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Posts posted by JamJar

  1. 50 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:


    I never said "it is difficult to check what is happening in front of you when riding a scooter" and so have no idea why you would infer this when replying  "I certainly don't agree with your statement".


    An obvious 'strawman argument'.


    I was merely making the point that its easy to concentrate 100% attention on what's happening in front - when in a car.


    FAR more difficult when on a scooter as anything and everything happening around can result in injury/death - therefore necessitating frequent glances all around.


    I also pointed out that maintaining a 'safe distance' is very difficult, as other vehicles move into this convenient 'gap'.....


    "objects in the road, people coming out of side roads without looking, dogs, sand" are MOSTLY easy to spot in advance - if paying attention - but I assume they are the things that have left you close to having an accident.....


    I don't even know why you are posting. Really. You just seem intent on putting your foot in your mouth.


    Making ridiculous assumptions and similarly obtuse statements.

    Of course it makes a difference if you have a woman carrying your baby on-board. You slow the **** down and drive defensively. Take an extra minute to get to your destination and arrive safely.


    I ride extensively in Thailand and over the years have seen and heard why other people have accidents and take that into account when I'm riding. 

    So none of those things have left me close to having an accident. Because I ride with those things in mind. 


    The closest I've been to an accident of late was when driving down a main road. Someone on a motorbike with a passenger riding pillion came out of a side street and crossed the main road and onto the street opposite without slowing down or even looking.

    I too had a passenger riding pillion. It was only my reaction that stopped the collision.  The girl on the back of his bike screamed for her life. The idiot showed no concern for her life at all. Even people walking on the pavement screamed because they saw the idiot shoot out of a side street and straight across the main road without even slowing down thinking that there was sure to be an accident.


    I was able to see the hazard in time and stop without hitting him. I didn't even skid. That is what I would describe as an unexpected hazard. Not normal traffic in front of me slowing down.


    If he couldn't react to the the slowing down of traffic, he was going too fast. Doubly inexcusable when he had the responsibility for someone who depended on him to keep them safe.








  2. 27 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    Yes, in the first video he made he was very heartfelt, and admitted that he caused the accident.


    When exactly? He states that because the vehicle in front of him braked suddenly he hit the the brakes and the bike wobbled and because there were two people on board it was hard to control and we went into fight of flight mode, whatever that means.

    Then he continues babbling about his extra sensory and metaphysical abilities....


    So he blames the vehicle in front of him and her being on the back making it hard to control.. What the hell....??!!

    No mention that the problem was that he was going too quickly to be able to control the bike. Just blaming everything else.

    I'm English and understand the spoken language perfectly..  I'm angry that you made me listen to that sh*t again.


    He shouldn't have been so quickly that he couldn't control the bike, especially because he had a woman and unborn baby on board.








  3. 1 hour ago, dick dasterdly said:

    And that (to me) is the point - the video shows pretty much bug..r all!


    As for the '2 second gap' and similar comments - have you tried leaving the sensible safety gap?  Its immediately filled by other vehicles....


    I'd add, that its easy to just keep your eyes on what is happening in front of you whilst driving a car - far more difficult when driving a scooter when it becomes essential to keep checking on what is happening around you.


    Having said this, I don't find him to be a 'likable' character either as he doesn't seem to show any care or concern that he was responsible for the death of his girlfriend.  The vast majority of us (I hope) would be stricken with grief and blaming ourselves - rather than posting (immediate!) videos going on about our innocence and 'I've spoken to her and she doesn't blame me' - or words to that effect :sick:.


    The video shows a lot, to those who know for what to look.  

    There is a wealth of information in the video that confirms, at the very least, driving without due care and attention.

    Just because you don't get it, doesn't mean the evidence isn't there. 


    I certainly don't agree with your statement that it is difficult to check what is happening in front of you when riding a scooter. that is just crazy. I am super focussed on the road conditions when I'm riding. Especially what is going on in front of me.  If you can't do that, you are going too fast for your riding ability.


    That being written, things can happen, objects in the road, people coming out of side roads without looking, dogs, sand....

    But none of these things have been claimed by Danny. We are writing simply of vehicles slowing  in his lane and his going too fast to him to be able to respond safely.


    Vehicles slowing down is not an abnormal situation when on the roads. 


    The point is people make mistakes. but has Mr Glass admitted to making one?







  4. 14 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    At worst careless driving. A highway traffic code offense. A civil court might find liable for damages.

    My point was that in order to have a criminal case, one must have criminal intent. Can you honestly say that this man  had malicious intent to do harm? Call him stupid or whatever, but I don't see the criminal intent here. He was driving along and did not react properly. This is very different than one who has positioned the vehicle as the Thai driver did, such that it would cause injury. And that's what upsets me. IMO he is charged only because they don't want a Thai to be held responsible for the tragedy.

    What a load of rubbish!


    At worst, a woman and unborn child is dead.... and you are more concerned about the traffic code. Pathetic.


    Apart from that, perhaps you can explain to us all the difference between careless driving, causing the death of another and reckless driving causing the death of another. 


