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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. Well !!

    My pump is back to how it was before ( cycling only when a tap is partially opened) !!
    Without any interference from me in the last few days.

    My only thoughts are that it must have been a change in voltage ( as stated by someone earlier) or air has finally got out of the system, I tend to think it is the former as I opened all taps/showers etc and ran for a while.

    Anyway, thoughts anyone ?

    • Thanks 1
  2. I was following this topic but I learnt today of the passing of a popular TVF member ( 1 week ago ) on a separate thread and decided to check out the “ in remembrance “ thread ( if that is the correct title ? ).


    A search on TVF brought up nothing and I looked in a few places but still no sign, so can someone point me in the right direction .





  3. Your license plate story reminds me of a little joke I played on a colleague. 

    He had brought a license plate into the engineering shop ( where we both worked, okay, attended ! ) to drill a couple of holes through the Perspex.

    Job done, he placed it under his work bench until home time.

    I noticed the letters DLE were first on the plate and my childish sense of humour realised that by placing an I in front would “ cleverly “ sum up his work ethic !!


    6 months later his neighbour pointed out his unusual plate, luckily he didn’t get stopped and saw the funny side.



    • Like 1
  4. They set up a big tent in between the 32 Highway and Frontage Road near the Mall in Ayutthaya.
    As I traveled on frontage road I saw about 10 BIB’s lined up for a photo shoot with a guy dressed as a huge bear in the middle ??
    On my way back down the same road a car pulled to an abrupt stop in front of the tent and the following mc rear ended him and the rider catapulted over the roof of the car !!

    All in all doesn’t give me much faith that an increase in police presence is gonna reduce accident figures [emoji848]

  5. My first day at school.
    Lovely Mum gave me a kit-kit for my elevenses & wrote my name on the wrapper. I couldn't read what it said, but I knew it belonged to me.
    Benito, my classmate, was a very small Italian boy, who had a hole in his heart. One day he pooped himself, & if my memory serves me right, I saw it come out of the bottom of his trousers.

    I had a school friend who had been diagnosed with a hole in the heart !
    Turns out when he had the x-ray he had a polo in his shirt pocket !!

    Sorry [emoji20]
    • Haha 1
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