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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. In your use case I strongly recommend either the cheapest, it has brown paper on one side silver on the other, if you a not going to let it get wet and it should be silver side out. It is about 1,200 for 72M it may well be the best for the job
    Or if it will get wet then the double sided silver version as I think that may be better if rained on.
    Whatever you buy do not get anything with foam in it as that will stop or reduce any heat transfer from tank to air.

    Thank you sir !!

    Excellent advice.
    It might get a little bit of rain splashed on it but not excessively, the rain sometimes comes sideways here !!

    Just had a thought, should probably get the aircon cleaned before I do this, but will let you know the outcome.
  2. Just needs shade from direct afternoon sunlight. Sheet of 15mm plywood 244 x 122 (or 250 x 125) attached to/suspended from the air-conditioner condenser unit bracket. Maybe about 700 baht?
    Paint it white (optional).

    Another option I thought about was a polycarbonate sheet folded into an upright “ L “ shape I have some canopies round the other side of the house and they seem to do a good job .
    They have a right and a wrong way for heat reduction.
  3. I'm  surprise but nobody suggested the correct answer. All you need to do is to wrap it in the radiant barrier film that is usually put underneath the tiles in the roof. It's very inexpensive about 2000 Bart for 72 m. 
    It's not going to cool the water down but it will stop the water tank gaining heat from the Sun it won't look pretty but you say pretty isn't a problem.  You won't need to provide any gap between the radiant barrier and the tank itself as if you're going to get any radiation it's going to be from the warm water to the slightly cooler air the Sun is not going to heat the water tank up very much if you use that. 

    Thanks, yes that is exactly the thing I’m thinking of !!
    As it’s relatively cheap I can buy some and give it a go.

    I think it comes in different thicknesses so will take a look at my local Home Mart to see what’s available .
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  4. Erect a roof over it to protect it from the sun

    Wish it was that easy.

    From the photo you can see it’s protected from rain but during the morning the sun comes from the right ( which is not a great problem as it only hits a bit of it ) .

    The main issue is from 3.00/3.30 pm the sun is hitting it from where i took this photo and continues as the sun drops down heating it from top to bottom !!

  5. I have a water tank ( DOS 700 litres ) that gets direct sunshine in the morning for a couple of hours and then from 3 pm to 6pm when the sun drops. This last week has been very hot ( 43c today ) and leaves me with 700 litres of hot water !!

    I just retired to the bedroom and took a shower, as usual, but instead of a cool refreshing shower I got a hotter than I would like shower and it set me thinking.


    Is there any material I could wrap round the tank to deflect the sun, am thinking along the lines of the silver reflective stuff used in roof insulation. ??


    The tank is tucked away round the side of the house and not in plain sight so appearance is not a problem.


    No way to use trees for shade.



  6. Tippers, I've had to return to the UK as mother passed on. She had a good run for her money at 86 so it wasn't such a sad occasion. No laptop here but will be back by the 10th to bore everyone with more progressive rock etc. Miss you all.

    Condolences Bannork, remember the good times .

    Yes, get yourself back here Tippers is struggling on his own ( a bit of help from Roger and DB of course ).
    I’ve still got my inherent YouTube problem so have taken my bat and ball home, but still follow the two music threads !!
  7. So I was sitting on the balcony in the dark, and then neighbor came home driving he’s car after drinking, took he’s  beer can and poured beer over my dogs near the fence. what is wrong with some people? He didn’t see me, but I saw him. so have anyone of you ever experience some stupid behavior from your neighbors? 

    I would have whistled so he knows I saw him and raised my arms/eyebrows as if to say “ what’s going on ? “ .
  8. I have a mixed bag of neighbours .

    Live in a small sub soi of 6 houses.



    1) 30 something lady who only appears at weekends to take care of her garden, now heavily pregnant, never seen a man around ?


    2) Young couple with a daughter ( 10 ish ) . He leaves 7 ish for work, comes back at 8 ish , his wife slightly less.

    He always gives me a nod, she doesn’t see me.


    3) House empty, previous young couple had money issues ( bank came regularly to collect ) . One day he received a truck full of old gym equipment, and it’s still there a year later, rain has taken its toll and their pit bull also.


    4) Market trader family ( shrimp and squid ) in and out of the house all day loading and unloading the pickup.


    5) Next door, middle age couple, wife works in a factory, he sits around all day doesn’t do sh1t !!

    When we moved in his wife told us he was always chasing the ladies and not to talk to him !! Two sons turn up on school holidays and don’t talk to their father.

    Old golden retriever that does its business then sits in it all day, stinks !!


    6) Me and the gf , quiet couple, no drinking, no smoking, gardening and odd jobs, currently painting the house.

    Boring ? yup !!


    And then at the back is an older couple, recently got together, share their time between her house and his .

    He will give me a nod , she wants to chat ( thankfully my limited Thai prevents this [emoji51]).

    She engages my gf in conversation and doesn’t stop until she’s convinced my gf that her daughter is the most successful/richest person in Thailand !!

    Gives us bananas, mangoes etc and my gf reciprocates with kanum etc .


    All in all, no problems, typical thais I think, pleasant but don’t want to chat or become friends except for the guy next door who tries to make conversation with me ( my gf says occasionally he will sit outside discussing some big land sale on his phone very loudly !!, she suspects there is nobody on the other end ! ), he’s a bit of a wide boy [emoji51]


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    DTAC still have unlimited no slow down packs.

    A quick couple of questions KneeDeep as you seem well clued up in this area.

    I heard that Feb 1st this year something changed regarding SIM cards , what was this and how will it affect sims bought after this date. ?

    Do True still have unlimited ( no slow down) sims for 1 year available ??


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