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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. An absolute tragedy. But, what can you do? Put up barriers all around the water's edge?
  2. It seems a lot more about how someone might benefit, or prevent loss, than worrying about doing the right thing. However, people still always operate in their own interest, it's just that the behaviour changes based on the culture.
  3. The thing that makes it so daft, is that they aren't going out to find the same brand of OJ as Lisa was drinking. They're just finding some random OJ on a stall somewhere. It makes no sense.
  4. surprised? Did you even check before commenting? So sure of being right? ????
  5. That is slightly different. It's about building a brand image through association and would mostly target people who drink cola anyway. I can't imagine many people who previously had zero interest in cola would seek out the drink simply because Messi is on the can (although you cannot completely rule it out). This is just people seeing someone drinking orange juice and wanting to do the same thing. Literally "Oh, Lisa is drinking orange juice. I want to drink orange juice now." Are they even drinking the same type of orange juice? It doesn't look like any freshly squeezed orange juice I've ever seen, and it it doesn't look like what Lisa is drinking either.
  6. The problem is, you're getting Western "internet values" mixing with Thai entitlement and lack of consequences. The worst of both worlds.
  7. Can't they just have the same coalition as before, or does having MFP in the alliance mean that whomever they nominate will be rejected?
  8. They have an income, they have a rented property, they can run a motorbike, they have money to visit the waterpark. Their children aren't starving.
  9. A wealthy business man with no knowledge of politics? Perfect! ????
  10. What if this selects for the most evil, violent and underhanded people? Is that an improved species?
  11. This is Thailand. Think about what your friend wants, not what you want. She obviously sees the consequences of rocking the boat as being far worse than what is happening in the shop. You are probably harming her more than you are helping her. Things in Thailand just don't work the same way as they do in our home countries.
  12. Is there somewhere you can find now with the same level of development, or is everything ruined by the internet?
  13. Then why say it? Just because (if true) they happen to react differently to it, doesn't mean it was targeted.
  14. Did anything change? New device? New chair? Started using your phone more? Sitting differently at the computer? Watching TV more? New pillow? It's surprising what can cause muscle pain, even if the activity doesn't directly cause pain while doing it. I was getting pain in my shoulder for a while during covid lockdown before I realised it was due to having been sitting at the computer for hours leaning my elbow on the desk.
  15. I don't have any advice, but you have my sympathy and I hope you feel better soon. I wouldn't mess around when it came to my brain, providing I had the money or insurance, and I think it's always worth getting a second opinion or really pushing for more testing. Sometimes people can fob you off in order to save money, avoid risk, or even because they're just lazy. If you think you need to care, don't be afraid to demand it.
  16. Yeah, but, Thailand has to be good, so foreigners who complain about it must be bad, and if you complain about something bad, then you are good! ????
  17. I said an adult female of any age. A 14 year old is not an adult.
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