to a Thai. It's in fashion to hate foreigners at the moment (well, more than usual).
  8. A guest is treated better than a non-guest. Why should you learn their language if you are a guest? I don't think you know what the word "guest" means.
  9. To be fair, a lot of films from this era had very blatant and open racism. The reason for the warnings is primarily to say "we're showing this in full because we don't think we should change it or hide it, but we don't think the same way as them", which is quite sensible.
  10. It is kind of surreal sometimes, for those of us not young, but not old. You have a heated debate with someone, then you see another post from them, and it says "I'm 75", and you think, "Oh". The thing with online discussions is, you often think about people as being roughly the same as you, so reality always comes as a bit of a surprise.
  11. Status. The rejection makes them feel lower status, so they act out to try to increase their perceived status (all subconsciously, of course).
  12. Seems like foreingers are fair game to get called out for bad behaviour, while they also aren't allowed to mention Thai people's rudeness, as per this incident.
  13. I think also Thais have a thing where they don't feel that they need to show normal consideration towards foreign people (since their social rules focus on Thai people), but will get mad if a foreign person doesn't treat them the way they expect to be treated. The problem is that many of them go mainly on what is taught to them and don't really think critically.
  14. I now pay is low in Thailand, but it must be hard to get a quality person for this kind of job for such a low amount.
  15. Very distressing for the woman, I'm sure, but don't Thai men do far, far worse and the police do nothing?
  16. Do people really think this about these kinds of benches? I always thought they were cheap, unattractive and uncomfortable.
  17. They haven't recovered, that's why what you said is wrong. The fact that it might be "their fault" for not staging a revolution is irrelevant.
  18. The guy never took the bad. How could she recover it?
  19. What about the foreigners who would get unequal representation? They will be being exploited.
  20. Some people are just way better at shaming others and getting a rise out of them. He should have quickly apologised and then put the focus back onto her blocking the door and how that is also rude.
  21. The woman must have been entitled also though, right? Blocking the path and then immediately getting her phone out to harass the guy? Even if he was rude, that was a result of her blocking the entrance, which is itself rude...
  22. It's good that they got a bit of a balanced response and didn't just call for him to be deported. Both parties are in the wrong.
  23. Well, you're wrong regardless of whether you do nice things for Cambodians. But I hope you have a nice day also.
  24. So you admit you're wrong and just say that it's the people's fault for not overthrowing the government? An odd response.
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