    Ludicrous that you write  "IMO he is charged only because they don't want a Thai to be held responsible for the tragedy.".


    In fact many people are surprised that the truck driver was charged at all. Not stopping didn't look good and maybe there was some other reason. perhaps trucks of that size not allowed on that road. But I have no idea as to why he was charged.

    Yet here you are suggesting that it was his fault. Ridiculous.

  5. 13 minutes ago, Lokie said:

    I just watched that for first time, a bloke two up on a bike not paying attention dumps said bike right, into live traffic lane and his unfortunate passenger gets killed by a totally innocent truck driver. Bike rider at fault, No One Else! From what I seen was not the two second rule, the red car was not even moving on that clip? so it was stopped, how did he not see it?? death by reckless driving. So what's his concern re the charge? He is hook, line and sinker. Would have thought if you had your six month preggers GF on back you would be extra, extra, careful... This is not like the Jet ski incident that could be argued 50/50 of fault, this is clear cut down to the bike rider.



    It is the white pick-up on the opposite side of the road that he must be claiming that stopped suddenly. Only it didn't.

    It might appear so to speeding vehicles behind.  But for anyone driving sensibly with a pregnant woman onboard, there would have been no issue in reacting to changes in traffic. 

    Especially in Thailand, when riding, you need to be aware of everything. Doubly so with precious cargo on board.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

    On that video it's like 32 seconds long the last scooter just whizzed past. Too much speed blatantly is that the one? Farthest lane from cam was that?


    No, that is another scooter (white helmet) than moves to the left of the white pick-up, in between that and the parked cars. Danny didn't have that option, so perhaps just hit the brakes.

  7. First frame, no sign of Danny


    Second frame,  lorry and motorbike both emerging.

    I can't confirm that motorbike is the one that he is riding. 

    But if it is, be aware that the traffic in the lane that the truck was in, was faster than the lane in which Danny rode and that motorbike was going faster than the truck...and then suddenly was not. Next we see a motorbike on the ground. Danny's lane had already been slower for at least five seconds. 


    It's true that mistakes can be made. But it's the way that he has behaved and is behaving that sickens. Blaming the fact that there were two on the bike. Blaming the vehicle in front. Claiming to be driving within the speed limit. 

    No a single mention of even the possibility that he could have made a mistake.




  8. 8 hours ago, SpeakeasyThai said:

    I take it you was there and witnessed the event?


    That would be stupid of you to assume such a thing. I scrutinised the CCTV footage. Studied the speeds and positions of the vehicles and the position of the victim.


    Even a cursory view of the CCTV shows that there are three cars that slow down in succession. First a small white car arrived at between 20 and 21 seconds, slows down and moves out of shot, followed by a silver pickup which slows down further when they realise that the white car has either slowed down or stopped, followed by a white pick up that slows down because of the two cars that have slowed down in front of it.  The first white car probably isn't going more than  20 miles per hour(32km/hr). Probably less. The two pick-ups following, successively less.

    View the CCTV from 23 seconds to 25 seconds frame by frame and you don't even see a motorbike at the point when all three vehicles have already slowed down almost to a stop. Follow the white pick-up frame by frame. There is no motorbike to be seen

    Go forward frame by frame and a motorbike appears and then disappears, as it is overtaken by the 18+ wheeler in the next lane. 


    Spot the bike:Exhibit_1.jpg



    At that point the white pick-up had almost slowed to the stop. So where was Danny?


    If the motorbike was not going much faster than the flow of traffic in that lane, it would not have been possible for the bike to have skidded sideways, depositing it's occupants on to the street. 


    He had a duty of care. They, according to him, were going to the gym. There was no emergency.

    Of course his driving was reckless, as he was not paying attention.


    My problem with him is not some much the reckless action, but the complete inability to admit that it was due to his riding without due care and attention.


    If he admitted that in the first place, he might have gained some respect for standing up like a man.


    Instead, we can all see him for what he actually is...







    The problem here is that he refuses to accept any responsibility for his actions. 

  9. Driving under speed limit doesn't mean that he wasn't going too fast. If one is doing 45km/hr and the traffic in front is doing 10 to 20km/hr,  then riding under the speed limit doesn't quite have the same meaning.

    The truth is that the vehicle in front didn't stop at all. The traffic ahead had begun to slow down five seconds beforehand.

    He was going too fast and noted the slowdown of the traffic too late. Not the fault of the truck driver. He was in a completely different lane.



  10. 7 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

    You can't get an account with Bangkok Bank (BB) UK, they don't have a retail banking license. What you can do is to make a transfer from your regular UK high street bank, to BB London, using the BB UK sort code and your BB Thailand account number. That transfer will then get routed to BB London who will transfer your funds to Thailand, into your BB Thailand account.


    Other banks may prove less expensive. HSBC charge £4 and Halifax Bank £9.50. Send in Pounds, not Baht.

    Bangkok Bank charge £20 and then of course the Thailand bank from 200 to 500 baht to receive.


    Transferwise or XendPay should offer a better deal.

