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Posts posted by JamJar

  1. 9 minutes ago, stubuzz said:

    At the start of the video he asked for the name of the policeman, who refused to give it.  This is why he refused to get out of the car.  He also asked if there was any video evidence of the woman driving, which there wasn't.  I would say he stayed extremely calm throughout.


    Where is it a prerequisite for policemen at a roadblock to give their names before one is required to accede to their requests??

    Did he imagine that they were fake police and that he would be able to identify them as such once their names were revealed??


    He tried it on, but he failed.


  2. 1 hour ago, OZEMADE said:

    I think he is talking about all the different money exchange boxes on beach and second roads. However my taxi lady knows where to get better rates she tells the wife, so we'll give her a go when we get there.


    Don't do it. Just go to SuperRich at the Airport Link.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Dene16 said:

    Yes i agree. he gave a token resistance to the arrest but was careful not to push it too far. He tried to stop his woman getting charged with drink driving. Something many people would of done here if in the same position

    I am not a lover of  Russian attitudes/mentality but you cannot judge every book by it's cover as its said

    I am sure with hindsight he will regret resisting the small amount that he did and excepted his fate

    Bad people of all nationalities  but he certainly does not strike me as one of them



    It wasn't just the resistance. He also insulted and lied to the police. 

    There was a person of sufficient rank at the police stop. So to suggest that he would not answer to anyone but the NCPO was just one of many insults.

    Then to suggest he had some pull at soi 9. They didn't swallow his BS and he was thrown in the clink.


    If he didn't want "his woman" to be charged with drink driving, he should have driven himself or called them both a taxi.


    If you think that it is ok for them to be driving drunk, then nothing more needs to be said.


  4. 42 minutes ago, Harold the Great said:

    I don't like the comments about his T shirt and pony tail even if its not my thing. Neither of them looked smashed and he spoke clearly and she walked well in heels. I'm not sure why he was being arrested other than the comment of him switching seats. Either way I doubt they will remain in jail too long and likely pay their way out of this problem through fines. I'm a little worried on how the police are protecting themselves though. 


    She looks drunk. Russian friends viewed it and say the same...and worse.

  5. 23 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

    That's from Coconuts and may indicate what he faces if he spoken guilty.


    The case echoes an incident in early February when Australian tourist Thomas Keating, 22, was charged with reckless driving causing death after an accident that resulted in the death of his girlfriend Emily Jayne Collie, 20. The two crashed their separate jet-skis into each other off Kata Beach in southern Phuket.

    Thomas Keating was handed down by court a two-year suspended jail sentence and fined THB5,000 for reckless driving causing death.

    According to Section 291 of the Criminal Code, the maximum punishment that Glass could face for reckless driving causing death is a ten-year jail term and/or a fine of THB20,000. However, in practice, such cases more routinely result in smaller fines and suspended sentences.


    Read that earlier and suspect as much. 

    I have no opinion of what kind of punishment he should face. He knows what happened and why. Up to him if he doesn't want to incriminate himself, but spare us the fantasies of Sophie forgiving him and wanting him to get on with his life and continue to post claptrap on YouTube.

  6. 30 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    I find the video not very clear, and not conclusive to me if the car braked suddenly yes or no. Does not really matter anyways, she and the child are dead, and suddenly braking car or not, he is to blame for the accident.


    The vehicles did brake. But not just the vehicle in front of the bike. You can see the vehicles in front slowing down in succession, but not coming to an actual stop.  First a small white car, then a silver pickup with tarpaulin and then the white pickup.  The small white car began to brake at least five seconds before the incident, at 21 seconds. So by the time we see the white pickup, traffic has slowed considerably.

    I viewed the footage frame by frame. 

    There are some dashes on the central divider. Sophie can be seen on the ground in between the four and fifth dash. None of  the three vehicles in front went past that point at speed. So the traffic in that lane had already slowed down before Danny reached that point.


    In the first pic the vehicles had already slowed down, moving at around 10 miles per hour. No sign of the bike.

    In the second pic you can see a motorcycle emerging, still metres from the back of the white pickup. Not clear if that is them or not.  After that the bike disappears, being overtaken by the truck in the other lane. 

