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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. Viz, what a great comic that was. Very apt for the times.

    Remember that Farmer bloke in it?


    "Get orf moi laaaand!"


    There were so many funny characters in it, can't remember most of 'em.


    ...what was I saying....??




    Yup, was some great stuff in there !!

    A buddy of mine named his band “ Billys Fridge “ as a tribute !

    I liked “ Top Tips “ , always practical advice [emoji51]


    Back on topic, here’s something from way way back , when “ moist” was not even funny [emoji16]



    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. Well I thought it had been quiet !!

    You’ve not missed much on TVF , it’s been a typical week so far:

    A couple of farang popped off .
    A Thai wasn’t happy so murdered his wife and most of her family .
    The usual number of people died on the roads .
    Oh, and Brexit has gone totally pear shaped now !!

    Sooo, a typical week really.

    Only thing of any concern to the world’s population is an esteemed TVF member uncovered a shampoo scam involving a huge number of people and an equally huge number of satang !!

    But, seriously, glad to hear you are out of danger and feel well enough to grace us with your presence, and excellent humour, to cheer up our humdrum expat lives !!

    Take it easy, lay off the fatty foods and the excess boozing .

    Take a stroll around town when you’re up to it and make use of that camera !!
    Look forward to seeing the results in the various photo threads.

    • Thanks 1
  3. I moved province 18 months ago and decided to move my bank account to a local branch , no can do !! need work permit !! Not really a problem as my existing branch is only an hour down the road but it does seem like they are unwilling to help out at some branches and “ work permit “ is their safety net for avoiding paper work !

    My advice would be to take along a Thai speaking friend of relative high standing ( local headman, police , government worker etc ).

    Good luck, I hope you get sorted.

  4. Correct. Not sure why I keep thinking it's 1,900. Probably read something about it years ago or got it confused with something else. Never actually got a single re-entry permit myself as I always expect that I could end up making multiple trips each year (especially when working overseas).

    1,900 baht is the cost for yearly extension .
  5. God forbid you hit the blue road markings! He may have saved someone that day by fining you for committing such a grievous offence.

    Yup, I have to agree !! his time would have been better spent on matters of safety ( people in back of pick ups, many children not strapped in , unroadworthy vehicles etc ) but those examples do not guarantee a crisp 1000 baht note in the back pocket whereas a foreigner driving a ( relatively) new car almost certainly does !!

    Of course I could have taken my chances at the police station and no doubt paid a fine ( possibly 500 baht ? ) but also wasted a lot of time , something I wasn’t prepared to do .
  6. Been stopped many times but the only time I was asked for money was at a toll.
    The cop stood in front of the car as I paid my toll and claimed I had changed lanes from the Easy pass lane .
    Actually I had as I found myself to be in the wrong lane and changed quickly probably running over a little of the blue road markings.
    He asked for 1000 baht, when I showed that I wasn’t gonna conform his tone changed and he barked “ 1000 baht here or police station “.
    I offered 500 but he was having none of it !! so 1000 baht it was !

  7. You are not sad Andy D. We would do similar when Father brought home a coconut. later in life, I lived in Jamacia with my 7-day Adventist, third wife. The trees in the Caribbean can be as much as 100 metres tall, and many people are hurt by falling nuts as they whittle wood under the swaying palms. I actually learned how to climb these trees to recover the fruit. These were wonderful nuts; the like of which I've not found in Thailand.

    Yes, I lived in Brazil for 20 years and on our frequent visits to the coast ( São Paulo and Rio states ) large trucks would come down from the North full of coconuts and people would flock to buy them !! much better than the local ones.
  8. My buddy in the Philippines was able to get an IDP there. (he has both a Canadian and Philippine license) He wanted it for a motorcycle tour of Vietnam. He had to fully join the PAA, and the whole thing ended up costing him about 80 dollars. I picked one up in Canada 7 months ago. As a non-member of CAA I was charged about 50 Canadian dollars. They used to be 10-14 dollars and still are in Countries like the UK and Australia. Canada just bends you over. The only good thing is they forgot to stamp a date on the front cover so now mine will never expire. Although they never check that anyway in Thailand. What you see online are usually advertisements for "International Drivers License" which are bullshit and a scam. I have a feeling when you got yours in Honolulu they signed to up to be a AAA member for the year instead of selling you and IDP at the non-member rate, about 20 dollars.

    £5.50 (US$7) in the uk last time I got one, about 2 1/2 years ago from the post office.
    Very easy to obtain, my father used to get them and post them to me yearly when I first lived o/seas.
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