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Everything posted by Damrongsak

  1. For a number of years our house in Loei was on an unpaved alley and we are the last house on our side. Then my wife petitioned to get it paved, which it was a number of years. Now there's at least one racer boy on a clapped out bike with no muffler who zooms past our house at high speed. I knew that would happen.
  2. I was taught that the exact center is where oil leaks out of 4 wheel vehicle engines and can be slipperier than the tire tracks on either side.
  3. Hey, I have a T-shirt like that! I made it for a public demonstration in the U.S.A. some years back. I ripped up a shirt and spray painted <deleted>BAR on the front. ????
  4. The word "dope" goes way back. It can refer to intoxicating substances or merely stupidity. Now, let stupid people revel in intoxicating substances and what do you get? Ganja has been around Thailand forever. But the new hype brought about by dreams of profits ("medical marijuana") isn't so good with impressionable youngsters who could do without it. Why walk around in a fog unless you're stuck on a farm 100 kilometers from nowhere?
  5. I hadn't taken vitamins for years and I've been a vegetarian for 50. Not that I eat well. Last fall after a checkup the Doc said I was low on Vitamin D, so now I take that (1000 IU) or every 2-3 days a multi-vitamin with same D amount. I do not believe in overdosing on vitamins. Beer is a different story. ????
  6. I have a handful of Laotian Kip notes if he's interested. Pre-commie days. And a couple of Zimbabwe notes that are 10 or 100 million dollars, which are the small ones.
  7. I had a really beat up Montesa back in the early 70's. Probably this model. After I patched it up, I traded it for a Honda S600 hardtop coupe which needed work. Not sure of the year on either one but probably 1966.
  8. -------------------------------------------------------------- That's for the higher-grade Ninja ZX-4R SE which includes dual-direction Kawasaki Quick Shifter, USB outlet (ZX-4R SE only), and front fork with adjustable spring preload. Not sure if the traction control and riding modes are included in both models.
  9. There are a couple Youtube videos comparing "zx-4r vs ninja 400". I'm not sure if there is a difference between zx-4r and zx-4rr. Such as:
  10. Sleaze bag politicians, no matter the party. They got into politics because they had no real marketable skills, other than talking a good fight. Latch onto the Federal teat and suck as much as you can. I think some of these people actually believe they are right and doing the correct things. They seem to have very high opinions of themselves. Proud of it even. I was in northern Virginia (outside Washington, D.C.) during my teenage/college years in the late 60's - mid 70's. Big boom times, lots of $$ flowing.
  11. From what little I've read about, there are a couple Chinese/Taiwanese clone bikes that copied a couple good engine designs. Not high tech but proven old designs. Honda, Suzuki ... Trouble is, which factory copied which ones and how was the quality?
  12. Make a transportable bike crushing machine and use it. Hey, how about fitting and "giving" a halfway decent helmet to everyone who passes their license test? Just pad the license fee. That might get a wee bit larger percentage of the riders to wear them. As for the unlicensed ...
  13. Here's an idea: How about visa exempt BUT one has to notify Thailand when they plan to come a certain time ahead. That might reduce the number of crooks who have to get out of town fast. In addition, the authorities could perhaps do random background checks on a few, just because. Sort of an informal visa but without charge.
  14. My brother had a TL125. Lots of history and pics here: https://onlytrial.com/
  15. I had an old Montesa 250 that I got running - money pit. And I had a 1967/68 Chevy pickup truck.
  16. Never had one but I took a year off from college and went to a motorcycle mechanics school back around 1973. The Honda 750 was pretty new at the time. But I wasn't interested in big bikes.
  17. I had plenty of cleaning to do and a couple projects to finish. She came in at Dulles airport (IAD) near Washington, DC. It took her 2 hours to get through immigration, etc. When I came back in early November it took me 2.5 hours. Ridiculous.
  18. I'm familiar with the Lac insects and the resin they excrete - we call it Shellac in it's purified form. It's a natural polymer of sorts. I use it to glue the handles onto the Thai farmer machetes. There are many Youtube videos about it, especially from India. I have several twigs with the lac still on them. Stick Lac.
  19. They would be worried about Lac insects or rice or whatever they depend upon for a living.
  20. Just rambling in the pub: My wife and I went to Thailand in early September last year. I stayed about 2 months, she stayed about 6 months. After 45 years of marriage it was a welcome relief. ???? She's been back for a couple days now ... sleeping 4 hours at a time several times a day. It's a rough journey to the USA when you get into your mid to late sixties. I teased her about coming back to the U.S. and the quiet nights without kids on motorcycles with no mufflers running around and her 50 pet chickens crowing all the time. Never mind the yapping relatives. I did some good house cleaning so I'm not completely in the dog house. Anyway, wish me luck ... I could use it.
  21. Because they never brake? Full speed ahead!
  22. When I lived in Loei, a woman down the street would sit on her front porch topless during hot weather. ... That was in 1978 and she was probably 75 years old.
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