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Andrew Dwyer

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Everything posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. Small increase at some chargers: (Yes, they have got the on/off peak times the wrong way around )
  2. Read the topic not just the misleading headline !
  3. Either poor reporting or designed to get the attention of readers. For example if I decided to go back home with my wife after seven years here would the headline be “ Thai couple relocates to the U.K. “ ??
  4. An IMDb rating of 3.8 is enough warning for me !!
  5. I wanted to watch what was going on but a van was delivering spares and assorted sundries and parked right in front of the lounge window !! I do suspect they stretch it out time wise to appear more is being done, plus they book the services presumably taking into account a car wash so if that offer is refused then they have plenty of time to kill. The Attos arriving before and after also went unwashed. I did notice that the paperwork states 2 hours were spent although actual time in the service bay couldn’t have been more than 40 minutes.
  6. Had the 1st service done today combined with getting the white plates. Opted not to have the car cleaned, some pimply youth let loose with a power washer could create problems, indeed since the talk of flaky paintwork I have now taken to washing the car myself, great cardio !! Anyhoo, without the car wash option it took just under an hour. They said I had been given the latest update but I took a screenshot before and nothing has changed so I think a little bit of “ justifying our existence “ is occurring !! Couldn’t get a clear view of the “ service “ from the lounge but it did look like a fairly relaxed operation !
  7. Toyota trying to attract some interest with a couple of concept cars and the 2024 bz4x. Is it just me or is the bz4x still really fugly with the excessive plastic around the wheel arch ?
  8. 27° for me and the midget, after a few months 27° becomes hot so I turn it down to 26° for a couple more months then get it cleaned and back up to 27° again.
  9. What ?? I have found if I do mine 15 days before it often doesn’t go through, 14 days up to the due date no problem.
  10. Yup, hand drawn map every extension. But I think its more to do with them finding your place rather than proving you know where you are staying. Every time they ask I pass the paper over to the old lady and she does it .
  11. Talking about TOU the flat rate per kWh is 2.63 baht and with the usual taxes ( FT, VAT ) works out at 3.02 baht per kWh ( + a service charge of 24.62 baht ). Annoyingly they don’t leave the bill in your letter box via the meter reader, you have to pay at the PEA Head Office although there is probably a way to pay electronically via their app. But nipping down to seven to pay it is not happening.
  12. I find it’s only a problem if you have 2 cars ( one left one right ) which i do ! But it’s better than when i had an automatic and a manual, all sorts of fun and games then !!
  13. Yes, i was very close to ordering the Atto 3 but the funky interior put me off, much prefer the more sedate/stylish interior of the Seal.
  14. Minor change coming for the Atto 3 (2024) https://autolifethailand.tv/byd-atto3-my2024-ev-bev-thailand-22feb24/ Changes include : New Cosmos Black exterior colour New Blue , with hints of Black, interior colour Possible dropping of the Standard model. 12.8” screen upgrades to 15.6” Build Your Dreams logo becomes BYD.
  15. The Seal Sat Nav shows the PEA Volta chargers but not the PEA Authority chargers. I was in a small town northwest of Nakhon Sawan, the Sat Nav showed only the chargers at the gas stations on the highway. Figuring that most towns will have some sort of PEA head office I looked at the PEA app and there was a charger 4km away . Slow, at 25kwh, but ideal when you’re looking for an excuse to slip out of the mil’s for some well earned “ me” time.
  16. . Not essential to have a wall charger at home if have a socket nearby ( use the supplied granny/emergency charger ). . If living in a condo then it is doable but be prepared to spend time waiting for charging outside. It all depends how much charging/driving you do as to how much is added. . Adequate charging points all over Thailand, avoid travelling on busy holidays ( Songkran, New Year ) or prepare adequately by reservation. . Tariffs at public chargers vary: Gas stations being the cheapest at 5.50 baht kWh off peak times ( nights and weekends/holidays ) which is relative to your home electricity tariffs. 7.5/8.0 baht at peak times. Malls, Hotels and restaurants etc will have a premium price of 8.0/10.0 baht per kWh. . In general charging an EV will cost you anywhere from 0.50 to 1 baht per km whereas an ICE car anywhere from 2.0/2.5 baht per km ( depending on charging and driving habits ). . BYD currently have a wider range of EV’s available than other manufacturers but there are ev’s to suit all budgets.
  17. Sorry, don’t know about the zoom question. I stopped using the BYD Sat Nav after a couple of things appeared: The charging stations mode omits to show the PEA Authority chargers ( particularly annoying when the nearest charger was 17km away and there was a PEA Authority charger 4km away ) On a recent visit to Bang Na ( BKK ) the BYD Nav couldn’t find an address, despite using various formats of the address, Google Maps had no problem. ( have since had Google Maps app installed ). A shame because I like the format of the Sat Nav ( especially the graphics when approaching a highway/motorway exit ) but if it fails to do the simple tasks I’m sorry, maybe it will get updated ??
  18. Hopefully they are custard !
  19. Only in America !! At a price of $4000 and claimed to be able to generate up to 6 kWh daily it’s estimated to have a ROI of in excess of 11 years. https://www.notateslaapp.com/news/1871/another-solar-tesla-attempt-and-why-it-wont-work Meanwhile in Thailand:
  20. This guy has a great voice and does some great covers:
  21. It is basically just Google Earth and if you click on Google it opens Google Maps , disappointed !
  22. I did wonder if this was the case, see my earlier post ! Just checked and you are right, it shows where the phone is !, what use is that ??
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