  11. 6 hours ago, ericthai said:

    Guy is knows nothing about Thailand and making assumptions or  repeating what he has heard from others. 

    Live off of $200 a month... as he said "it's allot of money over there"  all these vegans trying to capitalize on this accident. 


    I tried and failed to save you wasting thirteen minutes and twenty seconds of your life. You watched it didn't you? :saai:

  12. 8 minutes ago, seasia said:

    As already stated by KK, virtually every laundry shop will do same day.

    Especially the smaller ones where it is the actual owner plus maybe family working it.


    Pay a bit more within reason, and they`ll put themselves out to get your laundry done in time.




    Depends on the weather.  It helps if the laundry has it's own dryer in that case.

  13. That could be nonsense. I'm still using a laptop that spent many years in a humid South American climate. It is now eight years old.

    My Netbook is even older, at nine years old,  It is on the whole day when in Thailand, as it's used as an entertainment centre.

    I don't use air con.


    If it was overheating, you mentioned that you were using it with a dodgy copy of Windows and couldn't utilise power management. That seems to be the root of your issue.

    Also perhaps you didn't update the BIOS to the latest or you didn't use it on a flat surface. ...

    Many variables.



  14. 3 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

    Or, happened to be checking his rear view mirrors (essential frequently when riding a scooter) at the wrong moment - and looking ahead again found that the vehicle ahead had braked unexpectedly - necessitating hitting the brakes, hard.


    Its happened to me a few times :sad:.


    I only watched the beginning of the boyfriend's first video, as the delusional comments about 'talking to her/she's forgiven me' made me cringe - to put it mildly!


    Nonetheless, I gather he's been riding a scooter here for many years and can easily understand how this type of accident happens.




    I simply don't agree with this assessment.  If this was the case, why in all of his descriptions of what occurred, has he not mentioned that he glanced into his rear view mirror?

    He hasn't mentioned it, because it did not happen.

    How fast do you need to be going in order to lose control of a motorbike, throwing the pillion passenger to the right and yourself to the left.  Why didn't they both fall to the left?

    I think because the back end moved to the right, this doesn't happen if you are driving defensively because you KNOW you have precious cargo onboard. It was his job to take care of them. He didn't. he was reckless. No doubt.


    I too have been riding in Thailand for many years. They only time I came off the bike was due to my own reckless action. I deliberately rode a dangerous curve too quickly to see if I could do it. I didn't. The resulting scrapes reminded me to not play the ass when riding a bike.


  15. 11 hours ago, happyas said:

    He never tried to manoeuvre between the truck and the pickup, and that is clear in the video.

    11 days ago this was posted on another thread;

    His words here which tie in exactly as you see in the video;


    “I was driving straight forward – I didn’t go around a parked car – and literally I went to brake because a car all of a sudden braked in front of me.
    “The bike slid, like wobbled. I tried to stabilise it, but I wasn’t been able to. It’s two people on a scooter, it’s a very difficult thing to do – and the bike slid to the right side.”
    After quickly picking himself up off the road, Mr Glass turned around to witness the horrific image of the truck running over Ms Anderson."




    I know what he wrote...but as we can see, it was not "all of a sudden"....unless he wasn't paying attention in the first place or just moving too fast.

  16. Perhaps you can try posting in legible English. If we can't understand you here, how do you expect a Thai language speaker to be able to understand you?


    You are writing of US$ and overseas. Could you be any more vague?


    If you want help, slow down and add the salient info.


    Are you writing about an International Remittance to the USA via SCB?



  17. 10 hours ago, CrimeSolver said:

    My father knew this "tourist" personally - he was nicknamed "Wadders" in the army. He was NOT a tourist, but a Thai citizen who owned a nude bar. I may have a conclusion to his tragic demise. During his time in the military, "Wadders" used to work secretively, working closely with agents. Someone could have had a motive to murder him; he may have known their dangerous secret.

    Now to look at the photographic evidence:

    Police say he "fell" from the roof. If we look at the way his body is positioned, he is face-down with his arms splayed by his sides. Surely if he "fell", "Wadders" would have landed on his back (due to the angle) and had his arms out, escaping with some major injuries.

    As this case was being reported, I happened to stumble across an uncensored version of the picture. It seems that the back of Wadders' whole skull had been shattered. We can definitely rule out "falling" as the cause of death (position of body), and a bullet would only cause a small section of the skull to shatter (even though a loud noise was heard, no description of a gunshot has been recorded). I believe, as he may have been chased, Wadders had a blunt object thrown at him to slow him down. A good theory of this would be: seeing as the temple was old, the killer could have picked up a loose brick or rock and thrown it with enough force to crack his skull. Ruling out "falling", the size of the hole wouldn't have been big enough to fit a "heavily built" man, also considering the material (some sort of metal) we would expect to see some lacerations around the abdominal and chest area, though from the picture, all of Wadders' wounds are situated on his head.

    If anyone has evidence to back up my theory, reply here or contact me via email:



    Thank you.


    His fly appears to be undone. How high is the roof? It doesn't look like a metal roofing material to me. Have you actually visited the location?

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