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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. You're welcome. I like to help out when I can. ????
  2. "Suffering from" is very different from "suffering". Good idea for you.
  3. The latter is certainly useful for someone suffering from the former.
  4. Oh sorry, I WAS talking about those so called hoolighans. Good for you. But why?
  5. EXCEPT football hoolighans! 555 Maybe some of them, but really I have no idea what point you are making. Do you think most British people are football hooligans or something? You're not making much sense.
  6. Again, it's well established that people that get drunk and fight do so because of personal issues. You can't keep making up your own reality, if you want anyone to take you seriously.
  7. Not that we're talking about football hooligans, but they do need to drink a lot or take other substances to get themselves ready. ????‍♂️
  8. She has bandaged fingers in the photo. How can you possibly tell the extent of her injuries?!! Her fingers could be a mangled, bloody mess underneath the bandages!
  9. It's pretty well established that British people are pretty shy and reserved, and most drink to be able to relax and socialise. I guess you can have your own imaginary version of reality, as with the other post, but you're kidding yourself, again.
  10. Not in their possession, but permission to use. Probably paid for it.
  11. British people can be very shy. it's why they drink so much.
  12. The article literally says what her injuries were. Why would anyone need to "see it how they want" or "make their own mind up"? Are you suggesting the article is not reporting her actual injuries? And that you somehow know better?
  13. "significant damage. It resulted in one of her little fingers being broken, experiencing significant flesh loss, and her left ring finger suffering a laceration." "her bandaged hands severely hampered her work life. Daily chores became a challenge as the wounded finger could not bear any pressure so she was limited to using her right hand only" "she might have to undergo reconstructive surgery once the wounds heal" Why do you seem so annoyed by someone being injured, and want so much to pretend their injury is far less serious than it actually is?
  14. If people cannot ensure that no one is injured when they play a sport (or do any activity) in an area of shared use, they shouldn't be playing that sport there. If you are in a park, or any other shared use area, you shouldn't be put in danger by other people's negligence, hence compensation is deserved where serious injury occurs. (If you can't keep people safe, then you are negligent.) Accidents happen, of course, but the fact that they happen means someone shouldn't be doing something where it's easy to injure someone nearby. It doesn't mean that, should anyone be seriously injured, people just shrug it off and say "Oh well. Accidents happen." No need for a waiver, and compensation for serious injury isn't nonsense at all. You shouldn't do things in public that endanger people. And if you do, and then injure someone, you pay to right the wrong that you caused.
  15. "The incident occurred at a field near Bang Bua Thong School in Nonthaburi, a popular spot where people play with RC planes." "Pornphat, the woman who sustained the serious injuries, said that she had finished her company job and stopped by the field, a regular hangout spot, before heading home on July 12."
  16. Clearly you are. No, it wasn't. You're making that up. If it is a hang out spot, it's clearly used for many things. As I said, the article clearly states that it is a popular hang out spot as well as a place where people fly RC planes. There is no priority for RC plane flyers and no reason that people should not be there for any other reason. Obviously, yes. If she has done nothing wrong and has suffered a serious injury due to the negligence of another. This is a very standard reason for compensation to be given.
  17. I advise you to read the article again, as she most certainly does. A field, yes, and? Was it a special "RC plane only" field where the public are prohibited from going? Doesn't sound like it. It also says it is a popular hang out spot. So is hanging out aloud but RC plane flying not? The fact that people like to fly RC planes there means nothing. So what? What does her "stopping by " the field have to do with it? The article says nothing to suggest that the woman is at fault for visiting the filed, while it does suggest the man piloting the RC is at fault as he flew the plain into the woman. You appear to have very much misunderstood the situation.
  18. Unlikely, but men and women are attracted to different things and look for different things in a partner. It depends on the economic situation of the father and the girl. If she is likely to end up with a poor Thai man*, who drinks, gambles, lies, cheats and abuses her, the older foreigner who would treat her better and provide more for her, could seem like the better option. E.g. In the Philippines, poor people are very keen on their daughters being with a foreign man, particularly an older one. (One assumes so that he can give them White children and citizenship, leave his money, and be out of the picture as soon as possible.) *Not that there's anything wrong with being poor, but this is something people think about when selecting a man. These aren't rules, and men and women are different, as is East and West.
  19. Well, you could tape the bag to your head, tie your hands behind your back, then jump into the canal and damage your head.
  20. Allowing people who have nothing to do with you to control what you do using shame. Choosing to do what they allow you to do, rather than what you want to do or what makes you happy, even when doing so causes them no harm or inconvenience whatsoever.
  21. Not really. Thais don't really view things that way. They would feel there is nothing they can do about it, and would not expect direct criticism leading to loss of face anyway.
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