    The white pick-up doesn't actually stop, it is moving with the flow of traffic in it's lane.


    It takes quite some torque for a bike to wobble and slide on braking, unless the tyres are over inflated and the surface slippery.

    If over-inflated tyres, he would have noticed that beforehand and adjusted his riding style accordingly or simply let some air out of the tyres.

    He certainly hasn't mentioned anything regarding a slippery road surface.


    So either his approach was too fast or he tried and failed to manoeuvre between the truck and pickup.






  7. 2 hours ago, Radar501 said:

    "......She is expected to be charged with drink driving while the man will face charges of resisting arrest......."


    Resisting arrest?......Exactly what offence was Comrade Ruski being arrested for in the first place?   


    Attempting to pervert the course of justice by pretending that he was the driver?


    Section 138 Whoever, resisting or obstructs an official or a person required by law to assist such official in the due exercise of his functions, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding one year or fine not exceeding two thousand Baht, or both.



  8. 2 hours ago, oldsailor35 said:

    Rubbish !  I see cars suddenly braking all the time, only yesterday whilst driving on the main road behind another car, the driver suddenly stopped, no signal, to allow a car to come out of a side Soi. Lucky for me i always keep a good distance. Most Thai drivers just do not know who has the "right of way"


    Watch the video, instead of swallowing the story of Mr Glass, hook line and sinker.

  9. 2 hours ago, oldsailor35 said:

    This is Ghastly and just goes to show the inherent danger of riding a m/c in Thailand. The poor guy had to stop suddenly to avoid crashing into a car which had just suddenly stopped in front of him , his partner fell off and a truck ran over her. It was just a terrible accident for both truck driver and m/c driver. In my opinion, if anyone was to blame it was the car driver who hit his brakes, probably without bothering to look in his rear mirror.


    Have you watched the CCTV footage?? There was no sudden stop of the vehicle in front. That was just his story.


  10. 10 minutes ago, paz said:

    It is simply the opposite of "on purpose", which is the nonsensical  defamatory accusation that you've been trumpeting against the man during all this thread.


    on purpose
    phrase of purpose
    1. 1.

    And then you get irked again at my usage of the word "hater", which I've explained before already, with perhaps too many words for you to understand.  


    Time to drop it really, in this you're right.





    He caused the incident. His speed and approach were intentional. His braking, as he put it, was intentional. Responsibility. 

    If someone is driving too fast, that is intentional. If that leaves them unable to manoeuvre successfully, they have only themselves to blame.

    It is not reasonable to complain that for the other vehicles on the road......

    One has to take into account your environment. So for me, his actions were intentional and the incident arose from them.

    It's a matter of perspective. Mine perhaps different from yours.


    I'm not irked by your usage of the Americanism "hater", as long as you don't keep repeating it ad nauseam.


  11. 24 minutes ago, paz said:

    We "who"? One guy mentioned "on purpose". Another (was it you? not sure anymore), "criminal element". They appears unable to distinguish between a common road accident, and one provoked by continued, seriously negligent approach.


    In this type of attitude I perceive -if you allow me- a very negative range of feelings (sad is very right indeed), that goes from uncalled and uninformed accusation, to straight hate, intended as the desire for someone else to suffer. And I as others like to use the phrase that tickled you so much, "hang them high brigade" to be quickly and unequivocally understood.


    Fortunately, these forum characters will never be prosecutor or jury in any trial, not here and not in their home country. And I don't think that there will be any trial about this tragic accident either.



    Someone suggested that "he didn't do it on purpose".  What kind of nonsensical statement is that?

    No one suggested that he was trying to murder Sophie and the unborn child. But the fact is that his actions caused it.

    Not, as his claim, the vehicle in front braking sharply. His words "“I went to brake because a car all of a sudden braked in front of me."


    We can see from the CCTV footage that is not the case.  So who is uniformed? I utilise my experience as a motorcycle rider, alongside the CCTV footage.

    This is rider error. No one else to blame. 

    Apart from that, the man appears totally disingenuous. Narcisstic to the point of disgusting.

    He said he would stop the video blogs "until the time was right". That didn't take long did it?



