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Andrew Dwyer

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Everything posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. So, had a little trip today ( 476 km to be exact ) mainly highway but a bit of small road and town driving in a sleepy little backwater near Nakhon Sawan. The main reason so Mrs D’s favourite monk could desecrate the car with talcum powder and gold leaf, following with a showering of dubious consistency water to car and myself. For the sake of the “ Happy Wife, Happy Life “ adage I gritted my teeth into a forced half smile.
  2. To answer my own question: Swipe right on the main screen and click on the “ BYD Assistant “ which has a few options, one of which is to disable summoning the Assistant by saying “ Hi BYD “ and relying solely on the steering wheel button . NOTE: I since decided that saying “ Hi BYD “ is easier than looking down for the microphone button.
  3. Yes, i didn’t really miss out i just bought a different model, but as Atto, Dolphin and now Seal Dynamic have all got some freebies maybe my turn will come ? I do qualify for the chance to win a Dolphin Standard in the 19,999 giveaway though 🤞
  4. Do not despair @Pib you are not the only one who has narrowly missed out. After buying a Seal Premium today i spot this : Missed a second year of insurance by the skin of my teeth !!
  5. Thinking about this I wonder if the BYD logo was meant to be illuminated at one time ? With a bright light the letters become see through. The above photo is taken by my phone, with flash, from the inside and that dark pattern is my shirt !! Intriguing ………. well i thought so.
  6. No, both methods can summon her as I think it has always been .
  7. Sorry , maybe I wasn’t clear, I love the “ Hi BYD Lady “ and will talk to her often, I don’t want saying “ Hi BYD “ , or anything close to that , to bring her online and would prefer to summon her using the steering wheel button only. Am sure this option was available on Atto 3 but maybe mistaken, not a big deal.
  8. Has anyone taken a close look at the BYD badge on front ?, a fb guy painted his gold but said he had to remove the bumper to do this which I thought really strange. Take a close look , it is very unusual, the bumper is not indented it has holes, in BYD form , through the bumper itself and has moulded plastic on the inside holding it together, very unusual and again unnecessarily complicated. From the inside:
  9. Tested granny charger out, started off at 1.2 kw then every 5 minutes or so went up by .1 kw to 1.7 kw Normal ?
  10. A couple of questions: I want to stop the Hi BYD voice from butting in and just use the steering wheel button but cannot find where to disable auto voice. On the small screen the tyre pressure monitor is on by default, is there any way to get anything else on there , there’s a lot of stuff on there already would prefer something simpler. Last one, tyre pressures, the dealer had put 40psi on front and 42psi behind but the spec is 36 and 42 , seems like a big difference ( I don’t think I have owned a car before where front and back were different !). Any thoughts ?
  11. The update should be here soon I think, have seen a few updating already but at dealer not OTA . Same with my Haval, others were updating to a newer version but my dealer denied it existed, one day it just did it without any interference from me.
  12. Yup, that light green license plate frame isn’t going to work for me, a black one from Lazada is on the cards. Or maybe a tin of Seal Space Grey paint ( Lazada 200 baht ) would be better ?
  13. The Seal has landed !! Just got back from picking the other grey member of my family. Quick spot of lunch before getting to grips, just said to the little lady “i am just going outside and may be some time “ to her while grabbing the keys , as expected she didn’t get the humour. First impressions: Love this colour, the shape and the cars overall aura !! Deactivated a couple of things before leaving the showroom but had to pull over as the speed warnings from the traffic sign recognition were overwhelming, as @Bandersnatch said previously the signs are not updated enough ( on the road ) for this to work well, found myself on the highway with a “ 40 “ sign flashing away !! Disappointed to note that actions that are disabled remain in orange on the small screen making it look decidedly “ busy “. Obviously early days and plenty more observations to come but I immediately noticed that ice cream man/alien spaceship were not making their presence felt ( wound the window down in the moobahn to check). Obviously pleased with this !! Now there are 2 sounds that can be turned on and off at will but it is a little confusing as the actual button to disable it is on a different screen to the screen with choice of sound. Swipe down from the top brings up this screen : expand Vehicle Control to get this: The AVAS button disables synthetic sound ( illuminated is off ): This screen allows you to change the sounds (windscreen wipers and maybe seat belt warning ) from Standard to Brand. Press play does nothing except a small icon will flash. You have to go back to the AVAS button if you want to be able to turn synthetic sounds on and off via PLAY. All unnecessarily complicated. Anyway this is my system version Got to go , lots to learn !
  14. Here’s more on the BYD giveaway: Some already complained that Seal owners are getting a raw deal by only winning the Dolphin ………. okay they have a point but …….. seriously !!
  15. If you are in the market for a Sedan EV with a budget of 1.3 mil you now have a choice.
  16. Here it says buy the car between Nov 29 - Dec 31 and then pick up the car before Dec 31 …… gotta get your skates on if you’re interested in this.
  17. Thanks @Pib, some very useful information there. I have followed in your footsteps and registered for the same 4 charging apps as yourself but only EV PluZ would accept my Bangkok Bank debit card and sent an OTP. The other 3 were not accepted. With your success with a BKK Bank debit card I wondered if your card is Union Pay like mine or Mastercard/Visa.
  18. Well I think it was mainly for the Atto 3 when people went camping and wanted to attach a tent and run the air con they found they couldn’t turn off the lights. Even had some Aussies complain as they had gone to a drive in movie and had to cover the headlights. I agree that the situations where you want to turn off the daytime running lights are few but enough for them to incorporate it into an update, albeit for a Dolphin.
  19. After I had posted about closing the daytime running lights a couple of posts ago this popped up. Okay it’s for a Dolphin OTA update but could possibly mean that Seal will get to turn on and off the daytime running lights with the turn off AVAS update. Hopefully will let you know later this week 😉
  20. Seems like I misunderstood the situation, today they will make contact with the all important “ make the check payable to “ information and tomorrow will pick the car up. Guess I don’t get to choose the insurance company ? BYD have a different approach it seems, no trying to flog you some overpriced accessories, no freebies other than what is already stated, no discounts. Make it simple, makes perfect sense, at the rate they are selling them have no time for haggling. The life of a BYD salesperson must be pretty good right now !
  21. Someone on FB Seal group posted these little known modes for the Seal, not quite sure what the advantage of knowing this is, unless the daytime running lights are disabled and air con can be enabled for camping maybe ?? ( a much mentioned option missing from the Atto 3 ) Anyway, make of this what you will:
  22. Okay, I think you could be right as nothing was mentioned when I placed the order . @Bandersnatch I believe was offered a selection of films but as you say maybe not every showroom.
  23. Well, as if by ESP the showroom called, tomorrow they get 5 cars and will send a photo (?) , go to showroom on 30th where I guess we will discuss optional extras , insurance , how I am going to pay for the thing and pick up date .
  24. I think you have nailed it and they possibly overestimated the need for Black, seems like Black is readily available in the 3 models at many places ( slightly less for the Premium version ). I recall someone posted, on FB, they were queue number 53 for a Premium Grey, I would change to white if that was my situation. Was quoted end of the month around 10 days ago but might give my showroom a visit today or tomorrow.
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