    Calling people "haters" is hardly a positive reaction to those who have a different perspective to yours.

    I have my perspective and you have yours. Live and let live.


  12. 1 hour ago, paz said:

    Reasoning like you do there would be no road code, just criminal law. 

    Typical thinking of the hang them high brigade, which can't grasp the concept of intent as well many other that fortunately exist in law.



    What has intent to do with it? We are writing about responsibility.  

    The "hang 'em high' nonsense comes from you. You seems to have a habit of attempting to label people who disagree with your point of view, as "haters". That is sad.


    I note that he mentions that he didn't exceed the speed limit. That's not the same as "moving with the flow of traffic" or "proceeding slowly".

    If the speed limit there is 60km/hr, that is too fast for the traffic that is seen in the CCTV.


    So how fast were you going, Danny? 



  13. 7 hours ago, ChristianPFC said:

    Where in Bangkok can I buy canned chili con carne? There was none in Tops Silom Complex and Tops Robinson Bangrak when I checked this week.


    I would even give the canned chilli to my dog.

    I made some chilli con carne yesterday. Perhaps you can make some for him. :smile:




  14. 2 hours ago, PomPolo said:

    Moderator close this thread it is going nowhere bad accident many people with an opinion par for the course thoughts and wishes with the dead girls family PomPolo

    Sent from my C103 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    Isn't that your opinion?

    It's a discussion forum and an opportunity to exchange information.

    As long as everyone stays civil, why would you PomPolo, want the thread closed??

  15. 2 hours ago, happyas said:

    Just a suggestion italian guy and jamjar in particular before you both start making bigger fools of yourselves;

    Read the previous threads where this whole saga has already been done to death.

    228 posts here initially;

     121 posts on this one



    And this one..another 38 posts:



    What is the relevance of your post? Especially when you appear to agree with me that it is not the truck driver who is necessarily at fault and Mr Glass does not appear to suggest that the truck driver is at fault.


    The CCTV(and his own words) proves conclusively that he wasn't trying to avoid a "parked car".

    As to what he would be charged with in the UK that isn't the issue. I haven't broached the legal side of what has occurred. I have simply stated that he is at fault, not the car in front for "stopping suddenly" as Mr Glass appears to suggest.


    So why exactly have you mentioned me in your post?


  16. 1 hour ago, happyas said:

    Maybe pedantic,but if you also choose to look carefully there is not a 18 wheel truck in the video.


    I don't understand why sambum regards this post worthy of a like. Such childish behaviour. 

    Most of the news articles describe as an eighteen wheeler.

    The vehicle may have even more wheels than described. But why such a pedantic post and childish like to it in such a serious matter?

    It seems that some are desperate to derail this thread with any old nonsense.

    Yes he made a mistake, but the mistake was his and he is responsible.

    When I rent a motorbike in Thailand, I have third party insurance(to covers others to whom I might do damage) in addition to my usual travel insurance. That is an example of acting in a responsible manner.

    Mr Glass seems to be doing everything to avoid his responsibility and now wants everyone to bail him out.

    I would have a lot more respect for him if he admitted that it was his reckless driving that was responsible.



  17. 25 minutes ago, sambum said:

    I was referring to your original arrogant reply :-  "then look properly" 


    Your original post merely directed us to the link, and dick dasterdly also didn't see anything - presumably we were both looking at the side of the road nearest the camera. You narrowed it down to the time and location later. This is from your ORIGINAL post:-


    "As to the car braking suddenly, I see no evidence of that in this CCTV footage: https://www.farang-deaths.com/wp-content/uploads/5c8db114.mp4

    Take some responsibility man."





    I had already replied to dick dasterdly (post #64)with reference to it being on the other side of the road, twenty four seconds in. You posted(post #67) after I had already replied as to where and when.

    I mean there is only one eighteen wheel truck in the video. If you couldn't see it before, you should look properly. There was little need for me to point out that it was on the other side of the road.


    Let's not get distracted by your petty argument.


    If you choose to defend him, that is your prerogative. 


    If he hadn't claimed that it was the fault of the pickup in front braking suddenly, then perhaps I wouldn't have posted at all.

    The fault is all his. No doubt.



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